The First Mage

Chapter 1712: Domineering Adam

There has always been only one great magician surrounded by many businessmen seeking cooperation, and there has never been a great magician next to a chamber of commerce, a great alchemist seeking cooperation.

It's okay for this Balperin not to stand up. If you dare to jump out uninterestingly, hehe, don't blame Adam for hitting his face red and swollen.

"A broken chamber of commerce dared to intervene in my struggle, it is simply looking for death..."

Noel snorted coldly. At this moment, the tent where the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce was located was already in sight.

At this time, I saw that everyone was still in the process of repairing. In addition to Balperin's command and dispatch here, there are also several other chambers of commerce presidents here, chatting about what happened today.

However, Adam stepped forward with a calm face, and said unceremoniously: "Let Mafa Merlin come out."


Immediately, Balperin frowned, because at this time, the great wizard was unscrupulously releasing his coercive pressure. When the voice fell, a powerful magic wave was It swept away, making all but a few people feel a strong burst of pressure.

"It turned out to be the Great Sorcerer Adam. I don't know what you have to do with Marfa Merlin."

At this time, Balperin barely showed a smile, and asked in secret, vigilantly, but after seeing the expressionless Nuoer from the side, his heart secretly said that it was not good, knowing that these two people really came to seek revenge. Of it.

It's just that this is his camp, and Lynch was even more invited by him. At this time, no matter what, he had to stand up and say something.

"Let Marfa Merlin come out."

However, Adam did not show any face, and said coldly.

"This one……"

At this time, Balmerin couldn't get off the stage a little, and his face was a little hard to look.

He also knew a thing or two about Adam. He was a lunatic and would not give himself any face at all. However, in the presence of these many people, if he really had no face at all, then how could he be mixed in Qianfan City in the future?

However, just as he was in a dilemma, Adam slowly walked forward, and with every step he fell, the magic wave on his body became stronger, as if everything that was blocking the road along the way would be mercilessly him. Overthrow in general.

And Balperin has a feeling that if he continues to block here, I am afraid that this Adam will not show any affection, and will still continue to run over without mercy...

Fortunately, at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"I am Mafa Merlin."

Lynch walked out of the tent and looked at the great wizard blankly.

I have to say that the pressure released by the Great Sorcerer is still quite oppressive, making Lynch clearly feel that this is a strong enemy, compared to Noel, it is almost like heaven and earth.

"Adam the Great Sorcerer?"

When Lin Qi was in the tent, he almost understood what the situation is now. When he looked at the opponent, he narrowed his eyes slightly. This is a bad person. I am afraid it is not the kind of opponent that can be easily solved...

"The Great Sorcerer Adam!"

At this time, Balperin hurriedly stood up and said: "In my opinion, this matter is not as good as that. After all, it is still the tomb of the Elf King. I have not seen the tomb yet, just like this... It's a bit inappropriate..."

"In your opinion?" However, after watching Balperin for a while, Adam suddenly sneered: "Then I have to ask, President Balperin, what are you? Your opinion is very valuable. ?"


Balperin's face suddenly sank, making it extremely difficult to look.

Adam's words were not even willing to do the superficial effort, and he just ignored him.

This kind of shameless thing, normal people would not do...

But now...

This Adam really doesn't seem to be a normal person...

"Master Adam, you..."

Just as Balperin wanted to say something, he suddenly felt a sense of great danger rising from the bottom of his heart. Just when Balperin felt something was wrong, it seemed that it was too late... …

All of a sudden, Adam raised his hand without warning, and all of a sudden, he saw it, bang, a large fire burst out of thin air, and it actually blasted directly toward Lynch.

But Balperin stood in the middle, and the flame didn't hesitate at all, and it smashed directly towards Balperin.

Balperin's reaction was not slow. Just when he felt something was wrong, he immediately activated a sacred shelter attached to his robe, and a white light suddenly lit up.

This is a third-order spell, which is definitely sufficient in normal times, not just once, it saved Balperin's life in a crisis, but this time, this spell seemed quite insufficient.

I just saw that the flames rushed directly in front of Balperin with an overwhelming attitude, and then only heard a bang. The large flares of fire directly exploded, and Balperin's entire body was blown up. Wrapped up.

It landed on Saruman's arm, followed by a "boom", and the raging flames jumped up, and at a glance, it was as if Saruman's entire arm was burning.

And the white light of the sacred sanctuary suddenly bloomed, and a series of magic talismans flew wildly around Balperin, trying to block this flame. The activation speed of this spell can be said to be quite timely. However, at this moment, the dazzling fire light actually intensified, and powerful and violent magic waves continued to diffuse out, and the blazing white light was filled with a crimson fire light in a blink of an eye.

The flame is like a tarsal maggot, constantly eroding this sacred shelter from the hands of a master.

In a short blink of an eye, the blazing white light is shrinking...

Finally, after a bang, the sacred sanctuary of Tier 3 broke open, and Balperin, who was extremely pale, was exposed to the fiery flames. The whole person was almost without defense. To be swallowed by this flame.

"President Balperin, are you sure you still want to block now?"

At this time, Adam looked at Balperin coldly, and said faintly across the flames: "If it weren’t for the master’s face, you would have become a piece of coke now. I’ll give you another chance now. Do you want to continue to stand up for this young man who doesn't know what to do?"

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