The First Mage

Chapter 1736: Bone Demon Leader

Of course, these words are okay if you think about them in your heart, and you definitely can't say them. Once everyone's confidence is destroyed, it will really be over.

"Hold it up and rush with me!"

When Lynch said this sentence, he pointed to his toes. After blessing the acceleration technique, the whole person rushed out like a gust of wind, and after a few flashes on the road, he approached these bone demons.

First, a gravity technique was thrown directly into the bone demon group. The four or five skull demon in the front were suddenly extremely heavy, and every step was extremely difficult, falling down quickly in the swamp technique.

But Lynch didn't even look at it, but after blessing himself with a feathering technique again, tapped his toes, and the whole person was like a feather, floating in the air.

At this time, Lin Qi only took a breath.

Because from this perspective, in the distance of the Bone Demon Swarm, there are actually a large number of undead creatures wandering on the ground. They are too far away, perhaps because they have long been used to the chaotic battle environment. There was no response to these battles in this place.

It seemed that he was out of luck while waiting for someone, so he ran into a group of bone demons.

However, if the escape is not timely enough, the wandering undead creatures in the back will discover the human atmosphere here and go to war.

At this time, Lynch probably wanted to understand why this place was set up.

This place is probably prepared by the undead army that the elf king is going to use after his resurrection. When he is resurrected, he will command a large number of undead to swept away...

This is reasonable...

Only these undead creatures that have no wisdom and can resist the passage of time can provide the elf king with enough troops after he is resurrected...

In this way, the luck of myself and others is more than bad, it is like slap the goddess of luck to get this kind of retribution...

But it wasn't the time to think about it now. It was important to break the game first. After Lynch easily dealt with the first miscellaneous pawns, he just switched directions and headed towards the Tier 5 bone demon.

Lin Qi's thinking is very simple. Undead creatures generally wander aimlessly. They rely on a leader with overwhelming power to gather.

As long as this Tier 5 bone demon is defeated, the remaining miscellaneous soldiers will be able to retreat without fighting. If they are lucky, they might be caught in an internal fight for the leader position on the spot.

It’s just that it’s not easy to deal with Tier 5 bone demons, but fortunately, these bone demons rely on natural instincts to fight, coupled with the various methods in Lynch’s hands, and the magical support behind them, they also have The power of World War I.

When the bone demon leader discovered that there was a human being, when he provoked himself, he roared and snarled. Then he waved the heavy axe in his hand and slashed it at Lynch.

In an instant, the two stood together.

All of a sudden, I saw the heavy axe swinging, and many spells scattered around.

However, at this time, there are still a series of spells behind Lynch, which is concentrated in support. This greatly reduces Lynch’s pressure and can dodge in the sky, constantly harassing the skull demon leader, for a while. During the battle with this Tier 5 bone demon, Lin Qi actually became a balance of power as soon as he came into contact, and even had the upper hand.

It was only for a while, and it was really not easy to tell the winner. Although Lynch was flexible and had various tricks to sneak attacks, this place was still the home of the Bone Demon Leader after all.

Relying on an unreasonable force, he was able to fight against Lynch with Lynch’s countless spells. It seemed that he would have to fight for at least a long time...

But that's not what Lynch wanted...

Time is not on his side now. If you delay a little longer, I am afraid that more undead creatures will be attracted to the battle in the distance, and the team will be annihilated.


So after Lynch blocked the chopping of a giant axe again, he gritted his teeth and chose to condense all the magic power, turning his whole person into a meteor surrounded by countless magic runes, and directed at that The bone demon led a bang and slammed into it...

"Hurry up and cover!"

Everyone knew that Lynch was going to decide the victory or defeat by one move. At that time, he roared again and again. For a time, the whole team gave up the spell suppression on the bone demons, and only dragged them with necessary traps. All the remaining power was put on supporting Lynch.

I won't talk about the buffing spells one after another. More offensive spells are the most important. At this time, the wizards used their master spells and bombarded the bone demon leader.

Next, what everyone can do is to watch Lynch nervously turn into that magical meteor...

The bone demon leader was busy dealing with the spells released by the wizards, and for a while, a flaw was exposed, but Lynch grabbed it decisively and slammed into the head of the bone demon leader.

The soul fire burning there is the source of life for the undead creatures. It is the most vulnerable place. As long as it is broken, the skull demon will crash to the ground, but it is also true that all the undead creatures will protect themselves. Soul fire, this skull demon leader is no exception.


Just as Lynch rushed over, the bone demon led the terrifying giant axe and swung it violently. Even though the magic of the wizards hit his body and broke a few bones, the giant axe still carried it. The strong wind slashed towards Lynch.

"not good."

Seeing this at this time, Noel choked to death and showed nervousness. At this time, he couldn't care about any personal grievances. If Lynch died here, all of them would not be pleased.

And this bone demon is really terrifying. I thought that all the spell bombardment of everyone would make it daunting, and would knock it back a few steps at the last time to create a good opportunity for Lynch, but he didn't expect this The Skull Demon was so powerful that it could abruptly resist the bombardment of the wizards, and could not retreat even if it was injured.

That pair of giant axes blocked almost all of Lynch’s positions. Whether it was up, down, left, or right, it would be blocked. If this blow is not successful, I am afraid that Lynch will be seriously injured...

No, serious injuries are good.

Fortunately, just when Noel was worried, when Lynch was about to be covered by the giant axe, Lynch turned around very dexterously, and escaped the blow more dangerously.

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