The Forbidden World

Chapter 1114: Jump

"Ah! I saw the village!"

Looking at the rising smoke in the distance, Ge Wei said happily. *WwW.suimeng.lā has gone for such a long time, and finally can supply it a little.

And in the team, the little boy who didn't know when to appear was also very happy to say to the old man on the back of Inuyasha: "Grandpa, it's so nice!"

"Uh~ saved."

The old man was filled with gratitude. If it were not these people who appeared suddenly, he could not walk down the mountain alive with a sprained foot.

"Thank you very much, so nice to me, the old man who twisted his feet."

Ge Wei was a little embarrassed for a while, and she didn’t know how to answer the old man. She couldn’t say that the mountain vibration that caused him to twist his feet was because Inuyasha experimented with the iron broken teeth in the state of heavy weapons to send wind wounds. Caused it?

Because of this, Inuyasha carried the old man all the way back without saying a word.

After sending the grandfather and grandson to the village, several people began to buy some supplies, and traveled for many days to let their dry food and herbs run out, and at this time, the sound of horseshoes came from afar, and Some shouting sounds.

"This is a robber!"

Several people gathered quickly at the entrance of the village. By this time, they had been able to see a group of robbers riding horses.

Each robber is dressed in armor, holding a variety of weapons in his hand, and the head of the person is holding a huge axe.

"Inuyasha, that guy is!"

"Well! That guy is a monster!"

Inuyasha's tone is unbelievable. Under normal circumstances, monsters treat humans as food. This monster actually leads a group of robbers! ?

"Whether it's a monster or a human, we can't let the opposite enter the village and prepare to fight! Inuyasha, the leader will be given to you!"

"no problem!"

While preparing for battle on Shiraitsu, the robbers also saw how busy they were.

"Huh? What do these guys want to do? Do you want to stop us? Hahaha! There are leaders, are they looking for death?"

Beside the leader holding the giant axe, several robbers laughed, not thinking that they would be defeated.

It can be seen from the number of people that they are in an absolute advantage! Not to mention that they still have a dozen long bows. Under the arrow rain, what can these people do?

Unlike these little ones, the robber leader noticed a few women, whether it was Aoqi Aoqi who looked soft and water-like in kimono, the wicked witch Ge Wei, or the heroic coral. , Are beautiful girls who are rarely seen on weekdays.

He didn't want such a beautiful young girl to be wasted by arrows.

"Everyone, attack!"

"Uh leader, don't you cover it with a bow and arrow first?"

Generally speaking, when attacking a village, they will first cover it with a bow and arrow, and disintegrate each other's will to resist. If they attack directly, they will inevitably encounter casualties.

"What if I hurt those women with a bow and arrow? Attack!"

Hearing the leader's uncomfortable tone, the robbers quickly hurried towards the village.

Seeing many robbers approaching step by step on tall horses, Maitreya and Coral are a little nervous. If they are just robbers, they are not afraid, but cavalry and infantry are completely different. With the horse’s impulse, even if the horse’s impulse The most common human beings can also threaten them.

Ge Wei did not know what to do.

She has experienced battles with monsters, but she has never experienced human wars. Can the arrows of the witch really attack humans?

Qibao was lying on Ge Wei's shoulders and was a little confused.

But soon, several people no longer considered these things, but stared at Bai Jingyue in amazement.

A sharp ice gun appeared in the air, and then the sky formed the rain of ice guns!

Just looking at these ice guns, the robbers felt a tremor in their hearts. The robbers facing the ice gun at the front couldn't resist the pressure of death. They quickly reduced their speed and tended to run back.

However, this rain of ice guns was not put on display.

With Bai Jingyue gently snapping her fingers, the ice gun fell!


Whether it is humans or horses, as long as it is within that range, all of them are pierced by the ice gun that fell from the sky, and the blood flows into the river, and the scene like **** is displayed in front of everyone.

The red blood that is consistent with everyone reminds several people that the other person is not a monster, but a human!

Ge Wei couldn't help closing her eyes, even if she had seen the battlefield left over countless times, but this was the first time she witnessed the human killing of humans.

In a blink of an eye, the number of robbers decreased by 90%, and only a few lucky people and the robber leader crossed the gun forest and came to the crowd.

Several robbers have speeded up. Being able to pass through the gun forest shows that these robbers have both courage and luck, as well as some strength.

When they faced the dying situation, they did not panic or retreat, forcibly broke the blockade, and died to death!

At this time, they are so close to victory, they are even less likely to retreat!

At this moment, dozens of blue light flare floating in the sky, and then bloom like a meteor shower at this moment!

Aoqi Aoqi is different from Ge Wei. In addition to being able to use spiritual power, she can also use magic power!

That, however, can cause killing power to any existence!

Even the most basic magic bullet is not something that ordinary humans can bear! Anyone who is hit is torn apart!

Under the stars, it is a **** storm!

In the end, there was only one robber leader who stood in front of everyone.

At this time, the leader of the robber was also very embarrassed. He brought dozens of people, but he was wiped out by two opposite moves. Now he is alone.

"you guys"

"Take the trick!"

Inuyasha simply didn't wait for the other party to finish talking, and directly raising the iron broken teeth was a trick!

Looking at Inuyasha jumping high, the robber leader showed a trace of disdain, and it turned out to be just a half-demon who surrendered to humans. He actually used such a big attack on the flaw. Half demon will become two halves.

However, when he was ready to move, he realized that he could not move!

Are these human hands and feet?

But he looked around for a week and found that the humans around him were simply watching, then, who is it! ?

When the robber leader was finally came to the apex of jumping and began to fall.

At the same time, the pressure felt by the robber leader will increase accordingly!

At this time, the robber leader discovered that he had been locked by this half-demon!

That simple jump up and down, was injected into all minds by this half demon! The blow that combined the spirit and spirit completely suppressed his ability to act!

"A half demon!"

Countless highly toxic silk threads squirted out of the robber's neckline and went directly towards the fallen Inuyasha, but it was useless.

This trick was learned from Shiraitsu, Inuyasha has been practicing day and night recently, just because Shiraitsu said that this trick is extremely good and can be challenged by several levels!

Although Inuyasha is only a preliminary master at the moment, it is enough to deal with this guy!

The thread containing the poisonous poison, and even the pride of the robber leader as a monster, and his life were all cut in half by Inuyasha!

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