The First Mage

Chapter 176: Netherstorm

Since then, the horror of the void storm has spread throughout the four major mage forces, and they have simply linked the void storm with death.

It's just that it shouldn't be so unlucky, right?

Although it is true that there is a possibility that the void storm will appear near the plane coordinates, but not all the plane coordinates will appear near the void storm. In the past exploration of the plane, the void storm is rarely seen, even if It is the seats currently controlled by Oakland College, and so far there has been no void storm.

However, from the analysis of Hawking’s words, this time I am afraid it is really so unlucky...

Lynch knew that if there was a void storm, then this action seemed to have to be advanced...

Once the void storm appears, it will last at least three months.

In other words, for at least three months, everyone will not be able to enter the plane through the Voidstorm. Although they know that the plane coordinates are there, they can only watch it eagerly from outside.

No wonder the Council of Seven had the intention to act in advance, and now Lynch can almost figure it out.

After all, with the current strength of the Oakland Academy, there is no guarantee that the wizard can be sent out of the area enveloped by the void storm. Even the wizard can only fall into the void as long as it enters the void storm...

"Yes, the void storm is indeed about to appear, and the time is only half a month later, plus the time we will spend on the road, and some possible time differences, so Mr. Rudolf decided that in three more days, we will It is time to form a group of plane exploration teams and head to the plane coordinates."

"Three days?" Lynch frowned, time was so tight...

"This time the plane excavation, I will personally lead the team, so when you go back, get ready..."

"Okay, I know."

For the next few days, Lynch had been soaking in the library, searching for materials while translating the wizard notes in his hand.

It's just that these wizard words are too esoteric and complicated, and it is very slow to translate word by word.

But there is no way, every word of the high elves has quite complicated meaning, even a word contains several meanings, and the translation itself is very difficult, plus, this notebook is about hybridization. Many of the wizard words that appeared in it were brand new. Lynch had never contacted them before, and even relevant records of qualifications could not be found in the library.

All of this makes Lynch's translation work very difficult, even if he wants to speed up, he can't speed up.

While Lynch was translating, the wizards of Oakland College were also called out to talk.

Excavating the plane this time, the Council of Seven had already said very clearly that only wizards, such as those magic apprentices, are needed. Even if you are connected, you cannot enter the exploration team.

Exploring the plane is the top secret among top secrets. The mages who are not qualified to go to Budapest know what is going to happen in the faint, but they don't know the specific content, so they can only guess randomly.

This is no wonder.

The exploration of the plane is a big event in itself for the Auckland Academy. If it is not for the concern of attracting the attention of other wizards, they can even emptied the entire Auckland Academy and explore the plane.

When the exploration of the plane has not reached substantial progress, this news cannot be disclosed in any way. In the past, the coordinates of the plane were exposed, which caused the four major powers to enter the plane at the same time, but it has not rarely happened. This is undoubtedly affecting the interests of Auckland College.

And while they were busy, Lynch's translation finally made substantial progress.

After spending a lot of time, Lynch still translated part of it...

I have to say that the notes left by the elves are really treasures among the treasures.

Although it is impossible to fully infer the experimental process of hybridization based on part of the information that Lynch has now, he has mastered one of the key techniques.

That is to use the blood of the silver dragon to connect the body after hybridization.

This is a fantastic idea, a fantastic idea that only elves can come up with.

The blood of the silver dragon is extremely scarce even in the entire Anriel world. How scarce is it? It's even on the verge of extinction...

It is most commonly used as an adhesive. If some alchemy golems exist for a long time, for some reasons, some parts of the alchemy golem may crack.

Alchemy puppet parts that have been cracked will be difficult to repair, which will cause this alchemy arm to lose all its original functions, and even become a pile of useless scrap copper and iron, which cannot be used again.

In fact, before the discovery of the blood of the silver dragon, most alchemists also operated in this way. As long as it is cracked, they will discard this part without hesitation, even if they are distressed and reluctant. Way things.

But when people discovered the blood of the silver dragon, everything changed...

The earliest discovery of the effect of the blood of the silver dragon was a mage of the tower of origin called Gnoan. This is a mage who is often mentioned by the tower of origin until now, although he was due to an accident when he was three hundred years old. Fallen, but in his short life, he left too many breakthrough technologies in alchemy.

Among them is the blood of the silver dragon.

Speaking of which, Genuoan would discover the characteristics of the blood of the silver dragon, but also because of something that seemed quite funny.

At that time, Genuoan was still an apprentice of magic. He usually liked to do many weird things in the alchemy laboratory. This time, Genuoan focused on the alchemy puppet left by the teacher.

In order to know the internal structure of the alchemy puppet, Genuoan even plucked up the courage to disassemble the alchemy puppet, and then assembled the alchemy puppet after the inspection was completed.

However, during the assembly process, there was a big trouble.

The metal arm of the alchemy puppet suddenly cracked for some reason.

You know, this is not a trivial matter. After the metal arm is split, it will directly affect the function of the entire alchemy puppet. If it is not resolved, this alchemy puppet may not be able to continue to use it.

In a panic, Ge Ge'an wanted to recreate a metal arm and set it up, but the process of making alchemy puppets was very cumbersome, and the materials were very cherished. Ge Ge'an could not find it after searching the entire alchemy laboratory.

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