The First Mage

Chapter 192: Dasta

At that time, Dasta even relied on the undead natural disasters to attack one town after another, and eventually formed a large army of undead groups. At night, they attacked the city controlled by the elves. Although it did not succeed in capturing the city in the end, Turning the city into a ruin, even the elves had to finally abandon the city.

Since then, the prestigious name of the Undead Scourge has been passed down.

The discovery of undead natural disasters in such a place was enough to shock Lynch.

Even Lynch had to have the slightest fear, because he knew that once he stepped into the area shrouded by the undead natural disasters, it would become a paradise for the undead, and endless undead creatures would bring them unimaginable trouble.

But at the same time, Lynch is also stranger.

According to the documentation left by later generations, when the siege failed, Dasta disappeared as if in the world of Anriel. Since then, there is no news of Dasta, and the undead natural disaster is Dasta again. The power at his disposal should, logically, disappear with him.

But how can it appear in Budapest now?

Could it be that Dasta also came to Budapest?

After this thought emerged in his mind, Lynch's body shuddered suddenly. This kind of thing shouldn't happen, right? Let’s not talk about whether Dasta can live for so long. Even if Dasta survives, it is impossible to appear in Budapest. After all, before the Auckland Academy, no one has ever discovered the spatial coordinates of Budapest...

Just when Lynch was thinking about it, the undead creatures had already walked towards them. The undead moved extremely slowly, and there was a clicking sound when the bones stepped on the ground, which sounded a bit scalp. hemp.

In fact, Palin is already panicking...

At this moment, there are real tigers behind the jackals.

You know, they are surrounded by a strong corrosive dense fog. These dense fog can corrode even magic power. Compared with magic power, their bodies are undoubtedly more fragile, and they dare not get close to the dense fog.

However, the undead creatures are also watching closely...

Once they fight against the undead creatures, they obviously can't maintain the wind elemental spells, but once they can't maintain them, the thick fog will immediately sweep over them and surround them. When that happens, they will really be ineffective every day.

"Malfa Merlin, what shall we do? Hurry up and think of a way to solve these **** undead creatures!" Palin shouted eagerly.

Lynch didn't speak, and he had a headache right now.

"That's right..." At this moment, Lynch's eyes suddenly lit up. The reason why the dense fog appeared in this canyon was not the ghost of the undead's natural disasters?

Now that he has a certain understanding of the Undead Scourge, Lynch also knows that, although the ability of the Undead Scourge is a bit scary, in fact, it is only an eye of the undead that creates the scope of the Undead Scourge.

This eye of the undead is regarded as one of the most valuable crystallization of the undead family. I remember that after Dastar created the eye of the undead, even the elves were very interested in the eye of the undead, but Dasta has always regarded the eye of the undead. The hiding is very good, even after his disappearance, the mages of Anriel World have paid a lot of effort, but they have not found the Eye of the Undead.

If you can find the eye of the undead, you can also disperse this thick fog. When the time comes to lose the cover of the undead natural disasters, these undead creatures will break through without attack and become bones on the ground again.

But the question now is, where is the eye of the undead?

Lin Qi touched his nose with some annoyance. He knew that he shouldn't have entered the canyon so early. If the undead natural disasters could be identified earlier, then he could conduct investigations around the canyon. If he was outside, maybe Can find the location of the eye of the undead...

As for now, there is really no good way.

Lynch can only use some less energy-consuming spells with Palin to block the undead creatures that come forward while pushing forward.

However, compared to their restrictions everywhere, the undead creatures are obviously very comfortable in the undead natural disasters. They don't need to worry about the dense fog nearby eroding their bodies, and they continue to chase them two. For this, Lynch and the others have to Stopped several times, and then figured out a way to drive away the undead creatures.

Although most of them are spells that do not consume much mana, or even require too much energy, while maintaining the wind elemental magic while using other spells, it will still bring a huge amount to Lynch and Palin. Consumption.

"It's not a way to go on like this..." Looking at Palin out of breath, Lynch clearly felt that the speed of this guy's spell release is much slower now, and even the wind element spell can't be maintained. If this continues, Palin may be It can't be sustained, and at that time, there will be no spells out.

But now, I can only hold on...

But fortunately, after moving forward for a while, Lynch's sight immediately saw an abandoned alchemy airship.

Only half of this alchemy airship was exposed in the ground, and the remaining part was buried deep underground. It is not difficult to see from it that this alchemy airship should have landed in this gorge, but, perhaps it appeared. What happened, so in the end, the alchemy airship was directly hit...

Palin cried out in surprise: "Why is there an alchemy airship here? Anyway, this is definitely not a good thing, Marfa Merlin, I suggest that we don't go in. Our top priority should be to leave here."

"Don't go in?" Lynch immediately couldn't help but glared at him when he heard Palin's words. What does this idiot know? There is obviously no thick fog covering this alchemy airship, which means that the undead cannot touch it. To this place, this alchemy airship is an absolute safe zone.

If you don't even go to such a place, where can you go?

Lynch didn't bother to explain, and walked directly towards the alchemy airship.

Seeing Lynch immediately entering the alchemy airship, Palin's face suddenly appeared tangled, wondering if he should also follow in, after all, Palin felt deeply afraid of this alchemy airship. This feeling was so strong that Palin hesitated.

But almost as soon as Lynch entered, a large number of undead creatures chased from behind.

At this time, Palin didn't hesitate at all, and followed directly.

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