The First Mage

Chapter 1745: Vision

This is what Lynch learned in the game plot...

According to the plot, the elves strictly blocked the information on the Radiant Plane at that time. Although the name was revealed, it was just like the well-known colonial planes. It was considered a world with a good resource endowment, but still Far from being the ultimate source of life...

Lynch did not expect that in the Auckland College where he had been staying day and night, there was actually part of the coordinates of the Brilliant Plane...

and many more……

If so...

Suddenly, thinking of this, Lynch's heart suddenly moved. You must know that the coordinates of the radiant plane are extremely mysterious, and only the existence of the Elf King can have some coordinates, and the world is even more like a myth. Generally, there is a huge amount of wealth buried, which is much better than the Anriel world.

And it itself is in the thousands of planes, and it is said that it is also far away from the contact of the major planes, like an isolated island on the sea, generally impossible to be discovered by the nearby planes.

Think about it, isn't such a plane the ideal place to destroy Anriel after years of avoiding it?

If you can enter this plane, what do you need to think about?

As long as you can enter here, you can advance, attack, retreat and defend. In the future, you can naturally sit and watch the conquests in the major planes. When everything comes to an end, you can bring the legacy of the Dark Dynasty and control the thousands of fleets to smooth everything...

of course……

This plane of glory has been occupied by the elves for countless years, and I don’t know what it has become...

Anyway, this is the age of human mages. Although the Radiant Plane is powerful, it is impossible to resist the mages who have colonized the major planes long ago!

After thinking about all this, Lynch couldn't help but feel that his luck seemed to be really good.

Such a mythical plane is actually hidden in this place where the Elf King transformed.

I am afraid that the outflow of this coordinate is also because the Elf King is worried that he will lose part of his memory after transforming into an undead creature, so he will record it. Otherwise, he will not be able to get this coordinate...

"Um...Master Rudolph, what exactly is this radiant plane?"

However, when Lynch was sighing about this, the bosses of the Chamber of Commerce on the side looked at each other, but obviously they didn't know where this glorious plane was, so they couldn't help but ask.

Actually, it can't be blamed for their ignorance...

It is true that the elves have a good disguise, making this plane of brilliance into a plain, it is easy to ignore it in the starry colonial plane of the elves, plus the description of the plane of the elves is originally Few, 90% of them still disappeared in the too long history.

Therefore, only the libraries of established powers like Oakland College will record a bit of information. How can these chambers of commerce bosses know this?

"In short, it is a plane where the elves have colonized, and the resource endowment in it is pretty good. Of course... don’t have any hope for her. I don’t know how many years the elves have colonized there, who knows there will be more. How many resources?"

Rudolph really had limited knowledge of this plane, and it was still some information on the surface. At this time, he easily described it in such a tone.

After finishing talking, he glanced at the bosses of the Chamber of Commerce and said: "After we go back, we at Auckland Academy also plan to explore. Considering the development of this plane, we mages are not very good at buying and selling, so some less important secondary resources. , I intend to let you chambers of commerce participate. Of course, the interests are evenly distributed. Are you interested?"

"This... develop a plane?"

Hearing Rudolph's understatement, Balperin and the others all looked at each other, = and then couldn't help taking a breath.

This is easy to say, this is the development of a plane!

Perhaps for Rudolph and Oakland College, they travel to the plane at every turn, and even for the existence of private planes in the Gilded Rose Tower, this may be a development worthy of mobilization, but for the Chamber of Commerce, it is a It was too shocking.

After all, the Chamber of Commerce usually serves the mages, plus develops some mines and business.

Who would have thought that one could directly participate in the colonization of a plane?

For a while, everyone was really embarrassed.

Promise, this is a bit too risky. If there is any accident, it is really not enough to pay for ten lives. Everyone has worked so hard to accumulate this wealth. I really don't dare to risk it rashly...

But if you don’t agree, you’re really unwilling...

You know, the opportunities for plane colonization are not always available. Once they succeed and gain benefits, the strength of their Chamber of Commerce will be greatly expanded. In one fell swoop, the entire continent will have a decisive force...

Who can resist this temptation?

After all, this is still blessed by the Auckland Academy. How can it be a time for such a powerful wizard power to look at it?

Holding their thighs and eating a little leftovers can also support their chambers of commerce...

This opportunity is not always available. Once missed, who knows when it will come again?

For a while, everyone was a little overwhelmed.

This decision is really difficult to make...

"I did it!"

At this time, Balperin gritted his teeth after changing his eyes for a while and was the first to respond.

I only saw him say to Rudolph: "Our Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce is willing to play for Oakland College."

This is tying one's own chamber of commerce to the chariot of Auckland College. After all, it can help Auckland College to manage the plane, which must be regarded as the core interest of Auckland College.


And Rudolph nodded lightly. Compared to Balperin and others, he shouldn't be too calm. To be honest, it is not that Rudolph is really careless, it is because the vision of the two sides is different.

Each of the seven towers of Auckland has its own private plane, and there is not just one. For example, the clock plane of the gilded rose tower is the ancestor of the gilded rose tower, after obtaining the coordinates, summoned the entire college. It's hard to beat.

According to the rules of the academy, after giving enough benefits to the other towers, the clock plane became the existence of the gilded rose tower from generation to generation.

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