The Forbidden World

Chapter 1111: The death of Greyknife

The shining galaxy looks gorgeous and dazzling, but such a scene looks really abominable in someone's eyes.

Inuyasha has never slept.

"Inuyasha, let's get some sleep!"

Maitre who was still sleeping reminded Inuyasha in a low voice.

Not sleeping all night is not good for the body.

"Hey, leave me alone! When I look like a human, I don't sleep."

"Don't you dare to sleep?"


A word from Maitreya's bullseye made Inuyasha almost runaway, but soon Inuyasha calmed down.

Today, he is no longer the fierce half demon who completely closed himself, he has grown up.

"Yes, I'm just scared! Can't it?"

Seeing Inuyasha speak so frankly, Maitreya was also taken aback.

"Because I made a lot of hatreds, if this time came, I would not be an opponent at all."

Leaning on the stone, Inuyasha is also somewhat helpless.

"It's okay...with self-knowledge, maybe you have a better chance to get past this level."

Unlike Inuyasha, who became human and unable to sense evil energy, Maitreya's ability to sense evil energy has always existed. He clearly felt that a heavy evil gas was constantly approaching.

And the coral is awakened for the same reason.

"Hey, hey... Where is Inuyasha?"

A figure holding a sword filled with evil spirits appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and asked the awakening people, his voice was a little weird.

"who are you!?"

"Hey, hey...I'm a swordsmith...Grayblade. The sword I forged [Ghost Fighter], crying to **** the blood of Inuyasha!"

Hearing the words, Inuyasha couldn't help wondering why Gray Sword Workshop had to attack him, and this idea was actually felt by the ghost fighting spirit in the hands of Gray Sword Workshop.

The ghost fighting spirit created with the living teeth of the mind-conscious ghost still has a little ability to read the mind before the evil energy has dispersed.

Pointing the spirit of fighting ghosts at Inuyasha, Grayblade was puzzled: "Are you Inuyasha? Why are you a human? I thought it was a monster..."

Inuyasha frowned. If someone who had previously sought revenge came to the mountain gate, he would recognize it. In this gray knife workshop, he didn't even know: "I haven't seen you before, who sent you in the end!"

"Hey, didn't I say that? This sword is going to kill you. This is a ghost fighting spirit created by the ghost teeth of the iron broken teeth of the old man who bite the knife of the dead old man!"

"Oh! It turned out to be that guy."

Behind the Grey Knife Square, two figures emerged. The girl's voice was very clearly heard in the ears of Greyknife.

"Who are you two?"

Grey Knife Square, who looked back, looked at a man and a woman in doubt, frowning.

He, possessing the spirit of fighting ghosts, did not realize when these two people appeared behind him.

What happened to him was even more horrifying. After seeing the appearance of the woman who was talking, the ghost fighting spirit was shaking in his hand!

Seems to be afraid... ?

What is it afraid of?

Without waiting for the Grey Sword Workshop to react, Shiraitsu directly coagulated an ice blade and stepped forward!

Like Aoqi Aoqi, the spirit of fighting ghosts can't read Bai Jingyue's heart, so he hesitated for a moment, and it was this moment of hesitation that made Bai Jingyue directly cut down the left arm of Grey Knife Square with the left shoulder.

Grey Knife Square looked at his injury and was a bit uncomfortable. He didn't feel pain. He was controlled by the ghost fighting spirit and he no longer had the concept of pain. He just didn't understand why he just hesitated?

This is his highest masterpiece!

Inuyasha on the other side shook his head.

He can see that the ghost fighting spirit is a very sharp weapon, but the gray sword workshop holding the ghost fighting spirit is too unsatisfactory. The sword skill is inferior. It is worse than he used to be. Fa faced with such a master of swordsmanship like Shiraitsu, he was simply beaten.

In the case that the mind-reading ability of Dou Guishen was invalid for Shiraitsuki, let’s say that Greyblade did not play against Shiraiki. He couldn’t even get a knife. The second sword, Shiraiki, cut away the legs of Shiraiki .

Grey Knife House fell to the ground completely unable to move, he waved the ghost fighting spirit in his hand weakly, but only in vain.

"Is this solved?"

"Well, solved."

Pointing at the Grey Sword Workshop that is still shouting "impossible", Shiraitsu warns Inuyasha: "See, this is the result of its own weak strength. Inuyasha, I hope you will not be killed by your own powerlessness" Day."

Looking at the gray knife that fell to the ground and clearly had a good weapon, but could only be slaughtered, Inuya nodded with emphasis.

Suddenly, a thunder flashed, and Daodaozhai appeared in front of the crowd riding the three-eyed demon bull.

"What are you arguing about...hey, isn't this the Grey Knife House?"

"Grandpa Dao Zhai, do you know that gray knives?"

Mile went in and asked about Dao Da Zhai.

"He is my undisciplined disciple, but I have already expelled him from the division. Because this man... in order to make a knife, killed ten children, just to make the knife full of resentment."

In fact, it is normal for monsters to make demon swords, but it is not a demon sword but an artifact! What he has to do is to pursue the ultimate of forging!

This method of forging that uses flesh and blood to enhance the weapon's ability is the lowest method.

Moreover, Daodaozhai is different from other monsters. He is a devoted monster. It is impossible for a gray ruthless guy like Ruthless to be recognized by him.

"Since this person is a personal scum, it is useless to keep it."

After listening to the introduction of Daodaozhai, Baijingyue froze the body of Gray Daofang into crushed ice.

"However, what about this sword? Even if Grey Sword Workshop is dead, the evil spirit on this ghost fighting spirit has not subsided."

Watching the evil spirits on the ghost fighting spirit, Maitreya said with a lingering fear.

After seeing the ghost fighting spirit for a while, Daodaozhai shook his head: "Not only the grievances of the mind-ghost, but also the evil spirits in the gray knives. It seems...only destroyed."

"Don't talk about this weapon first, what about my iron broken teeth!? Has it been repaired?"

"It's fixed."

After hearing the affirmation of Douyaizhai, Inuyasha grabbed the iron broken teeth in his arms and pulled it out directly.

At the same time A ray of sunlight was coming.

At the end of the night, Inuyasha's demon blood is restored again!

After gaining the power of the monster, Inuyasha looked at Shiraitsu: "Shirai, come, let's fight again, let me try the power of iron broken teeth!"

"Okay, pull the sword, Inuyasha."

Bai Jingyue then stood on the spot, doing nothing.

Inuyasha is not annoyed, because he knows that Shiraiuki's strength is very strong, and with pure technology, he is still not Shiraitsu's opponent.

To fight against Shiraitsu, he must now use the power of iron broken teeth!

"So, be careful!"

With the shouting of Inuyasha! Iron broken teeth! Out of the sheath!

The huge blade appeared again in front of everyone, and then hit the ground heavily!

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