The First Mage

Chapter 1561: Nonsense

"Sorcerer Hylar, look at the good things you have done. You actually attracted the constructed creatures to the camp. If this is known by the Dewey Sorcerer of your Knicks family, I believe your life should not be It will be better..." Lynch looked at Hailar with a smile.

"Fart, who said that these constructed creatures were attracted to me?" Hailarton pulled down his face, his expression sullen.

However, even though he was speaking hard, if you look carefully, you can see that Hailar's eyes flickered with a touch of anxiety. Obviously, he is also deeply disturbed now.

Lynch caught this point in time and couldn't help but laughed: "Well, since you said it was not attracted, then it was not you attracted. I must believe you the wizard, but... it's just me. Believe it is useless, you still want to think about how to explain to the wizards."

"What's the explanation? Even if it's me attracted, so what? I just solve them all!" Hailar said angrily.

Lynch sneered, pointing to the big silver metal bird hovering in the sky and said, "Then how do you want to deal with these constructs? Although it's not much, there are only ten, but after all, they are constructs capable of flying. Creature, do you still want a fireball to blast this thing down?"

Hilarton's face stiffened and he was completely speechless.

He naturally knew that Lynch was mocking him.

The current Hailar is very clear about his physical condition. Although he can barely stand still, it has almost consumed all his strength, so that it is difficult for him to release a spell now.

And because Lynch saw this, he used fireball to humiliate him. Obviously, the other party knew that he could no longer come up with a second-order or even a third-order spell...

"Don't forget, I'm also a magician anyway. As the saying goes, a dead camel is bigger than a horse. I can still deal with these constructed creatures." Hailar shouted uncomfortably.

"I care if you can solve them... If you want me to say, you are here to yell at me when you have time, it is better to think about how to deal with the trouble caused by these constructs with your current magic power... Lynch shrugged.

Hailar gritted his teeth, yes, it is really meaningless to continue talking to Lynch now. What he needs to do most now is to find a way to kill all the constructs in midair. However, as Lynch said, now that he is even struggling to release fireball, how can I kill those constructed creatures?

Looking at Wiki and Lundin again, they are not feeling well. Now they are shaking slightly and will faint at any time. Therefore, it is basically impossible to get their help.

Now, I can only rely on myself...

Now the camp is getting more and more chaotic. Everyone is on extreme alert due to the arrival of the construct creature. Since it is the construct creature that you have attracted, then you must solve it as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it attracts the attention of the wizards, then it will not be easy for me to explain...

Thinking of this, Hailar has no choice. Although he is seriously injured and extremely tired, he can only choose those spells that can be released when no one can help him.

And this spell is undoubtedly fireball...

After all, this is his only remaining magic and physical strength, the only spell that can barely release.

But fortunately, I am also a magician no matter what, even if the magician releases fireball, it is hundreds of times more powerful than those released by magic apprentices.

At the moment, Hailar condensed magic power directly and hard, and immediately after raising his hand, a fireball technique was released.

In the dark sky, I only saw Hailar’s ​​fireball technique, exuding a dazzling light, followed by rotating and smashing one of the silver metal birds, and then only the constructed creature was seen in Hailar. Under the spell, it quickly exploded into pieces, and then fell from midair.

As for the other constructs, they were probably shocked and flew towards the left and right sides.

Seeing this picture, Hailar's face couldn't help showing a complacent look, even if he was facing big trouble now, so what? Don't forget that his master's foundation is still there, dealing with these constructed creatures is still not a problem.

"Mage Hylar... I think you are really crazy." But before Hailar could deal with the other constructs, Lynch stood up, frowning.

Although Palin next to him didn't quite understand Lynch's meaning, he was still gloating and shouted at Hailar, "Hailar, did you hear me? Marfa Merlin said you are crazy."

"It's not only crazy, but also big trouble." Lynch added.

Hailar was taken aback and looked at Lynch: "What's the big problem?"

"Do you think that there is only such a small amount of constructed creatures wandering near the camp?" Lynch looked at the sky in the darkness and said, "If you feel it carefully, you will know that in the distant sky, there are Many constructs are wandering, but they couldn't get to the camp just now, but now, all constructs are coming at an extremely fast speed."

"Why is this?" Hailar was shocked: "Are you talking nonsense?"

"Don't you feel it yourself?"

"..." Hailar did not speak, but only stimulated magical perception. He sensed in the camp. After a while, Hailar's expression gradually stiffened. In the perception, there are indeed a large number of constructed creatures moving towards this. The edge came, and the number has reached an astonishing number of thousands.

In fact, this is not the first time Hailar has come into contact with these constructed creatures. After leaving the camp, most of them were attacked by these big silver metal birds. It just made him wonder why these guys at the moment. All came to the camp?

"I see, Marfa Merlin, this must be your ghost again. You want to attract all those constructs and frame me. You want me to be punished by the Knicks family, you are too shameless! Hailar scolded.

"When did you become attracted to me?" Lynch sneered, "The reason why these constructs came here is not thanks to you. Your fireball skill is almost like a beacon, you can't find it. The construct creatures in the camp, I'm afraid they all know how to leave the camp, so they have been wandering far away from the camp, and now they all rushed towards this side."

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