The First Mage

Chapter 1747: Elf Corpse

However, because there is a lot of interest division work involved, and this matter is not the top priority within the college, the entire team will face many adjustments after it is formed.

But Rudolph couldn't wait so long. After getting the accurate coordinates, he decided to stay and wrestle with everyone, and on the other hand, let a team of pioneers open up the entire exploration road first. Go to a front stand.

The task of this forward is actually simple, that is, just like traditional plane exploration, before a real large-scale colonization, you must first figure out the situation of the entire plane and establish an outpost.

Even if you can't open the situation, you must first get some specific information.

It's not too dangerous to say that it's dangerous. After all, it's just a pioneer. If you encounter troubles that you can't handle, you just quit.

So everyone readily agreed, and each tower sent a few people to participate in the entire vanguard team.

Only under Rudolph's insistence, the leader of the entire team must be made by Lynch.

After another rant, the parties reluctantly accepted the proposal.

After almost another half month of preparation, the entire exploratory team finally embarked on a journey.

In the square of Oakland College, there were a dozen people standing behind Lynch. For a pioneer team, these numbers were enough, and all of them were wizards.

Within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, the existence of an exploratory team of this size is the only one in Auckland College.

Above the square, a misty whirlpool was shining at this time.

The vortex slowly revolved, almost the size of a person, and when he glanced at it, it seemed that even the soul had to be absorbed.

This is one of the results of preparations for the entire Auckland Academy in the last half month. With the joint efforts of the three titled wizards in the Academy, including Rudolph, this teleportation circle was established. Through it, everyone can Go into the plane of glory.

"Let's go."

Lynch said to a dozen people behind him, then raised his foot without hesitation, and walked in first.

A group of people filed in.

It was only after entering this time that Lin Qi completely understood that the actual distance of this radiant plane, from the world of Anriel, would be incredible.

Because so far, Lynch has gone through a lot of space channels leading to other worlds, without exception, there are slight spatial fluctuations after entering, and they will be able to pass quickly.

This is this time, Lynch actually walked in it for more than ten minutes.

This is incredible.

You must know that the essence of the space channel is to twist and fold the incomparably distant space. In this way, countless spatial distances can be reduced within a few steps.

What does it mean to walk for ten minutes now?

Obviously, the two worlds are so far away that there is no border...

But Lynch had already been somewhat prepared. After all, this Radiant Plane was mysterious and carefully chosen by the elves, not to mention that there was some distance, even if something strange happened...

In fact...

It's really what you want.

Next, something more weird really happened;.

After walking for about ten minutes, a little light finally appeared in the chaotic space passage ahead. At first it was just a sliver of light, but soon this light expanded rapidly in front of Lynch’s eyes, and finally became a sun. Generally, it almost swallows Lynch

And then, everyone who walked into this light was stunned.

Because it is not the feeling of being down to earth, everyone seems to be floating in the space, everything in front of them is chaotic, there is no sun in the sky, no land in the ground, and there is a twisted light that floats on the left and right, knowing nothing.

"How is this going?"

Lynch frowned immediately, and after walking out of the spatial channel according to the normal process, he should have entered this plane now...

How could it fall into a strange space like it is now?

"Is it a plane barrier?"

Suddenly, this thought came to his mind, and Lynch suddenly felt that it was really possible.

Many people know that any plane has a plane barrier. It is this kind of barrier that can protect this plane from the external environment and protect the entire plane from drifting in the universe.

This is the most basic foundation for the existence of a plane.

But Lynch did not expect that this barrier would be so thick...

It is so thick that there is no way to open it through the space channel.

Now, you can say that you are already in the Glory Plane, but you have not really entered, because you are now stuck in the middle of the plane barrier...

I'm stuck, I can't get up or down...

It's embarrassing...

"Forget it, it's better than the worst."

Lynch also breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, it’s good to be able to come in. Anyway, it’s just a vanguard team to explore and see if you can cross the barriers of this level, then you can cross the past. It’s really impossible. There is still a way behind. Just go back the same way.

"Go on."

Lynch gave an order and walked towards the weak point of the space barrier ahead.

If someone looks at this from a distance, I’m afraid they will feel that Lynch and his party are like a bunch of small bugs, slowly creeping in a protective egg shell, wanting to penetrate the entire shell into the inside... …

It's just that the egg shell is too thick.

So the creeping speed is really slow...

But this journey is not lonely and boring.

Because just not long after walking, Lynch's footsteps suddenly froze...

"This, what is this..."

For a while, Lynch couldn't believe his eyes at this time.

Because just as Lynch was marching, he suddenly saw that in front of him, there was a corpse floating in the barriers of this plane...

In addition to his party, there is a layer of corpses stuck here?

What do you mean!

Lin Qi was shocked and couldn't take much care of it. He quickly changed direction and moved closer, and then he could clearly see that this corpse should belong to an elf, and the age of its death cannot be seen. At that time, its entire corpse was as dry as a mummy, and there were still some old-looking clothes on its body, but there was no specific time.

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