The Forbidden World

Chapter 1113: Rebellious wind

The breeze is turbulent, and the birds are fragrant.

The mountains are beautiful and the trees are shaded.

At the edge of a forest, there is a lush grass, and in the grass, a lovely girl is picking flowers contaminated with dewdrops.

Perhaps it was feeling lonely. The girl stopped her hand and complained softly: "It's so slow! Killing Maruko..."

Since the resurrection of the killing pill, the girl Ling's whole heart has been tied to the killing pill. The killing pill obviously just left to pick up a weapon, which is a night of kung fu in total, and Ling was a little confused.

The sudden sound of footsteps behind him made Bell look back happily. I saw a figure holding a sword slowly out of the mist in the morning.

"Killing Maruko!"

The excited Bell held a bunch of flowers and ran towards Shisheng Pill. Just halfway through, Sheng Shengwan suddenly said: "Bell, don't move."

Hearing the words of Shisheng Pill, Ling froze directly in place, as if she were a wooden man, and she didn't move, and Shi Shengwan came to the woods behind Ling and cut with a sword!

A figure appeared in front of Shi Sheng Wan.

"Woman... I remember the smell you have, the same smell as the guy who framed me before...

Looking at the killing pill full of demon power, Kagura secretly rejoiced in her heart, she pretended to be calm, and talked to killing pill: "You are the brother of Inuyasha, killing pill? A handsome guy. I am the wind control Kagura, can be said to be Naraku's avatar."


Shi Sheng Wan looked at Kagura, a little strange.

I have seen a lot of such things as avatars, but it is too rare to have avatars that have very different abilities and ontologies, even with independent personalities.

"Yes, and the ghost you used to make the sword in your hand is also the avatar of Naraku like me."

"so what?"

Shi Sheng Wan didn't take it seriously. The ghost fighting spirit was already his sword, and he couldn't let go.

"Is Naraku crying and asking you to come and get it with me?"

"Huh! That guy, Naruo, won't miss the ghost that has been killed. I came to see the Going Ghost in the end."

Through recent observations, Kagura can be seen through Naraku. For Naraku, these avatars are nothing more than pawns. They are still the kind of disposable pawns. The loss of such pawns will be seen by Naraku. ?

"Hello... are you strong?"

Looking at the killing pill with a powerful demon power, Kagura made a decision.

"This sword is yours. If it is you, you may be able to kill Naraku."

After speaking, Kagura evoked a violent wind and left with himself.

Just as Tong Naruo has always wanted to get rid of Yakumo Zi's control, Kagura has always wanted to get rid of Naroo's control.

Unlike God, which has nothing, the nature of Kagura is wind, a wind that desires freedom, and she has always wanted to get rid of Naraku's control.

However, her heart is in Naraku's hand.

As long as she didn't recapture her heart, she couldn't resist Naraku.

So she can only find other people to kill Naraku.

For example, this killing pill in front of me.

Kagura's departure made Sang Shengwan's eyes narrowed, and the avatar wanted to counter the body, even though he rarely saw such a thing.

But he didn't care too much. If Naruo appeared around him, he would naturally kill Naraku, but now it is more important for him to become stronger.

Looking back at the bell that hasn't moved yet, Shengsheng Pill moved.

A girl who listens to her words as the highest order can not be ignored.

"Bell, you can move."

When he said this, Shi Sheng Wan's tone rarely showed a touch of warmth.

But soon, Shi Sheng Wan frowned again.

The change of Inuyasha's blood Y has been haunting him. If he cannot get an answer from Inuyasha, then he can only ask another insider.

When Shisheng Pill went to a person familiar with the matter, Inuyasha set foot on the journey again.

During the journey, in addition to searching for the traces of the Jade of the Four Souls, the people also consulted with each other from time to time.

Of course, they are all in discussions with Inuyasha.

In order to be able to skillfully control the iron broken teeth, so as not to be beaten as before, Inuyasha began active training.

In the evening before the break every day, Inuyasha will find someone to play, either Shiraitsuki, or Aoi Saki.

"Inuyasha, you have to change your attack."

Directly bypassing Inuyasha's attack, Shiraoi came to Inuyasha's back and put his weapon on Inuyasha's neck.

Recently, the battle between Inuyasha and Aoqi Aozi was okay. Basically, there was a back and forth. Aoqi Aozi directly fisted with fists and iron broken teeth. It looked very domineering and very ornamental. Under these heavy punches, Inuyasha's counterattacks from time to time are also very exciting, although Aoqi Aoqi won in the end.

The battle between Inuyasha and Shiraitsu is a bit boring.

Just like the time they first met, Shiraitsu easily avoided Inuyasha's attack.

The day of a second is coming again.

"Although after you are proficient in using iron crushing teeth, it is no problem to use your current attack method, but you are now using a heavy iron crushing tooth that cannot be waved freely by one hand, and it is still used in the original way, only It’s full of flaws and you won’t get hit with a little speed.”

Inuyasha listened carefully to Shirai's words. In such a long time, Inuyasha knew very well that Shirai was ahead of him in technology.

"At this time, Inuyasha you are almost familiar with the weight of iron broken teeth in your hands, so from today, Inuyasha, you temporarily forget the original iron broken teeth, take the iron broken teeth of this weight as you I just got the iron broken tooth in my hand and learned how to use it from scratch."

As he said, the ice skates in Shiraitsu's hands began to deform and expand, and soon became the same shape as iron broken teeth.

At the same time, Bai Jingyue also changed one hand to two hands.

Learning how to use it through actual combat can be said to be the intention of Zhenghe Inuyasha. He has always been fighting this way, hasn't he?

After a stalemate between the two sides, Shiraitsu took the lead! Holding the cold version of the iron broken teeth with both hands leaping high!

A heavy cut is like a mountain dump!

The smoke suddenly enveloped the battlefield of the Both the coral and Maitreya twitched at the corners of their mouths. They could not help but turned their heads to look at Aoqi Aoqi and asked, "Master Shirai, will he have any melee combat?"

"No, it's just the use of swords. It's just over specification."

"This is already a foul, okay..."

As the words just fell, the battle over Shiraitsu was over.

The smoke dispersed, Inuyasha fell to the ground, the broken iron tooth in his hand fell aside, and the ice skate in Bai Jingyue's hand fell against his neck again.

The defeated Inuyasha was not discouraged, but instead stared at Shiraii.

Bai Jingyue's attack method, he can do it, and he can do better!

He can become stronger!


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