The First Mage

Chapter 1746: Negotiate

Therefore, Rudolph is naturally more calm than the businessmen.

"But..." However, Rudolph's next words seemed to be pouring cold water on the merchants' heads: "This place is still a bit dangerous. Although you don't need to do it, it is better to bring some people. Something to protect you from accidents..."

"Our Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of danger..." Hearing this, Barr said firmly with a face: "This tomb of the Elf King is not also very dangerous. Our Chamber of Commerce will not choose to develop it yet."

Therefore, Rudolph is naturally more calm than the businessmen.

"But..." However, Rudolph's next words seemed to be pouring cold water on the merchants' heads: "This place is still a bit dangerous. Although you don't need to do it, it is better to bring some people. Something to protect you from accidents..."

"Our Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of danger..." Hearing this, Barr said firmly with a face: "This tomb of the Elf King is not also very dangerous. Our Chamber of Commerce will not choose to develop it yet."

But after looking at each other with the bosses of other chambers of commerce, they all smiled bitterly: "Sorry, we still don't participate in this kind of development. After all, our strength is really not enough..."

"It's nothing."

Rudolph didn't mind, but nodded calmly.

"Then now, let's divide the treasure house here."

Then Rudolph smiled and said this...


It has been half a month since the division of the treasure house. At that time, the whole treasure house was cut into ten equal parts by Rudolph like a cake.

Ninety percent of it was directly put into the bag by Rudolph, and the remaining 10 percent was shared by all chambers of commerce.

This has to be said to be very overbearing.

But unexpectedly, all the chambers of commerce accepted it peacefully.

The reason is also very simple...

In their original expectation, it would be great if they could get a little soup, but they didn't expect Rudolph to get 10%.

The most important thing is that although this is only 10%, the number of the entire treasure house is too large. Today, it is enough to be worth the income of all the chambers of commerce in Qianfan City for more than ten years.

So it's probably peaceful...

After returning to Oakland College, there was another division of interests...

The main thing is what Lynch can get.

This time, Rudolph's approach was even more unexpected.

Because he actually directly appointed Lynch as the successor of the Gilded Rose Tower.

In other words, when Rudolph passes away, everything in the Gilded Rose Tower is Lynch's!

In this regard, even Auckland College has no right to interfere, because in fact, in the tradition of the seven towers of Auckland College, each tower owner is a relatively independent existence in the entire college.

In other words, once you are unhappy, you may be able to stand alone at any time as a king.

No one dares to have any opinion on this.

The most important thing is that Rudolph's strength has improved too fast now. As a titled wizard, his right to speak in the academy is obviously higher than that.

There is no difference between the gilded rose tower and Rudolph's private property.

In fact, Rudolph really did not have any reservations about Lynch this time. After returning, he directly opened the secrets of the entire tower to Lynch.

From the magic furnace to the secrets of the private planes.

All open to Lynch.

This is truly treating Lynch as an heir.

During this period of time, when Rudolf concentrated on studying the coordinates of the radiant plane, everything in the tower was dominated by Lynch.

This change, within the gilded rose tower, is naturally somewhat criticized.

After all, Lynch’s time to join the Gilded Rose Tower is too short, and over the years, there is more than one wizard who has contributed to the Gilded Rose Tower. Why did he give him everything?

Rudolph had only a simple sentence about this. If he was dissatisfied, he asked him to go to the magic arena and talk to Lynch in the alchemy laboratory.

During that period, people really came to make comments.

Lynch also knew that this was read as an opinion. In fact, Rudolph allowed anyone to challenge himself in magic and alchemy.

Of course Lynch would not be afraid of this.

All the way on the road of magic to this day, even if facing the Great Sorcerer, Lynch will not fall under the wind. As for the Titled Sorcerer...If there are other titled Sorcerers from the towers, they will be embarrassed to intervene in gilding. Rudolph will be the one who will come forward about Rose Tower's affairs.

At that time, it will inevitably cause a wave of turbulence in Auckland College.

And this of course is not allowed by the Auckland College Council.

For half a month, Lynch was not idle at all, shuttled between the magic arena and the alchemy laboratory every day.

In fact, this is also very effective.

After half a month, there was no objection in the gilded rose tower.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that this little apprentice, who had just joined the Gilded Rose Tower a few years ago, had become a force that was powerful enough to suppress all sounds where everyone hadn't noticed.

This is so shocking...

How many years did it take to grow to the present state?

If he was given a little more time, he would be just around the corner to become a titled wizard.

No one wants to offend a future titled wizard...

So for a while, everyone recognized Lynch’s status and believed that under Lynch’s leadership in the future, the Gilded Rose Tower could reach a higher height...

And half a month later, the entire exploratory team of the Radiant Plane has also been formed.

The entire exploration is still dominated by the gilded rose tower. After all, this is the coordinate discovered by Rudolph and Lynch. According to the tradition of the Auckland Academy, those who find the coordinate can apply to use the power of the Academy to conquer and explore, and wait until this plane is truly real. When it is hit, it will be like a watch plane, and since then, it has become the private property of the gilded rose tower.

In other words, it is Lynch's private property.

It's just that other towers can't be spent in vain. Naturally, they have to share a lot of benefits from this plane at once.

This has been a tradition for many years, and other towers don’t have any opinions. The formation of the entire exploratory team is also smooth. In addition, including the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce, a large exploratory team is rapidly taking shape.

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