The First Mage

Chapter 1750: ant


Finally, Lynch had to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Only then followed this mouthful of blood and vomited out this trace of magic.

But now Lynch didn't care about the situation in his body. While mobilizing magic power to calm the agitation and repair the vibration of the magic furnace, he looked around in shock.

The magic power here is too weird, it is actually only a trace, it can fight against one's own magic power, and even more weird, this magic power seems to be poisonous.

Let your body naturally reject the reaction.

In fact, Lynch felt that if his magic furnace were not strong enough and absorbed enough magic power, I am afraid that after a few seconds of refining, the magic furnace would be truly damaged.

"Everyone, don't absorb the magic power, there is something wrong here, very wrong..."

At this time, after Lin Qi reminded the people around him, he began to look around vigilantly. This time he still absorbed the magic power, but no longer used his own body, but took out a magical power that had been accustomed to it. Jing, then guided the magic power in the void into this magic crystal.

Then begin to analyze it...

"what is this?"

After a long time, Lynch finally discovered that the absorption of magic power in the magic crystal was extremely strange. First of all, the magic fluctuations in the world of Anriel were different. At that time, Lynch became vigilant and began to cautiously explore Entering the spiritual power, proceeding to explore.

And this trace of mental power is only a trace. After all, what happened just now is really a big lesson. Lynch is already prepared, even if it is weak for a while, when he finds something wrong, he must use this trace of spiritual power. Force to cut off.

Fortunately, this time, Lynch found that it seemed that this magic power was just a reaction to other magic powers, and it was not aggressive to mental power. Then, under the keen detection of mental power, Lynch finally got some information.

That is, these magical powers do not seem to exist in nature, but come from the body of another powerful being. After that powerful being dies, the magical power is naturally emitted, but because these magical powers do not exist naturally, they still exist. There are some attributes that can only be acquired after cultivation.

Naturally absorbing it rashly, of course this rejection reaction will occur.

It’s just that after many years of death, this magic power that will not dissipate for a long time still remains. The horror of that existence is probably beyond imagination...

"Everyone, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this plane. Next, I want to continue exploring, but there should be some danger."

At this time, Lynch had already made a decision. It was when he looked at the world below, he suddenly stunned his head and said to everyone: "Up to now, everyone has got enough news. After all, everyone is just a pioneer. , Although teachers and they hope we build an outpost here, but now this situation..."

"So to put it simply, those who want to leave can leave now, but those who don't want to leave and want to continue exploring with me can stay. I intend to try my best to establish an outpost."

When the voice fell, even Palin in the team was shocked.

As one of the collaborators this time, the young master of the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce, Palin asked to join the team from the beginning, which could provide his father with enough voice and information.

But now when I heard Lynch's statement, I was still shocked.

Now everyone knows the weirdness of this plane. Even if you report back at this time, the teacher and the others will not say anything, but they really have to continue to explore, but it is a bit risky...

After all, even the corpses of the strong heavenly man appeared, and it didn't seem strange that anything weird would appear next.

"Now you can discuss it." Lynch looked at Palin, nodded, paused for a while, and then said suddenly: "But the effort is rewarded. In the process of exploring, if you find something good, then Everyone can share the reward. Even if there is something that is not easy to divide, I am willing to give enough rewards to everyone."

"This one……"

Hearing this, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They were all tempted by Lynch's words.

Yes, even the Tian-rank corpses appeared. Although it seemed dangerous, it was accompanied by huge benefits.

As for whether Lynch would give enough in return, everyone didn't doubt at all, let alone anything else, the news about the treasure house of the Elf King had been spread long ago, but it made the entire Oakland College look greedy.

Those chambers of commerce are even more rewarding...

If Lynch distributes income this time, I am afraid that he will get something out of that treasure house to reward everyone?

"I am willing to join."

"I will not go back either."

"I agree."

After Lynch’s voice fell, there was a voice of agreement. In fact, everyone was moved by Lynch. After all, Lynch’s many previous experiences proved that as long as you follow him, there will be no one. Suffer.

But this time, it was hard to get an opportunity to explore a new plane, and everyone would definitely not let it go.

After all, the emergence of a new plane is very difficult. Auckland College may not organize the last one for decades. When the next time, the day lily is really cold...


In the end, only three people agreed.

They are either confident in their own strength or confident in Lynch, and Palin is among the three.

So after looking at the three of them, Lynch nodded: "Don't worry, as long as we are careful and not too greedy, we can still gain something."

Then, there were more than a dozen people left. They looked at each other, and finally said with a wry smile: "Merlin, I also wish you good luck. Although your promise is generous, we can't take the risk."

In the end, after some careful thinking, many people retreated.

There is no way. Walking along the way, everyone knows that the level of power here has exceeded previous expectations. In other words, their previous preparations are already quite insufficient compared to the current situation.

In such a place, the strength of their magicians is actually no different from that of an ant. There is a little movement, I am afraid that everyone does not know how to die.

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