The First Mage

Chapter 1735: Your Mightiness

After seeing Lynch, he smiled and asked, "Your Excellency Merlin, how about it? This place should have something satisfying for you, right?"

That's right, after a journey, Lynch's prestige among the people is getting higher and higher, and the title of him has been upgraded from mage to lord.

"It's fine."

Lynch shook his head, and then explained what happened to him, but ignored the fact that he got the elven corpse.

However, after speaking, the wizards glanced at each other, their eyes were a little confused, and finally they all shook their heads: "Your Excellency Merlin, are you sure you haven't triggered any special mechanism?"


"This is troublesome, we haven't experienced anything like this..."

"Okay, it's just a little weird. This is the land of the Elf King. It's normal to have a little weirdness. Even if we meet, so many people are still afraid of it. Keep going!"

However, at this time, Knoll was full of spirits.

From the exchanges just now, Noel has always been quite confident, and he has changed a person. Although he did not elaborate, everyone knows vaguely that this great Alchemist of Noel has just got some He was satisfied with the harvest, and his confidence suddenly increased.

"Then I'll call on the Great Alchemist Noel."

But Lynch just smiled and said such a lightly.

Next, the group continued to set off. During the search just now, they had also found the stairs leading to the first floor above.

It’s just not going well this time...

On the stairs were actually some alchemy arrays, which was like a lock, locking the way upstairs.

It seemed to be guarding the people below to go up.

Fortunately, the strength of these alchemy arrays is not high, and most of them have been destroyed in the long years, so although they spent some time, they still cracked them.

After reaching the fourth floor, everyone couldn't help but wonder...

Because this fourth floor is actually a natural environment.

Long rivers, tall mountains, burning volcanoes, green grasslands and even glacier environments.

In fact, if this place is not for the sky without the sun, and only three huge light sources provide illumination, this place is really not much different from the sunset plain outside.

"This Elf King is too exaggerated. He actually moved a natural environment here..."

Standing at the entrance of the fourth floor, everyone was a little emotional.

Although he had a clear understanding of the elf king's attainments in space expansion before, it was only when he was here that he could appreciate the power of the elf king.

A space that can accommodate the natural environment is not only the pursuit of greatness, but more importantly, stability and order, which can ensure that various natural environments can form a harmonious cycle in this space.

Otherwise, even if this space can be built, it will not last long before it will collapse.

Even if it is Lynch, after seeing all this, there is nothing left to admire. In this place, even if the creator comes, he will have to bow down. This has touched the basic rules of the bottom of the world. It can be said that this world In itself, it is a large enough wealth...


What is this world used for?

The second floor is a place where various basic facilities are located, and the third floor is a variety of alchemy workshops.

And this layer?

Creating such a big scene is definitely not just to put on a good-looking and show off technology...

"Wait, it looks like an earthquake?"

Suddenly, someone froze for a while.

Because at this time, the ground is indeed shaking...

"Damn, what an earthquake, that's an undead creature!"

But then, someone shouted: "Run away."

But it was too late.

Because at this time, the ground has cracked cracks, and each of the skeletons actually broke out from under the ground. Each of them looks like monsters burrowing out of the soil. They are tall enough for two people, and they are burly. , There was blue phosphorescence in his eyes, and he was still dragging a heavy axe in his hand.

That is a bone demon with hundreds of heads!

A Bone Demon is Tier 3, comparable to the Archmage, anyone in the team can deal with it, but when hundreds of Skull Demon appear, what is the concept?

At first glance, these bone demons seemed to be like a flood. After spotting the crowd, they just swept down from the hillside toward the crowd, and the momentum was simply earth-shattering.

Especially the leading skull demon, who looks like a giant, looks as high as seven or eight meters high. When running down the hillside, every step of the fall will cause the ground to tremble, and the phosphorescence in its eyes is even more present. The heavy blood red, from the perspective of this momentum, it has a fifth-order combat power!

Not to mention, behind it, there are many Bone Demon who are drilling down from the ground. Their number is rising sharply. At this time, it is too late for everyone to retreat. At this time, many mages can only support them quickly. With the shield, some people set up traps such as mud, swamp, and greasy spells on the only way for the bone demons, while the others are busy releasing offensive spells.

With a bang, a large group of bone demons fell into the trap, and then the intensive spells bombed, and the subsequent bone demons slowed down, and also hit the front companion in a few bangs.

This barely dragged the momentum of this group of bone demons.

But this is not enough...

In this way, these bone magic lights can directly cover these traps by relying on their number advantages, and then the remaining large bones can step on the body of their companions, and withstand the bombardment of spells to approach the wizards. Around.

For the weak mages, by then, it would be tantamount to a disaster...

"Your Excellency Merlin, think of a way!"

At this time, everyone has habitually regarded Merlin as the backbone. From the previous crises, Lynch always has a way to resolve the crisis.

"Think of a hammer..."

However, at this time, Lynch also complained from the bottom of his heart. In this situation, the entire team can only last more than ten minutes, and it is too late to retreat because there are too many bone demons. Retreat, it is bound to be unable to keep up with the spells. Once these bone demons are not slowed down, they will definitely rush to the end and die sooner...

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