The First Mage

Chapter 190: Search

Before Lynch had taken a few steps after entering, the river almost flooded his neck.

"Marfa Merlin, do you want to swim?" Palin watched Lynch's movements and even wanted to laugh a little. Thanks to Lynch still having such a leisurely mood, he actually took a bath in the dark river.

Don’t you know that there is blood leaking from Cheris’ eyes in the dark river. This blood has a corrosive effect. Although the corrosive effect may not be too strong, you have to stay in the dark river for too long. It can still corrode part of the body.

But soon Palin's smile froze.

"If you don't want to come down, just stay on the shore and wait for me."

What does this mean?

He wants to call himself down?

Palin was overwhelmed for a while.

"I don't dare to enter the dark river." Palin shook his head repeatedly and joked. Lynch has this courage, but it doesn't mean that he also has this courage. Thinking about the feeling of corroded body, Palin felt a chill in his spine. If you encounter any danger below, the one who will climb up will not be a mage with a complete body.

"Then if you missed something, don't blame me..." After Lynch left a sentence, the whole person had already dived into the dark river.

"What?" Palin really didn't want to go any further, but after hearing Lynch's words, Palin's expression was frozen. You know, Lynch never wastes time on meaningless behavior. , Could it be that he didn't come to take a bath or was sent to death, but there was something under the dark river?

But it's impossible...

This dark river was discovered by too many people at the same time. If there was anything in it, the archmages should have discovered it immediately, and they would not leave after packing up the body of Curious Reese.

However, the words before Lynch left, kept spinning in Palin's head.

Reminiscent of Lynch's various performances in the Winter Mountains, Palin gritted his teeth, and finally decided to go with Lynch. Damn, if you encounter danger, you will rush out and fight for it...

At the moment, Palin also entered the dark river.

"This guy..." Seeing Palin also followed, Lynch shook his head underwater and waited until Palin came to him before continuing downstream.

In Lynch's line of sight, everything appeared dark red.

It’s no wonder that after Chery's long-term soaking, the water quality of the underground river has already undergone some changes. When entering the bottom of the river, Lynch can even feel a very uncomfortable feeling, like the skin is covered by some ants. It's very uncomfortable to climb over.

Moreover, the skin gradually turned red.

This situation, Lynch really couldn't be clear, this is a sign of corrosion...

After discovering this situation, Lynch frowned slightly and released a gravity spell on himself.

Although it is underwater, after adding gravity to your body, you can gain weight to some extent, especially when it is underwater, it will fall down as quickly as a rock.

The same goes for Palin behind him. Seeing Lynch's gravity technique, Palin's thoughts suddenly opened up, and then he used gravity technique just like Lynch.

Two people came to the bottom of the dark river one after another.

But the strange thing is that when he came to the bottom of the dark river, Lynch suddenly felt the water around his body glowing, and then it seemed to be traveling through a layer of space. It lasted almost three or four seconds. Lynch’s feet, It's more flat and thick as if stepping on the ground.

"This is?" Lin Qi looked at his surroundings strangely. He found that at this time, they were no longer in the dark river area, and they were clearly in another dimension.

The direction they are standing now is a huge gorge, and they are now above the gorge, and in the gorge, is filled with gray fog, these fog is very dense, filling every corner of the gorge, there His sight was severely affected, and he could not see what was inside.

Lynch glanced at his feet and found that there were still huge deep pits under his feet. Those were footprints. Moreover, they were the footprints of Chery. This shows that Chery has been to this place.

"It seems that my guess is not wrong..." Lynch's eyes couldn't help showing a bit of joy. It is also after thinking about it. How can a creature like Cheris be willing to live in a dark river all year round? Can Cherish be a terrestrial creature that can survive in water for such a long time?

It now appears that the reason why Cheris has been able to survive at the bottom of the dark river is only because there used to be a spatial corridor connecting the bottom of the dark river with the world.

It's amazing...

If I didn’t come down myself, I’m afraid I would never have thought of it in my life. There is such a secret hidden at the bottom of the dark river...

At this time, Lynch saw a beam of light appear in the sky above his head, and a gap appeared in the space there as if torn, and then Palin's body emerged from the crack.

It's just that Palin is undoubtedly more unlucky than Lynch. He actually fell directly and fell into a shit.

However, compared to the sharp pain when he fell, Palin is obviously still paying attention to the world. At this moment, he looked at this dark-looking world with a surprised face, not only a little nervous, but even a little bit about the unknown. fear.

"Marfa Merlin, did you know that there is another place hidden here?" Palin stared at Lynch with weird eyes.

In fact, Lynch can guess it without Palin. Maybe it is. It turns out that your kid hides so many secrets. Since you know, why don't you tell Hawking and the like.

Lynch couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I know a ghost. It just felt a little bit at the time. I only found time to take a look this time. If I had known it earlier, would you think I would not say it?"

"Really?" Palin is still a little skeptical. After all, Lynch has too strong intentions. He didn't hesitate when he first came to Underwater. This kind of behavior is hard to believe. Lynch also relied on guesswork. .

"What do you mean?" Lynch said in a huff: "Since we came to Budapest, the two of us have always been together..."

At this time, Palin had nothing to say.

Yes, they are indeed together from beginning to end.

If Lynch discovered something, then he should have discovered it in the first place. If Lynch discovered but he didn't, wouldn't it mean that he was stupid than Lynch? Although this is true...

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