The First Mage

Chapter 174: Sorcerer

After the Tier 2 moon wolf was cleaned up, the nearby wizards swarmed and wiped out all the beasts in this area. It was also at this time that the wizards of Auckland College were given some rest time. .

At this moment, Lynch was sitting on the ground, a lot of physical exertion made Lynch's face look a little pale, and even his body was trembling slightly.

But before Lynch could completely repair his physical strength, he heard a huge roar from the beast herd. When Lynch looked up, his expression suddenly became a little weird. It was actually from the third-tier peak. Blood Banshee...

To be honest, the blood banshee is quite beautiful. This beast, which is said to be cursed and transformed by humans, still maintains the enchanting beauty of her life, but her eyes are weird red, and blood is oozing out. Her mysterious lips, as well as the hair formed by countless snakes, all revealed a terrifying color.

The blood banshee is a real beast standing at the top of Tier 3, this level of beast is not weaker than a wizard like Grean, plus the talent of the blood banshee, howling, as long as the sound comes out , It is estimated that a large area of ​​the mage's eardrum will be shattered.

Sure enough, after the blood banshee came out, a harsh and shrill voice resounded through the world. In an instant, countless wizards covered their ears and showed painful expressions. There was almost no time to resist, and they fell softly to the ground. .

Moreover, the howling of the demon has no influence on the monsters. Facing the human wizards lying on the ground, the monsters hardly hesitated. They turned around and tore the bodies of these wizards. It was almost an instant. There were at least three human wizards. More than a dozen people died in the hands of Warcraft.

"Why did the blood banshee come out?" Hawking and Les were observing the battlefield, but now they see the blood banshee coming out. Their expressions also changed, and they hurriedly called out the archmage from other forces, and everyone dealt with the blood banshee together.

A Tier 3 top beast like this, once it appears in front of an ordinary mage, its lethality will be unprecedented, and only all the great mages can unite to resist the blood banshee.

Soon, an empty space appeared around these great mages and the blood banshee.

Their spells are extremely gorgeous. With the cooperation of several archmages, a large amount of fire, magma, and quicksand submerged the blood banshee, but after all, the blood banshee is a Tier 3 top beast, and only a large number of them appeared under her body. The blood, which formed a blood red film to protect the blood banshee inside, and then walked out of the magic range of the archmages.

At the same time, the howling of the demon appeared again, and the wizards around him only had time to show a trace of pain, and they fell one after another.

Countless people looked at the blood banshee with horrified expressions. This was the first time they saw a beast at the top of Tier 3, but they didn’t expect that even under the pressure of several archmages, the blood banshee could still be taken away. The lives of countless mages.

"It seems that the blood banshee needs to be taken away." Hawking was very anxious when he saw this situation, and quickly made a judgment, then winked at the other archmages, and then everyone used their magic tricks to lead them. The blood banshee fought and retreated, and finally took the blood banshee away from the crowd.

At this time, the battle between the archmages and the blood banshee was officially started!

"How come... even the blood banshee has come out. There are not too many monsters like this, right?" Palin's voice trembled, and he could see that his heart was full of fear.

Lynch shook his head and looked at the mist-shrouded area behind the monster. Although he couldn't see clearly with his eyes, Lynch knew that if a monster like the Blood Banshee appeared, it would definitely not. There is only one.

This contest between humans and monsters seemed more severe than imagined.

But no way, this battle between monsters and humans is simply unavoidable...

Originally, this battlefield guarded by the archmages could shock the monsters present, but now the archmages ran to contain the blood banshee, the monsters acted more unscrupulously, and a large number of monsters attacked the wizards. .

The mages were killed or wounded in large-scale movies. The mages couldn't bear it. They could only retreat while fighting, and soon came to the center of the wasteland.

"It's a bit bad going on like this..." Lynch looked at the battlefield while dealing with Warcraft. The more he looked at it, the more disturbed Lynch felt.

Due to the huge number of monsters, it almost gives people a feeling of incessant killing. However, as the number of casualties on the human side is increasing, and at the same time, it is also the limit of physical exertion. There are more and more wizards who can exert their due strength. Less.

Originally, a mage was able to deal with at least two monsters, but now, the situation where three or even four magicians can deal with one monster is full of every place on the battlefield.

If we continue to develop, I am afraid that the wizards will really have to withdraw from this wasteland.

Moreover, even the great mages are back.

Although the blood banshee was wiped out, these archmages obviously paid a considerable price, including Hawking, and Lynch found that Hawking’s face was a little pale and his magical powers were a bit disordered, which was obviously stimulated by the howling of the demon. .

This talented ability of the Demon's Wailing, the sound waves it emits will constantly stimulate the mage’s eardrums, even if the blood banshee is eliminated, this kind of dark injury will always exist, except for the recovery with magic potions, it is a long rest .

But under the current situation, even the archmage does not have time to rest...


Just when Lynch's heart was full of anxiety, suddenly an astonishing force came from a place in the Winter Mountain Range. This voice was mixed with incomparable anger, and it resounded across the sky for a while, and the entire mountain range was shrouded in astonishing Under the coercion.

"That's... the power of the wizard!" Looking at that power, Lynch was shocked. In the endless jungle, an amazing light appeared. It was a six-pointed star array, straight down from the sky. Following a horrible magic, it spread like a dark cloud on Lynch's heart, making him feel a little breathless.

Looking at the strength of this power, it seems that it is more than just a magician...

That was the joint action of several wizards!

"Forget it, those have nothing to do with me..." At this moment, even if Lynch was stupid, he knew that it was the wizards who were trying to suppress something.

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