The First Mage

Chapter 175: go back

As for what is being suppressed, although it is not clear, the changes on the court are obvious...

"Give me back!" With a loud shout, infinite spell light burst out from the mountains, as if to destroy the world, the powerful magic wave even caused a large area of ​​the jungle to collapse, the ground veins collapsed, and the whole winter mountain range was in At this moment, they were shaking violently.

Looking at this scene, the corner of Lynch's mouth twitched. This is the spectacular scene created by the digital wizards.

Sorcerers are definitely an area that all wizards yearn for. The magic power they master is incredible and powerful, and ordinary people can't insight into the mystery of their magic.

Under Lynch’s gaze, a huge light curtain rose from the mountains. It was a huge cage. Although the cage was surrounded by runes, it was impossible to see what was inside. But Lynch also knew that it was What's trapped inside must be the root cause of the turmoil.

At the same time, all the nearby monsters ran back in fear at this moment. Although I don't know what happened, it is clear that the existence that manipulated them to cause riots has been suppressed by the magicians. Up...

"Strong enough..." Lynch sighed for a long time. This is the method of the wizards. It is just a few wizards, but it has solved the very difficult problem of the countless wizards present. At this moment , I don’t know how many lives were saved...

The retreat of Warcraft meant that the battle between humans and Warcraft finally came to an end. The surviving wizards looked at the large corpses of the surrounding wizards and the corpses of the Warcraft, and could not help showing a look of fortune, and then they sat on the ground to rest. , The terrible experience just now made them extremely tired now.

"Marfa Merlin, what do you say?" Palin looked at Lin Qi and smiled.

Lin Qi glanced at him suspiciously: "What do you say?"

"Finally survived, do you have any remarks?"

Only then did Lynch understand what Palin meant, but Lynch did not answer him, but looked at Palin with a horrified look suddenly behind him: "Damn, the blood banshee is here!"

"What?" Palin immediately looked like a cat with its tail trampled on, jumped up, turned and looked back.

But there is nothing.

Palin, who understood it for a moment, looked at Lynch angrily, but Lynch had already walked away by then.


Soon, Lynch Palin and others, under the leadership of the archmages, returned to Auckland College.

After returning to Auckland Academy, I didn’t do any special time. I was really exhausted in the Winter Mountains these days. After returning, almost all the mages would choose to rest for a period of time, so as to consume the most recently. They are all added back.

The same is true for Lynch. He originally planned to take a good rest for two or three days, but on the second day, Lynch still went out. There was nothing special about it, mainly for rewards...

This time in the Winter Mountains, whether it was Lynch and Palin, their performances were extremely excellent. In addition, they had been alone with Archmage Hawking for a period of time. Therefore, for the two of them, Lynch was named First, Palin was second, both of them received a set of magic perception potions...

Palin is naturally extremely happy, and Lynch's mood is not bad. After all, the magic perception potion is expensive, but it is not qualified to be used by ordinary wizards like him, otherwise, it will not be used as a winter mountain. Hunting rewards, and now a full set of magic perception potions, to be honest, Lynch is also extremely satisfied...

However, the magic perception potion is not so easy to take. When taking the magic perception potion, Hawking stopped Lynch again...

"Master Hawking, is there anything else? Lynch looked at Hawking and asked strangely.

When Lynch's eyes fell on Hawking, Hawking also nodded slightly to him.

"It's about the Budapest plane. I plan to take you to the Budapest plane."

Hawking's words gave Lynch a moment's surprise. Before the Winter Hunt began, the Council of Seven had already announced a decision that three months later, a group of wizards would be assigned to perform a task.

Although the gossip has stated clearly that this task is about a seat plane, Lynch has only now realized that this seat plane is called the Budapest plane...

Moreover, things like exploring the plane should have nothing to do with you, right?

I just came back from the Winter Hunting, and now I don’t have any thoughts to explore the plane...

Presumably seeing the doubt in Lynch's heart, Hawking smiled slightly and said: "This is arranged by Teacher Rudolph..."

"..." Suddenly, Lynch couldn't say anything. The Master Rudolph arranged it, so he still has the right to resist?

But even if you can't resist, this thing is very strange!

"Isn’t it said last time that I would go there in three months?" Lynch asked strangely. The decision of the Council of Seven would not be overturned casually. Since it was set three months later, it was certain. After three months, if there is no major problem, it is generally not changed randomly.

Because once it is changed, many other problems may be involved.

So now, why are you leaving suddenly?

"The announcement was three months, but we recently discovered that there seems to be a space storm near the space coordinates..."

"No?" Lynch was dumbfounded.

Speaking of it, he had also heard of Space Storm from some related books. It can be said that this is a force that shouldn't exist in the world of Anriel.

I remember that when the Crimson Devil Realm opened up the plane, when they arrived at the plane, an unparalleled storm suddenly appeared in their sight. This storm looked really terrifying. It is said that they only saw the sky at the time. The gray color swept over, and in the storm, the infinite lightning struck down almost without stopping.

Being in the midst of a void storm, everyone’s eyes have lost their effect and they can’t see anything, just like a headless fly, letting the storm roll around, even flying to hundreds of meters. High altitude.

Then in the high altitude, the mages who lost control of their bodies were desperate in the face of endless lightning.

After that void storm swept through, almost all of the hundreds of exploratory teams composed of archmage fell in the void storm, and even the two wizards responsible for leading the team were killed and seriously injured.

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