The First Mage

Chapter 1562: the reason

"..." What Lynch said is still very reasonable. After all, the fireball technique he just released is not small. Therefore, Hailar's face has become extremely ugly in an instant. He suddenly understood that he just wanted to solve it as soon as possible. What kind of silly thing did you do to drop these constructed creatures?

However, it is too late to say anything now, just like what Lynch said, his fireball art simply pointed a clear way to the construct creatures wandering in the sky...

If there are only dozens of constructed creatures, that's fine, but now there are thousands of constructed creatures who came to the camp! And the problem is that he still can't get rid of these construct creatures. After all, the construct creatures are attacking their camp, and there is no second choice at all other than brazen resistance.

And in this way, this matter can't be concealed, and the Knicks family will definitely be held accountable.

Especially the Dewey Sorcerer, this time he will definitely not forgive himself casually...

"It would be fine if I was not injured." At this moment, Hailar was caught in a deep irritability. The creatures in these structures were terrifying. Before returning to the camp, Hailar had already had a deep understanding. If he is not a magician, it is estimated that he and Lundin and others would have died in the hands of these constructs.

At this moment, thinking about the scene when a large group of constructed creatures fly into the camp, Hailar's heart becomes more nervous. After all, this is a moth he made, and this time I really can't hide it...

Hailar was worried there, but Lynch did not pay attention to him anymore, nor did he check his increasing hatred value. He is now in this camp. Although he is a bit gloat about Hailar’s ​​situation, he still has to deal with the immediate priority. Those tectonic creatures attracted by Hailar.

As Lynch said, thanks to the help of the fireball technique, these constructed creatures have now found the direction of the camp. It didn’t take long for a large number of large silver metal birds to linger over the camp, almost over the camp. It's all covered.

This scene undoubtedly frightened the mages in the camp, one by one, as if they were approaching enemies, one after another came out of the tent, staring at the construct creatures above with extreme fear.

"Damn it, isn't it that these constructs have not been active for the time being? Why are they suddenly surrounding the camp? Could it be that these constructs are about to attack us?"

"That's not right... This batch of construct creatures seems to be different from the batch of construct creatures stationed outside the camp. Look at the batch of construct creatures outside, there is still no response, and there is no need to assist these creatures in the sky. It means constructing creatures and launching an offensive against us together."

"If this is the case, then why do these constructs come to our camp?"

"I don't know this, but whether we know it or not, we have to deal with these constructed creatures. They have the ability to fly, which is much more difficult than ordinary constructed creatures."

Countless mages are whispering, but now they don't know what to do, and they don't dare to release spells casually. Otherwise, if they become the target of this group of constructed creatures, no one can escape.

"Master Hailar, now everyone is wondering where these constructed creatures came from. If I tell the truth, would you be condemned by many people?" Lin Qi smiled. Looking at Hailar: "But speaking of your luck, no one has encountered a new construct, but only you. Just after leaving the camp, you met a group of creatures. What's more, these construct creatures I followed you back..."

"Shut up!" Hailar was irritated by Lin Qi. If he weren't too weak now, he would have smashed a spell without saying anything.

Of course, even though he didn't do anything, Hailar has spared no effort to contribute hatred to Lynch.

Seeing the increasing hatred value, Lynch was as satisfied as he was satisfied, but it was obviously not when he was paying attention to the hatred value. His eyes fell on the construct creatures, quickly thinking about the way to deal with it.

"Malfa Merlin, will the battle with these big silver metal birds attract the constructed creatures outside? If that's the case, we can't just do it casually." Palin reminded in a low voice.

Lynch shook his head. The group of constructed creatures outside have been stationed for so long. If they were to do it, they would have done it. The reason they still stand still is obviously waiting for the elf’s order, although I don’t know what the elves hiding in the dark are trying to do, but what we can know is that they will definitely not do it directly now...

That being the case, then naturally there is no need to worry about those constructive creatures now.

Right now, all you need to do is get rid of these big silver metal birds.

Lynch felt around the camp, and soon there was news of feedback. After these constructs surrounded the camp, no new constructs seemed to appear, which means that as long as they assembled this batch of constructs After the creatures are solved, naturally there is no need to worry about other constructs.

"Malfa Merlin, what's the matter?" Just as Lynch was thinking about a solution, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him, followed by Doria Sorcerer and several other Sorcerers, and quickly walked. Came from a distance.

They were also attracted by the movement of the construct creatures. After they came out, they saw so many construct creatures. They were shocked without exception, but the wizard is the wizard, and the observation ability is not ordinary. The mage of is comparable. After they came out, they only checked a little and found that this was a new batch of constructed creatures.

Therefore, while breathing a sigh of relief, I also want to figure out the situation as quickly as possible.

"These constructive creatures..." Lynch deliberately dragged an end when he spoke. It was obvious that Hailar over there, now his nervous heart was raised in his throat, and Lin Qi said funny: "Me too I don't know exactly how these constructs came out, but Sorcerer Hylar should know a little reason."

"Hailar?" The Sorcerer Doria noticed that the Sorcerer of the Knicks family was here, and couldn't help but set his eyes on him: "Sorcerer Hylar, you know that these constructed creatures came to the camp. s reason?"

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