The First Mage

Chapter 1560: Seriously injured

At this moment, these three people looked extremely tired, obviously on the verge of overdrawing their magic power.

And their appearance also attracted the attention of the surrounding mages, especially the injury of Hailar, which made many people feel terrified. Although they don’t know what they have experienced, this Senjin The plane is really terrifying, even a magician can be seriously injured...

It seems that they'd better stay in the camp now and don't run around randomly...

"Mage Hailar, what's the matter with you?" Seeing these three people coming, Lynch was a bit surprised at the sudden injury of them, but he didn't forget about the hatred, so he quickly faced Hailar. He smiled and said hello: "Do you want to come over and eat?"

Hearing this, Hailar's eyes turned red immediately. He walked a few steps regardless of his injuries, grabbed Lynch by the collar, and roared: "Malfa Merlin, do you feel very happy when you see me like this? ?"

Lynch was not angry, but sneered: "I will give you five seconds to take your hand away."

"You!" Hailar was furious, but before he could finish speaking, he suddenly heard a small click, and then saw with his own eyes that the ballista above the two guard towers began to rotate.

The sharp crossbow bolts on the ballista were illuminated by the fire, shining with a deep cold light, facing the pale Hailar...

After Lynch’s special treatment on the alchemy ballista above the guard tower, Lynch can now use some special methods to operate the alchemy ballista. It can be said that if he wants to, he can release the alchemy ballista above instantly. Countless crossbow arrows come.

Hailar's movements suddenly froze. Under normal circumstances, with the power of his magician, he would naturally not be afraid of things like alchemy ballistas, but now it is different. When he was just wandering outside, he and Wikimedia Lundin, who was seriously injured by those construct creatures, had little magic power left, and it was impossible to deal with the alchemy ballista.

Therefore, after a long while, Hailar had to slowly let go of the hand holding Lynch's collar, but his eyes were still full of anger.

Lynch slowly straightened the entire robe, and then he said: "Magic Hylar, I think you have a few things that you haven't figured out. First of all, I didn't mean to laugh at you. In fact, you are so injured. I also deeply regret it, but you can't just rely on subjective consciousness to think that I must be laughing at you, and you grab a wizard by the collar, don't you think this behavior is rude? Could it be that, You wizards of the Knicks family, don’t even know how to write the word polite?"

"This is my business. What does it have to do with the Knicks family? You don't **** talk nonsense there." Heilaton was furious, and Lynch is now criticizing all the wizards of the Knicks family. This is nothing. Good omen, Hailar asked himself that he couldn't afford such a big hat.

Lynch smiled coldly, without saying a word: "Now the two major forces are building camps, no one dares to provoke the constructed creatures outside, Sorcerer Hylar, now you go out without saying anything, and make yourself like this, you I think, in your current state, if we fight the construct tonight, can you help?"

"It's none of your business." Hailar gritted his teeth.

Vicki and Lundin next to him also coughed weakly. In fact, they were also dissatisfied with Hailar. After all, this time Hailar took them out of the camp, it was really like a neurosis...

Before, after Hailar was fainted by Lynch and carried away by them, Hailar woke up not long after. After asking about the situation at the time, Hailar's anger can be imagined. He desperately needs to find a place to vent. But like this place to vent, I couldn't find the whole camp, so Hailar took the two of them out of the camp.

Although ordinary wizards can't leave the camp casually now, Hailar is naturally qualified as a wizard.

After leaving the camp, the tectonic creatures they encountered at the beginning did not attack them, but as they walked further and further, I don’t know why, a large number of structures suddenly appeared around their bodies. The creatures come, these creatures of the constructs will kill them if they say nothing.

The number of construct creatures is too much. The three of them fell into a bitter battle in an instant, and they did not dare to love the battle. After all, if other construct creatures were attracted, then they would have to escape even if they wanted to. There is no chance to escape.

In this way, they fought and retreated, and the injuries on their bodies became more and more. The key is that the **** construct creatures seemed to be inexhaustible. New construct creatures appeared by their side constantly. After a while, As a result, Vikki and Lundin were seriously injured. As for Hailar, in order to protect the two of them, there were signs of serious injuries by constructs on their bodies. Fortunately, as Hailar began to work hard, they were finally in this magician. Under the protection of the soldier, a **** path was forced out of the surrounding of the construct creatures.

After they came out, they ran back to the camp in fear.

But I didn’t expect that when I just returned to the camp, I met Marfa Merlin and Palin. I have to say that their luck was really bad...

"Oh my God, what is that?"

Just when a few people looked at each other and no one spoke first, suddenly there were screams in the camp, followed closely, everyone looked up towards the sky.

Including Lynch, Palin and others, also looked over.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that there were some big silver metal birds flying in the air, and these big silver metal birds came from a distance and are now flying towards the camp.

Lynch frowned slightly. The construct creatures outside would logically not act rashly until they got the elf's order. Now, how come these construct creatures suddenly came towards the camp?

"Right..." Thinking like this, Lynch immediately turned his gaze on Hailar's body. Following him, he saw that Hailar's face was also full of shock, and at the same time, there was a panic. So the appearance of such an expression was definitely not frightened by the construct creature. Lynch would be able to know the reason after a little thought.

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