The First Mage

Chapter 1713: means

If the trouble goes on like this, everyone has no doubt that the great wizard with such a harsh method seems to really hurt the killer...


At this moment, Lynch said indifferently: "Great Sorcerer Adam, it seems that you are really free..."

When the voice fell, I saw Lynch stand up, raised his hand in an understatement and waved lightly, and all of a sudden, a wave of magic suddenly radiated out, and then a cloud of ice mist drifted around Balperin. Going away, the icy mist and the fire light intertwined with a sneer.

It took only a moment for Balperin to be rescued from the death threat.

"Merlin, you..."

Balperin was shocked and looked at Lynch with a pale face. He opened his mouth and was a bit bitter. He didn't know what to say. The current situation of infighting really made him feel very weak.

However, at this time, Lynch just waved his hand and smiled faintly: "President Balperin, don't worry, I will solve this matter."

"It's a trick."

Adam ignored Balperin at this time, just squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Lynch: "It seems that old Rudolph still taught you something. Well, I won't bully you. Just let me see, how many catties do you have, dare to **** my master’s things..."

When the voice fell, only the magic power on Adam was surging, and he suddenly became violent. His eyes calmly stared at Lynch, but he looked like a violent lion, staring at his prey. , Can tear the opponent to pieces at any time.

Lynch also stared at Adam with his face unchanged, and the magic in his body was secretly surging, and the magic furnace was gradually activated. He could clearly feel that this Adam was very unusual, and I was afraid that it would not be counted in the Great Sorcerer. Weak, it was really troublesome this time.

But at this time, a voice suddenly came.


I only saw that Balperin and the other chambers of commerce presidents stood up together at this time.

"Are you dead or alive?"

Adam suddenly became impatient.

However, the presidents of the chambers of commerce all looked at each other at this time, and their expressions were quite determined. Balperin even said at the forefront: "In any case, we united this exploratory team on this trip to Tomb of the Elf King, the rest must be retreated for this. We don't allow this kind of infighting. I believe that even the Great Magus Garok will not allow this to happen."

No way, this time the presidents of the several major chambers of commerce are really not mainly giving Lynch a head start, but for internal unity considerations. If this Adam who fell from the sky is really what he says, then do you still continue to explore? Where is the prestige of several organizers?

The most important thing is that if Adam is really asked to see who is upset and teach him a lesson, then as the exploration proceeds, everyone is afraid that there will be conflicts between each other. With Adam's domineering personality, who can say Quasi, won't these guild leaders be taught by them next?

Adam's dominance is also domineering, and everyone can tolerate the occasional crossover, but this time it is a bottom line issue and cannot tolerate any concessions.

If you really let him be so rampant, then everyone should stop exploring and give Adam a hand. Otherwise, if he continues to bear it like this, when the final distribution of benefits is reached, this Adam can't set off a **** storm?

When he heard the other party move out of Garlock’s name, Adam’s expression was slightly relieved, but then he sneered: “Speaking of speaking, but I still want this Mafa Merlin to help you explore the tomb of the Elf King. It’s simple. In terms of combat power, I can crush a hundred wizards. As far as alchemy is concerned, I really don’t believe him. He is a kid with alchemy attainments. Can he be stronger under the master of Garok?! If so, then I will give it. You have a face, as long as we crush it in alchemy, what is the point of his joining? Then you have nothing to say?"

"This one……"

The presidents of several chambers of commerce looked at each other, and they all became hesitant.

To say that Adam did give in a bit this time, at least he did not insist on using force.

But this is the case, and I still insist on teaching Lynch in alchemy. Looking at this posture, once Lynch is not as good as others, he will be directly forced out of the team...

This is troublesome...

After all, Lynch just made a big effort and rescued the vanguard camp in the team. If in a blink of an eye, he was expelled from the team like this, it would be too unkind...

To be honest, just like Adam said, they really don’t have the confidence that Lynch can beat Noel. After all, Lynch is too young, too young to rest assured. Normally, Lynch gives Noel. Being an alchemy experiment assistant is almost the same.

This is what they originally expected, the two-person cooperation model in this exploration.

However, it now appears that this Adam is really going to do everything...

"Isn't it better than trial alchemy? Good."

No one thought that at this moment, Lynch actually smiled and said.

Then, he looked to the side of Noel without letting it go: "I think you should have learned something under Garlock, but I'm going to weigh it."


At this time, Knowlton was very angry when he heard this. He stared at Lynch fiercely and said: "The test is fine. When you lose, you will not only get out of the team, but also leave me a hand and a kick! "

"Noll, you!"

Balperin's face changed suddenly, which was too much.

If you lose, you lose, but you still have a hand and a kick?

At that time, people will come to their own place to join the exploratory team. After they have made great achievements, they will be squeezed out and let alone, and they will have to lose their hands and feet?

Noel was too arrogant.

"Okay, what if you lose?"

Who knows, at this time, Lynch smiled, looked at Noel and asked.

"Only you? Can I lose?"

Noel smiled contemptuously. In terms of combat power, he was taught by Lynch. After all, as an alchemist, he had been specializing in alchemy over the years, and he had fallen behind a lot in magic. The victory of Lynch of the scholar is excusable.

But in terms of alchemy, Noel asked himself that he would not lose to any of his peers.

Not to mention, Lynch hasn't learned alchemy for a few years.

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