The Forbidden World

Chapter 1112: Surrender of the devil

Just after being pulled out, the iron broken teeth directly smashed the ground into a big pit.

"Wow! Great!"

Seeing Inuyasha with one hand, it had such an effect, Qibao could not help but praise, but Inuyasha's face was very ugly.

"Old man in Daodaozhai!"

Inuyasha looked back at Daodaozhai, his tone full of anger.

"What are you doing in my iron broken teeth!? Answer me! Dao Da Zhai!"

"Huh? Is there something wrong?"

"Less garlic! Iron crushed teeth become so heavy! What the **** is going on?"

"Oh! You mean this. Because it uses your teeth as a restoration material!"

Dao Da Zhai's face suddenly became serious.

"The broken iron teeth before being bitten are your father's teeth. In other words, you have been relying on the protection of your father before, even if you have been exercising yourself, as long as you are still using iron broken teeth, you are in the father Under the protection of

Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, he listened to Dao Da Zhai's argument with amazement.

"The iron broken teeth are different now. You have to protect yourself with your own teeth. You can't wave iron broken teeth freely because you are not strong enough! You can't rely on your own teeth to protect yourself! Exercise, when will you be free? With iron broken teeth, you are really stronger!"

"Not enough... strong?"

Inuyasha remembered the Grey Knife Workshop that had been knocked down by Shirai. At this moment, how similar is he to the Grey Knife House? Obviously he has very good weapons in his hands, but he can't use them very well. Once he encounters a strong enemy, he will be beaten back to his original shape just like the Grey Sword Workshop.

Yes, he is going to be stronger! Become stronger than now!

Not relying on iron broken teeth, nor relying on the violent runaway that did not know what happened before, he depends on his own strength!

"Well, then it's time to deal with this ghost fight."

After Inuyasha was enlightened, Dao Da Zhai took out his hammer, preparing to destroy the evil spirit weapon, but something beyond his imagination happened.

A thunder came down from the sky, directly hitting the demon **** on the ground, and at the same time splitting the fragments around the devil **** from the body of the gray sword.

Looking up, this Thunder is actually an attack from the killing ball's mount!

"Kill Health Pill! What are you doing here?"

"This is what I want to ask you, I just came after this sword."

Feeling the evil spirit of the ghost fighting spirit, Shisheng Maru chuckled: "It seems that even if the ghost becomes a sword, it still has to fight for you."

Hearing the words of Sheng Sheng Wan, Coral has a bad association: "He knows that the spirit of fighting ghosts is made with the teeth of the mind-conscious ghost!? So..."

Regarding the speculation of coral, Shisheng Pill readily admitted: "This sword was indeed cast by me by the Grey Knife Workshop."

With that said, Sheng Sheng Wan reached out to grab the ghosts.

"No killing pills! Even you, as long as you touch the ghost fighting spirit, it will be controlled by the evil spirit above!"


Regarding the warning of Dao Dao Zhai, Shi Sheng Pill sneered. He directly reached out and grabbed the fighting ghost, then smiled at Dao Dao Zhai: "Who do you think I am?"

Dao Da Zhai swallowed a sip of water, and he clearly saw that the strong evil spirit on the demon **** had disappeared like that.

In terms of evil energy, the fighting ghost actually lost to the killing pills!

"Sword chooses the master, that's what happened."

Feeling the weapon in his hand, Shishengwan looked at Inuyasha. He had to take a good look at the smell of the changing blood that he smelled in the village that day: "Pull the knife, Inuyasha, I want to confirm one from you thing."

This is not the first time that Inuyasha and Shisheng Pill are fighting, but this time it is a bit different. The iron crushed teeth have just been cast. Inuyasha cannot use iron crushed teeth very well. Win less.

However, Inuyasha did not flinch.

If he flinches here, how can he become stronger in the future! ?

In the face of the ghost fighting spirit killed by the killing pills, Inuya pulled out the iron broken teeth to meet!

The suddenly-heavy iron broken teeth prevent Inuyasha from waving with one hand, and simply Inuyasha directly becomes his hands!

With the power of both hands, Inuyasha barely waved his iron broken teeth and killed Shengsheng Maru!

However, it was just barely fighting.

Inuyasha, who cannot wield iron broken teeth normally, is difficult to use even normal moves, but now it is just barely defensive by relying on the experience of how to increase the number of persistent moves in Shiraitsu.

If the opponent is an ordinary monster or an ordinary weapon, then Inuyasha may be able to make a comeback. However, in front of Inuyasha at the moment, it is the killing pill that wants to find out the reason for the change in the blood taste of Inuyasha! It is a killing pill with evil sword fighting spirit!

The sword pressure caused by each sword makes Inuyasha's body scars. If this continues, Inuyasha will definitely fail because of excessive bleeding!

After trying another way to block another blow, Inuyasha slammed back, temporarily avoiding the attack of Shisheng Pill. He looked at him and gasped and adjusted his state.

Inuyasha is well aware that it is impossible for him in this state to defeat Shisheng Pill in a protracted battle. To defeat Shisheng Pill, it is only possible to fight hard.

The weight of the iron broken teeth also leaves Inuyasha with only one stroke of strength.

In order to be able to determine the outcome, Inuyasha was slow to observe the flaws of Shisheng Pill. However, no matter how he observed, he didn't see any flaws in Shisheng Pill. Instead, he consumed a lot of energy.

Inuyasha, who knew that this would not work, had to exert all his energy to directly launch a charge from the top down to attack the killing pill with the simplest path!

He is betting that he will take this knife because of his pride!

He is betting that he can't stop this knife!

If both of them are reached, he will be able to win!

Unfortunately, Inuyasha's luck is not very good, only the first one is bet, the killing pill is indeed a hard cut he currently has the most aggressive attack except wind damage, but Inuyasha bet all the strength of this blow can not bet Break the defense of the killing pills.

Instead, the sword pressure on the fighting spirits directly crossed the iron broken teeth, leaving Inuyasha full of holes.

"Oh? The iron broken teeth seem to get a little heavier."

"Not a little bit! Asshole!"

"Huh, even holding an unstable knife, don't forget!"

Accompanied by a slightly angry roar, Shisheng Pill slashed with a slash, intending to strike the flying iron broken teeth, but what made him unexpected was that Inuyasha, who sensed the kill Shengwan's intention, directly touched the iron broken teeth with his body, and he just blocked This sword!

The demon **** in the hands of Shisheng Pill moved slightly.

In addition to trying to find out the secrets of Inuyasha before, he was also very angry, because defeating his Inuyasha with a wind wound actually broke his father's relics!

Even if the iron broken teeth have been repaired at this moment, Shisheng Pill is still very angry.

However, Inuyasha now prefers to use his body to block rather than breaking his teeth with his the killing pills slightly forgive Inuyasha.

However, the killing pill did not stop.

He wanted to see what happened to Inuyasha's changing blood?

Just when he cut another sword, and saw that it was about to fall on Inuyasha, a figure broke into the battle between the two, and a seemingly ordinary ice blade blocked the fighting spirit and the voice of a man. Passed over.

"So far, Inuyasha's brother, if you want to continue, we're welcome."

Seeing Shiraizuki suddenly blocking himself, Shisheng Pill's eyes showed chill, but when his sight saw that the only thing that blocked the fighting spirits was an ordinary weapon of ice, Shisheng Pill also changed his face a little.

Being able to block his sword so easily, and with so many people behind Inuyasha, not only would he not be able to achieve his goal, but he would also fall into a crisis, and even faced with this situation, Shishengwan directly put away his weapons.

"Forget this time."

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