The First Mage

Chapter 1748: Not worth mentioning

For countless years, it seems to have drifted quietly in this eternal void...

And as Lynch approached and gently raised his hand to touch it, it seemed to be alarmed, and it turned into powder so quietly, like a flower that was blown away, disappearing without a trace... …

But that's the case. Just now, Lynch also saw something.

Apart from other things, this elf actually has some hideous wounds on his body, which can not be made by human spells, but more like some kind of beast...

For example... Those ancient races that disappeared in the Dark Dynasty? !

This is fascinating.

Could it be that when the elves retreated to this plane, they had internal conflicts with those ancient races?

Of course, it is also possible that it was injured in the battle of the Destruction of the Dark Dynasty. It was only after covering the elves to retreat here, and finally exhausted its last breath and fell on the last step, even the plane barriers. Did not cross...

Lin Qi thought for a while, but could only think of these two possibilities, and could not get any other information.

no way……

Before Lynch could watch more, the corpse disappeared. No clues could be seen. After so many years, even the magic wave that should have remained before it died has disappeared.

Then Lynch spent another half an hour, looking around here again to see if there were any other clues, but it was a pity that it was really clean...

In the end, Lynch shook his head regretfully, stood up and continued to set off.

The more he walked, Lynch felt more strenuous. After all, things like plane barriers were originally xenophobic and protected the plane from external aggression.

Lynch and the others entered from the outside, so it would be easy to walk naturally.

Therefore, the speed is not fast. Even if you bless many spells, you can only walk slowly step by step like ordinary people...

And along the way, Lynch was still thinking about the weird corpse that he met just now...

He always felt as if this glorious plane had undergone a little change that he could not imagine.

Perhaps during those long years, the elves, who had been decayed and degraded in the past, had reached the ultimate in magic, and what major changes had taken place.

The whole team trudged in an ignorant chaos, everyone’s magic power was quickly consumed, but the front seemed to never know the end, and no one knew how thick this plane barrier was...

"Wait, what's that? Look at it..."

After almost half an hour of walking, someone in the team suddenly let out an exclamation.

This time, it also immediately attracted the attention of the entire team.

"Damn it? Then, what the **** is that."

"My God, so many corpses..."

"Is it a battlefield here? But what battlefield will be in the barriers of the plane?"

At this moment, there were bursts of exclamation. Everyone looked at everything in front of them incredible, only to see that there was really a battlefield-like environment in front of them.

One after another elven corpses, floating in the void, each of their corpses doesn’t seem to be of their age anymore, just like the elven corpses they encountered before, they were shriveled long ago with All kinds of tragic injuries...

This discovery made Lynch stare at these corpses for a long time, some of them speechless.

What happened in this place?

If there are one or two elves who came here with serious injuries and died on the way, it would be a good idea, but now, there are so many...

You know, the number of elves is very small, so they cherish every member very much. Regardless of how contemptuous they are to other races, they are tortured like slaves and beasts, but if an elves fall flat, they will let the elves investigate of……

Now more than a dozen elves have fallen here...

And it can be seen that their level during their lifetime should not be low, otherwise, ordinary elves would not have the way to rise from the ground into the barriers.

Everyone was silent here for a while, and looked at each other one after another, they all saw the uneasy color in the other's eyes.

When you get here, everyone knows that this place is not that simple anymore, it should not be an ordinary plane...

No one knows what will happen next...

But before long, they were shocked again.

What I encountered this time was the corpse of a nine-headed viper!

It was a body that was as large as a hill. The snake-shaped body was a thousand meters long, and on its neck, there were nine heads. At this time, eight of the heads were already beheaded. The wound is as smooth as a mirror.

The only remaining head and two eyeballs have also been dug out, and only a **** hollow is left. That's right, after so many years, the blood on its body has not dried up.

And on the snake body covered with countless scales, it is covered with dense wounds. The large scales seem to have received some terrible attack. They were pulled down by Qigen, revealing the **** flesh and blood below. On the other part, its flesh and blood seemed to have been gnawed by some creature, and its white bones were exposed...

At this moment, although it has been dead for a long time, but now it is just floating in the void quietly, Lynch can feel the terrifying pressure on it...

"The body of the nine-headed viper, how could it be here..."

Lynch took a deep breath, and finally managed to control himself, not being shocked by such a terrifying corpse.

We must know that the Viper was originally one of the horror beasts in the ancient period. They were in the same era as the elves, and they had experienced the heyday of the elves, and each additional head would increase their strength by one.

The nine-headed Viper is the pinnacle of this clan.

That is the existence of a titled wizard who has surpassed the peak...

In the world of Anriel, this kind of existence is called a heavenly rank!

"Um... Merlin, I said I should quit now, even the nine-headed viper has come out, and then go on, I'm afraid..."

"Are you afraid of encountering God's corpse?"

"No, no, how can that be..."

Suddenly the man laughed. The age of gods had long since disappeared in the extremely long past. The few gods worshipped now were only among the tribes of beasts and orcs with low intelligence.

Those things are not even human, and the gods they worship are confused with their ancestors and are not worth mentioning.

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