The First Mage

Chapter 1545: Think about it

"It is theoretically possible, and even I can help you attract all the constructs, but, are you sure you want to do this?" Hartdy looked at Lynch in surprise. Obviously, he had never thought about Lynch. There will be such a thought, which is too crazy, after all, it is not a few constructed creatures, their number is like the ocean, endless.

"If I can, I would like to try it." Lynch said categorically. With the current situation of the two major forces, if these constructed creatures are suddenly killed, it will undoubtedly cause the mages to be killed and injured. , And if you can solve this problem yourself, you can definitely reduce a lot of unnecessary losses.

At the same time, it was invisible, saving many lives.

Things like this are equivalent to learning from Lei Feng to do good deeds. If possible, Lynch still doesn't mind doing it.

"Did you really think about it?" Hartdy gave Lynch a deep look.

"Yes... I want to try it." Lynch shrugged: "And you said, you can help me attract all the constructs. If you are really about to fall, I hope you can help me. A handful of..."

"This is no problem." Hartdy said, "Those construct creatures are all dark elves' thugs. Their hands are also stained with the blood of countless light elves. As a member of the light elves, I am willing to help you."

"Then start now?" Lynch looked at him.

"Wait, if I want to help you, in my current state, I can't help you..." Hartdie said.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Hartdy did not speak, but said to Lynch: "You first step back."

Lynch didn't know what he wanted to do, but he took a few steps back.

At this moment, Hartdy closed his eyes, and then the seven-colored flames that enveloped him suddenly began to weaken. In just a moment, the construction of the flame was lost, like the tide finally breaking through the embankment, eroding Hartdy's body like a broken bamboo.

Lynch was stunned. He didn't expect that Hartdy would give up resistance to constructing without any warning.

You know, once the construction is completed, there is no chance of reversal. Hartdy's doing this is tantamount to giving up his identity as an elf.


With the complete opening of the construction, the part of Hartdy who belonged to the elves is quickly disappearing.

And the part that belongs to the construction is spreading rapidly, and the skin of the elves that are not much remaining quickly becomes gray and eventually becomes a metal-cast mechanical puppet shell.

His face has been completely constructed, and the eyes of the elves have turned into some kind of crystals, glowing with a dazzling red light.

However, with the disappearance of more and more elves, his aura is also rising.

In a few moments, it has reached its peak. It is an unprecedented power, and it is even comparable to a great wizard...

And this momentum made Lynch feel the fear, and couldn't help but back again.

However, during this process, he seemed to endure inhuman pain, and his throat made a muffled roar of inhumanity and beast.

Immediately, after a full ten minutes, finally, when the continuous muffled roar could no longer be suppressed and burst out from the throat, it turned into a huge roar.

The sound was like the engine overload sound of a giant alchemy ship rushing to the sea, and for a while, the entire underground was trembling slightly.

As for Lynch, he was actually pushed back to the corner by that kind of aura, and breathing became difficult.

He looked at Hartdy in front of him. He had completely lost his original human appearance, and looked like a mountain-level alchemy puppet with overload.

Lynch had never sensed this kind of terrifying aura even in the Great Sorcerer.

For nearly five or six seconds, the terrible roar finally weakened and disappeared.

At this time, Hartdy's flesh and blood body was completely replaced by machinery, and the whole person revealed an indestructible metal texture. From beginning to end, he looked like an alchemy puppet, but he finally calmed down completely and looked down. Seeing my own changes, he said with a hoarse voice like gold and iron friction: "Okay..."

Lynch looked at the hideous construction monster in front of him, couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and said with some difficulty: "You are now completely constructed. If you do this, I am afraid you will lose your consciousness soon?"

"Yes." Hartdy gasped and said, "So, I also activated the self-destruct device for myself at the same time. When the time comes, I will fall directly."

"This one……"

Lynch was about to speak, but at this time, the door in front of him was torn open. At the same time, Lynch finally didn’t have to talk to Hartdy through the crystal ball. Hartdy went straight from the door. Squeezing it out, suddenly, that huge body appeared directly in front of Lynch like a terrifying mountain.

"What are you doing?" Lynch yelled, and to be honest, the current Hartdy did make him a little nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm afraid you will go somewhere." After speaking, a spell came from Hartdy's mouth, and at the same time, the surrounding environment trembled again, and in the midst of this tremor, the crystal-paved ground , Split a straight opening from the middle to the two sides.

When the spell in Hartdy's mouth stopped, the opening was already more than one meter wide, and when I looked inside, it was completely dark, I don't know how deep it was.

Following that, Hartdy grabbed Lynch without warning, and led him to jump directly into the gap.

In Lynch's feelings, I only felt that suddenly, he was wrapped in a huge force, and the whole person began to fall rapidly, and the wind whispered in his ears.

This kind of falling lasted for a few seconds, and he finally felt his feet on the ground, and then his heart pounded and eased, and after that, he activated the light technique to illuminate the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, an incredible alchemy airship appeared in front of Lynch.

"Why is there such an alchemy airship here?" Lynch was taken aback when he looked at that alchemy airship. Judging from the scale of the alchemy airship, it was compared with the alchemy they brought from the Royal Academy of Magic. The airship is much larger.

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