The First Mage

Chapter 1749: Unstable

But when he said that, he was too embarrassed to say that he had quit. After all, the corpse he encountered now was terrifying, but after all, it was just a corpse.

And at this time, Lynch stopped paying attention to the frightened companions, but continued to focus on the corpse, showing a contemplative look...

If the elven corpse in front is only a bomb, then the nine-headed viper of the heavenly rank is really a deep-water nuclear bomb...

You must know that the Viper, a beast, originally lived for a long time, and it is not surprising that ordinary individuals live for hundreds of years.

If there were no accidents, such a nine-headed viper of heavenly rank would have a natural life span of ten thousand years.

Putting it in the world of Anriel, it is also the existence that can be worshipped as a totem by some troll tribes after the fall, and even resurrected in an alternative way after a long time...

Why did you fall here so unclearly?

What the **** is this place?

If there was a battle, what kind of a tragic battle would it be?

All this seems to be in a mystery...

After thinking about it, Lin Qi only felt that there were a lot of questions, but he had no clue. In the end, Lin Qi could only shook his head, and once again raised the level of danger to this brilliant plane by several grades. I am afraid that it has been tens of thousands of years. A world that no one has ever set foot in, bred some shocking things...

At this time, after seeing this nine-headed viper, even though everyone coveted its body after being shocked, no one actually started to carve it up uninterestingly.

After all, the existence of this level of heaven, even a scale is an amazing weapon, but it only leaks a little blood containing toxins, and it is insignificant to kill everyone present.

At least it must be a titled wizard to be eligible to contact these things.

Everyone is somewhat knowledgeable, so naturally they won't risk being annihilated.

Anyway, there will be a large army coming here, and these will be left to them when the headache is good...

Along the way, the group will still encounter corpses from time to time.

Most of them are elves, and the rest are races from ancient times, but among them, there are no human beings. Every one of them, without exception, is left with miserable scars.

Along the way, the atmosphere of the team became more and more silent, and when they encountered the corpses, there was not much exclamation.

It's just that as I kept walking, I never saw the end. Gradually, everyone became a little uneasy. Someone wanted to withdraw again, but they were all suppressed by Lynch.

These are all precious first-hand information, and they are all in Lynch's hands. If you explore again next time, you don't know if Lynch can lead the team.

This time it is natural to grasp the opportunity and get as much information as possible.

Fortunately, when I got here, there were finally some changes.

The magical power fluctuations in the front became more and more intense, even the space became a little unstable, and when [ticking novel] opened in front, there were bursts of thunder roaring, but this was suddenly Everyone was a little surprised.

Because everyone knows that this situation means that oneself and others are getting closer and closer to the real world.

In the plane barriers, but these visions will not appear.

Things like Thunder can only appear in real space...

Only the next part of the journey is the most dangerous.

It is still a bit difficult to use human power to resist these natural phenomena.

The most important thing is magic power. If you don’t have enough magic power, you will definitely be unable to resist...

"Everyone now take out the potion and prepare it."

After speaking, Lynch took the first step and pinched a bottle of magic potion in his hand.

Then he took a deep breath and moved forward first.

This part of the journey is really very difficult. Every step is a gust of wind, lightning and thunder, a group of people trek hard, from time to time some people can't hold on, so they drank a bottle of medicine to resist...

I don't know how long it took...

Finally, in the midst of a boom, the lightning and thunder next to him began to recede quickly, and everything in front of him became clear.

There was no longer any chaotic nothingness, what appeared before my eyes was a vast void, and a vague world under his feet.

Although there is no real down-to-earth ground yet, everyone knows that this place is not far from the real world.

This place under your feet is the legendary plane of glory...

It’s just weird...

In the rumors, this place is the place of life with extremely strong magic power in the rumors, but now when I come here, although I have not really stepped into it, I have not felt too much magic flow.

No, it's not that there is not much...

It is not at all.

What do you mean?

Is this place a dead place?

"No, it's not normal..."

Although he had seen a lot of shocks before, Lynch was still surprised when he came here.

This place doesn’t match the rumors...

When I feel it carefully, let alone magic power, the whole world is cold with a deadly silence, as if no one has set foot here for thousands of years, and it has become a land of death.

"Damn, let's come here so hard, isn't it a dead plane, right?"

Suddenly, when he saw this, some people began to gnash their teeth and curse.

Others also look ugly.

But they didn't know how much expectations Lynch had placed on this place, so no matter how much curse it was at this time, it was not as shocking as Lynch's heart...

"It's impossible..."

Lin Tsai was stunned for a moment, still not reconciled, so he started to spur the magic furnace, wanting to absorb some of the sporadic magic floating in the air.

Although this place is almost dead, the flow of magic power is almost stagnant, and the magic power is extremely thin, but under the powerful absorption power of the magic furnace, it is still a simple absorption from the air.

But it was this little bit that made Lynch almost suffered a heavy blow.

This trace of magic power was integrated into the magic furnace, causing the magic furnace to suddenly shake, as if it had absorbed some toxin, causing the magic in the body to riot spontaneously to expel this dangerous outsider.

Although the magic furnace was desperately refining, the situation in the body became more and more unstable. Even the magic furnace began to tremble violently in the fierce confrontation between the two magic powers in the body.

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