The First Mage

Chapter 1734: madman

Moreover, most of the bones of this corpse are broken, and those that are not broken are also full of some shocking scratches. I can believe that I love you, what a complicated battle he experienced before his death.

"This is an elf who has transformed himself into alchemy..."

In the end, Lynch suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at the skeleton for a long time.

This is how crazy an elf is.

These alchemy arrays were supposed to be used on the alchemy puppets, but he actually carved them on his own bones. Although this gave him some powers that a living body could not have, but at the same time Let him become a kind of existence that is neither human nor ghost.

This is a crazy man who has broken through a certain alchemy taboo...

In the eyes of the elves who regard their bodies as Mother Nature’s creations, this kind of behavior may also be squeezed out and viewed with strange eyes...

"Sure enough, lunatics are there regardless of race or age."

Finally, Lynch let out a sigh of relief. After looking at the skeleton's body with some complicated eyes, he couldn't help but shook his head with emotion.

I have to say that this elf is still very talented.

His attempt is probably a very important breakthrough in alchemy.

Even though I just watched it roughly, Lynch could still feel from these alchemy circles that even though this lunatic was dead, there was still a strange power on his body, which was still hidden. With...

This kind of strangeness seems to be the force that can resist time, even after so many years, it can make Lynch have a life-threatening feeling...

Since entering this place, although I have faced those elf guards, weird reliefs, resurrected ghosts, and space mazes, but it is ridiculous to say, until here, facing this unmovable elf bones, Lynch In order to feel the extremely dangerous and fatal feeling...

"I don't know what kind of existence you were..."

Lynch shook his head, and finally withdrew his gaze. In any case, this madman can be buried in this place where the Elf King can explain its status.

I am afraid that in the past, its status was in the elven dynasty, just under those noble elven kings...

It's just a pity...

The alchemy array on this lunatic elf is already a little incomplete, and because of its age, the strength of its bone has been degraded. Otherwise, Lynch believes that if it is used to make an alchemy puppet, the power must be shocked. Gu Shuo Jin's strong...


You can only study the mystery of the top alchemy technology during the Dark Dynasty from the remaining alchemy circles.

In addition, there are those miniaturized sources of magic power on its back and limbs. This technology of miniaturizing magic energy is also very valuable in the current alchemy world...

"A genius lunatic, lying here, really..."

Lynch was silent for a while, and shook his head, not thinking about it anymore.

Suddenly, when he was about to put the elven corpse away, Lynch hesitated for a moment when he thought of something, and then his eyes fell on the source of magic power on its limbs and back...

Although the corpse of the elf was seriously damaged, the magic source devices are still intact. There are dense protective arrays nearby. It can be seen that this is the key protection part. During the battle, this lunatic also protected these weaknesses in good condition...

It's just that under the lapse of time, the energy in the source of magic power has disappeared.

What happens if you recharge them?

As soon as this idea came up, Lynch was a little moved.

After all, the elven corpse is dead, and the rune is even more severely damaged. Even if it is recharged, some changes should not be very serious...

Thinking of this, Lynch carefully gave out the magic core of a Tier 4 monster that he had accumulated before, but after thinking about it, he replaced this magic core with a Tier 3 monster.

And he didn't fill all these sources of magic power, just filled his back...

Originally, Lynch just wanted to try to fill it up, to see if he could restore some abilities to this corpse and change a little...

But Lynch did not expect that when the magic core was near the magic source device, the magic source device would come back to life at once, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time, madly absorbing the magic power in the magic core.

After a while, the magic core was absorbed and turned into a pile of dust, which was blown away in Lynch's hands.

And the countless magic patterns on this skeleton actually lit up for a moment...

"Oh shit!"

Suddenly, Lynch was electrocuted, jumped out more than ten meters, staring at the dry bone cautiously, and at the same time, the shields and spells were blessed on him, carefully observing the movement of the skeleton...

But okay...

After a while, the rune light on it went out.

From beginning to end, there was no action...


After waiting here for more than ten minutes, after confirming that the skeleton did not move any more, Lin Qi was completely relieved and wiped the cold sweat on his head.

Fortunately, only a Tier 3 magic core was used. It seems that this magic power is still quite insufficient for this skeleton.

The magic in it just makes him react a little bit, not enough to make any action.

Otherwise, something unpredictable might happen...

"But I can study it in the future..."

After a while, Lynch made a decision. From this reaction, it can be seen that the skeleton still has some basic functions. It is naturally dangerous to activate it now, but after returning, it is in a sufficiently safe environment. , You can try again.

At that time, any accidents will happen, and you will be more calm about it.

Thinking of this, Lynch didn't hesitate anymore, and directly put it into the space ring.

After searching again and confirming that there was nothing unusual, Lynch was still a little confused. It seemed that the ghosts that were resurrected just now were not affected by this skeleton.

What is the reason?

However, now that there is no clue, Lynch can only return to the team and ask if others have gained anything.

After returning home, most of the alchemists were already gathered here at this time. It can be seen that they have all gained a lot, and the expressions on their faces at this time are more satisfied and satisfied.

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