The First Mage

Chapter 191: Thick fog

"Besides, if I have a secret, I will take you with me?"

Palin thought about it, too. This talent smiled and said, "Actually, I just casually talk about it. I still know your character, even more honest than me!"

"I discovered for the first time that you have a talent for telling jokes." Lynch twitched the corner of his mouth, and then his eyes fell in the thick fog below.

This thick fog seemed nothing special, but if it was really nothing special, it wouldn't be able to attract Lynch's attention.

"Is there anything strange about this thick fog?" It stands to reason that after coming to the canyon, you should choose to go down or turn around at this moment. It is obviously impossible to look back, but Palin discovered that Lynch is always paying attention to the thick fog, and The look is still very solemn.

"It should be a little weird." Lynch said, and carefully walked down the canyon along the path. When he was about to get close to the dense fog, Lynch directly raised his finger, and a light flashed from his fingertip.

I saw Lynch’s magic power being injected into the dense fog, followed by the dense fog as if to give feedback. The dense fog in the area surrounded by the magic immediately rolled up, and when it rolled up, it was accompanied by extremes. The strong evil spirit corroded Lynch's magic power almost instantly.

"This is?" Palin was taken aback, even Lynch's magic can be corroded, this thick fog is really not easy!

"It seems that these thick fogs cannot be easily approached." Lynch frowned, his eyes fell in the thick fog. Although the thick fog affects the sight, it can still be seen vaguely in the distant jungle. There are many skeletons of monsters.

After a long period of corrosion, these bones can no longer remain intact. Most of them are tattered, covered with various cracks, and some of the bones, there is even only one bone left.

These should be the monsters living in the dense fog...

However, judging from the traces of their deaths, it is obvious that this thick fog didn't float in this canyon from beginning to end, but just appeared not long after.

This scene, just fill in your head and you will know it.

Probably, this was originally a very quiet and peaceful gorge, where the monsters lived happily, but one day, when a thick fog fell, these monsters immediately ran away in panic, but in the end, they were all given by the dense fog. Corroded away, and the traces of life disappeared completely, leaving only the incomplete bones now.

However, how can there be thick fog inexplicably?

Lynch also couldn't figure it out.

But they can't figure it out, but their pace will not stop because of this incident.

Lynch tried to use the wind element to disperse the dense fog. As soon as he raised his arm, a violent wind swept across. Under the gust of wind, a large area of ​​dense fog spread out to the left and right, and an area without any dense fog appeared.

Lynch was satisfied with taking back the magic power.

It seems that no matter how terrifying these thick fogs are, they are still thick fogs, which will disperse as soon as the wind blows.

This is a good thing...

At least they can pass this canyon perfectly.

"Let's go." He said to Palin who was behind him, and then Lynch entered the thick fog. He was not afraid that Palin would not follow up. Palin would not come in, but he would save trouble.

I just felt the horror of the dense fog, and I was about to go in in an instant. Although I knew that the wind elemental magic could eliminate the threat of the dense fog, Palin was somewhat afraid after coming in. A pair of eyes was observing the surroundings for fear of what might be happening. Unexpected things.

It's probably unlucky to say, I really do whatever I want.

Not long after entering, Palin saw that the bones on the ground seemed to be moving.

At first, Palin thought that he was too nervous, so he was dizzy. How could the bones of these fallen beasts move? But soon Palin found out that he was not wrong.

In his slightly panicked gaze, these bones lying on the ground slowly crawled together, and they followed as if they were being guided by some kind of power. These bones were strangely combined together, and then they appeared. This kind of undead is not like an undead, and Warcraft is not something like a Warcraft.

They are said to be monsters because they maintain the form of monsters, and they are said to be undead because their bodies are all made up of bones.

After getting up at this moment, a large amount of dense fog filled their eye sockets, and then these undead creatures seemed to suddenly have consciousness, converging from all directions, staring at Palin and Lynch.

"What is this?" Palin swallowed subconsciously. The cold sweat almost seeped out of his face, and even penetrated into Palin's eyes, causing his eyes to swell. He couldn't help but lift up. Wiped his hands.

"This is..." Lynch is not concerned about these undead creatures, but the thick fog in their eye sockets.

At this moment, Lynch suddenly remembered something from the past.

I remember that when he first entered Oakland College, he was very interested in the Oakland College library. He often stayed in it for a whole day. During this time, Lynch also came into contact with a lot of knowledge, including some undead creatures. knowledge.

Undead, this is a very general concept, and it is definitely not just as simple as undead creatures. Just in the world of Anriel, there have been many wizards who took the initiative to embrace the undead. These wizards voluntarily gave up their right to be humans. Give your body to the undead, and then become a necromancer, even a lich.

Different from ordinary undead creatures, these creatures that have changed from humans to undead still retain their wisdom before their lives. During the long and boring years, they tried to develop various undead powers and created many weird, but powerful Something of strength.

Among them, the greatest achievement was a necromancer named Dasta.

Although Dasta's strength may not be considered the strongest, at most it is comparable to the magician, but after Dasta devoted himself to the undead, it took four hundred years to create the undead natural disaster.

As long as the area covered by the undead natural disaster, no matter if any creature dies, it will be corroded into bones in a short time. At the same time, under the influence of the undead natural disaster, these bones will also give the undead power and be awakened again in the form of the undead. , Became a puppet of the undead's natural disasters.

Long, long ago, the Undead Scourge demonstrated unparalleled power.

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