The First Mage

Chapter 1711: joke

In addition to being respectful and obedient to Garlock, he still has the same arrogant attitude towards others. As for being just a wizard, his fighting ability can only be regarded as the weak Noel in his eyes, and his status is even lower in his eyes. Up...

And Noel really has nothing to do with Adam. After all, this is a puppet in the hands of the teacher. He doesn't need any status. Any need will be met by Garlock. The true desirelessness is strong. Noel, the future heir of Garlock. In his eyes, it was useless...

Well, maybe in the future, Knoll will have the opportunity to inherit Adam after Garlock's death.

But that's the future too. Who knows what will happen then? Moreover, if Noel's strength still hasn't been improved well by the time, I am afraid that it is not Adam. The other puppets will not say anything, but they will still look down on what should be looked down in their hearts.

And among them, I thought that Adam showed this mentality the most obvious.


Perhaps the performance is obvious, but naked, without covering up...

It happened that Noel had no way of holding him like this. After all, in the world of the mage, weakness is a loss of reason, and Noel is even more of a loss in front of Adam.

In the face of people who Garlock trusted and respected, Noel felt a little overwhelmed...

"Let's talk about it, what the **** is going on."

Adam looked at Noel coldly for a while and said.

Noel felt guilty when he saw this look, but after hesitating a little, he started to say something.

But at this moment, Adam suddenly sneered: "First remind you, it's best not to fool me with the master set. Maybe the master sometimes opens one eye and closes one eye and doesn't pursue you. But I am not that easy to talk."

"Uh, of course, of course, how could I fool..."

When Noel heard this, he immediately spit in his eyes, a little nervous, and talked about the plan in his heart, but in the middle, there was no more discount...

But Noel listened quietly, his face was still calm, and his voice was still lukewarm: "I see."

"Then, what should I do now..."

Noel said with a guilty conscience.

"follow me."

Adam glanced left and right, and then he headed directly to an empty tent that had just been set up, waved to a few mercenaries and said, "Here we use it."

"Yes Yes……"

When the mercenaries looked at Noel, who followed Adam obediently, they knew that this mage must have an extraordinary status. How dare to say anything in these sections at the time, and hurriedly arranged the tent before leaving.

Adam sat down on a chair inside. After taking a look at Noel, he slowly finished: "In this operation, there are things that the master cares about, so there is nothing to lose. Next, I will assist you. action."


Noel also nodded, but he was slandering in his heart. I am afraid I will give you any assistance.

Of course, these words are just thinking about them, and I dare not say them anyway.

"Well, from now on, you still put away your little cleverness. If something interesting really appears this time, I am afraid that some old guys will hear the wind, and the master will have to do it himself by then. I hope the master will come by then. At that moment, you can take something out of your hand."

"Of course, of course, this time I also mainly considered this matter, worrying that Rudolph's disciple would destroy the teacher's affairs, so..."

"Well, let's talk about it, what's the matter with that person?"

Hearing Rudolph's name, Adam also narrowed his eyes slightly: "This old guy is not easy to deal with. The person he sent is also the one we need to deal with this time. It's best to solve it in advance..."

"This person is nothing else. I am not afraid of him in alchemy, but it is mainly him. He is too young... He is only in his twenties and has such an achievement. I think he must be Lu Astorf focuses on the person he cultivates, so I am worried that there will be secrets hidden in him..."

"Moreover, this guy has a very good relationship with the young masters of the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce. They are all Rudolph's disciples. I have already wanted to talk to the presidents of several major chambers of commerce, but they don’t give face. The only answer is to let us compete fairly with him. It depends on who can perform better when cracking the alchemy mechanism in the tomb and blocking the way along the way to the massacre. Of course, with you, we must be in terms of force. Don't worry, I will naturally go all out in alchemy..."

"Relationship? Haha, it seems that this man named Marfa Merlin is still a bit young, thinking that it would be worry-free to contact the young master of a chamber of commerce? It seems that he still doesn't know that only real strength is the most reliable..." Adam just sneered.

"Yes, what does this young man know..."

Noel breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Adam smile.

Although the relationship between the two is not very good, but after a long time together, Noel also knows that every time Adam makes this reaction, there must be a bad luck to suffer...

And this, that hapless one is Marfa Merlin...

"Well, that Marfa Merlin is also in the camp, isn't it? Haha, I want to see what kind of disciple Rudolph has high hopes for."

After speaking, Adam got up and walked outside.

Noel also hurriedly followed out to lead the way, and didn’t forget to say: “Let’s not go too far this time. It’s too stiff, I’m afraid it won’t end well."

"It's just a businessman."

However, Adam just snorted slightly.

But when Adam walked away, a sneer appeared on Noel's face.

Adam's character is like this, he is rebellious, even if it is an order to the teacher, it is only necessary to execute it without fail, as for some subsections, he is indifferent.

With his own mouth, even if the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce really came forward to relieve Mafa Merlin by then, this Adam would not give face at all.

As to whether the stalemate with the Ouroboros Chamber of Commerce will affect the business dealings between the teacher and them, that is even more a joke.

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