The First Mage

Chapter 193: Undead creatures

But as soon as he entered, Palin felt a cold wind blowing on his face, and even instantly made Palin feel cold and bitter, and subconsciously wrapped the slightly thin mage robe around him.

Immediately afterwards, when he raised his head and looked past, Palin suddenly saw a scene that scared him.

The alchemy airship has obviously undergone special treatment. The entire alchemy airship has an incredible amount of space, and many undead creatures are sitting in the alchemy airship. Although the eyes of these undead creatures are all closed, there is no undead breath. But Palin still felt a fear suddenly rise from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

If it hadn't been for the iron wall of the alchemy airship, Palin would have sat on the ground now, but even so, Palin's body was trembling.

Damn, here are all undead creatures...

Close contact with nearly a hundred undead creatures is enough to make Palin scared to death. In case these undead creatures react and pounce directly, in such a narrow space, he can't even use any spells. In an instant Will become food for undead creatures.

"Marfa Merlin, shall we go out?" Palin's voice trembled.

"Go out and go out by yourself. There are more undead creatures outside..." Lynch shook his head. The alchemy airship was not covered by the dense fog of undead natural disasters. These undead creatures resurrected by the undead natural disasters are in their In my eyes, this is an absolute forbidden zone. Once they leave the undead natural disasters, they will become bones again.

So Lynch didn't worry at all that the undead creatures outside would come in.

Looking at Palin, who was full of fear, Lynch cursed in a secret voice. Could it be that this guy couldn't see that the undead creatures here didn't even have the slightest undead aura?

In other words, in fact, the undead creatures here have all fallen...

Generally speaking, undead creatures are either killed or committed suicide. Otherwise, things like undead creatures are absolutely impossible to fall. However, there is also an exception, that is, there are more terrifying undead creatures that give all their powers. Absorbed, once they lose their power, these undead creatures will become dead.

Maybe it still keeps the appearance it was before his death, but he can't continue his activities.

"I suggest you look back and read more books. You still don't know enough about undead creatures..." Lynch looked back at Palin. Knowledge equals power. This sentence is definitely not a casual talk. If Palin has more theoretical knowledge. , It is easy to see the difference between undead creatures.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean, the undead creatures here are not dangerous. If you don't believe it, you can touch it..."

"Huh?" Palin came to a skeleton warrior with a face full of unbelief, and touched it lightly, but he didn't expect that he didn't use any force at all, but the skeleton warrior was instantaneous. Disperse for the powder.

Palin didn't react for a while, because he inhaled a large amount of powder, so he began to cough violently.

"They are all dead?" After discovering this, Palin immediately showed a look of surprise on his face. At this time, he finally did not panic as before, and found a little confidence.

Lynch shook his head and began to check the alchemy airship.

Soon Lynch discovered that these undead creatures seemed to be entwined with a black tube, and not only were undead creatures, but almost all undead creatures had them.

"This is..." After checking the material of the tube, Lynch took a breath.

Damn, this is actually a tube made of obsidian gold...

Obsidian gold, as one of the most excellent magic materials, can be said to be extremely strong. How strong is it? The alchemy products made by obsidian gold are inherently extremely defensive, and even magicians cannot easily destroy them, and mages and the like, even if they go all out, it is difficult to stay above them. The slightest trace.

Because of this characteristic, the price of obsidian gold is extremely expensive, even if it is only a palm-sized one, you can sell as much as a gold coin.

And looking at the obsidian gold on the top of the undead creatures, all together, there are at least twenty or thirty gold coins, which is simply a violent thing.

Lin Qi felt distressed just by looking at it.

The obsidian gold that has been used, even if it is collected, the structure inside has been destroyed, and it is completely impossible to sell and reuse the obsidian gold. Now these expensive obsidian gold is completely abandoned...

"What are these tubes inserted into the bodies of undead creatures?" Palin asked curiously.

"It's very simple, it absorbs the breath of the undead..." Lynch didn't bother to explain to Palin. The tube made of obsidian gold can perfectly seal the breath of the undead. At this time, if there is a tool to draw the breath from the other side, it can be completely The undead breath of the undead creatures is drawn out.

However, this technique is easy to say, but it is actually more complicated.

At least humans have not yet mastered the alchemy technology that can extract the breath of the undead.

However, judging from the appearance of the tubes, it was obviously abandoned for a long time. Even without careful inspection, Lynch could almost infer that the devices behind these tubes should be useless now.

But these pipes extend directly under the deck.

Following the direction of the pipe, he opened the deck. First, a burst of choking dust came out, and then Lynch covered it as he walked from the emerging entrance to the second floor of the alchemy airship.

The second floor of the alchemy airship was completely buried in the mud. After it came down, it was filled with darkness. Lynch fumbled and lit a candle, and the cabin became brighter. At this time, when he looked again, Lynch was The panorama of the cabin can already be seen clearly.

Almost all of the second layer of the alchemy airship were tubes extending from above, which coincided with Lynch's initial guess, and these tubes eventually led to the gourd-shaped machine in the center.

The machine is made of glass, and everything inside can be seen clearly from the outside, but the time is too long, there is nothing but run-down dust inside, and it is even covered with green moss.

Lynch looked at the machine up and down, then opened the machine's shell to reveal the densely packed devices inside.

Whether it is a power energy device, a drive device, or other structures, they all seem to be brand new technologies. At least Lynch has never touched it before. After careful inspection for a long time, Lynch can't tell why.

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