The First Mage

Chapter 1544: Element rule

"You are wrong. What the dark elves need is more than just returning to the world of Anriel. After they rule the world of Anriel, they may merge the Senjin plane and the world of Anriel to form a world. A new plane world." Hartdy said.

"Fuse the two planes together?" Lynch widened his eyes: "How could it be... the rules of the two seats are different. Moreover, the distance between them is extremely far, right?"

"Yes, so for so many years, the dark elves have been trying to research and develop this matter, and it is said that this research and development has reached a critical point, and it does not take long to complete this matter."

"Can it really be done?" Lynch was quite shocked. The dark elves are too crazy. It seems that although they want to occupy the world of Anriel, at the same time, they don't want to give up the Sen'jin plane, so Just make such crazy research and development.

It’s just that they know whether they know it or not. Due to the unique element rules, there is no way to become a seat surface between the plane and the plane. If they are forced to contact, it is equivalent to Mars hitting the earth. In the meantime, the world of Anriel will be destroyed directly, and the Sen'jin plane may no longer exist.

"By the way, destruction..." When this word popped up in his mind, the question in Lynch's heart suddenly became clear.

If the elves really have this plan, then it will undoubtedly destroy the world of Anriel in the end, and if this is the case, then the world of Anriel will usher in the ending in his mind.

"So..." At this moment, all the questions suddenly became clear. Lynch has been searching for a way to prevent Anriel’s world from destroying. It turns out that the real core point lies in the elf. Preventing the unrealistic fusion of the elves, when the time comes, will also prevent the complete destruction of the world of Anriel...

However, even though he figured out all this, Lynch did not relax at all.

After all, it is too difficult to stop this kind of thing...

According to Hartdy, all the dark elves now seem to be planning this, and if you want to stop it, you definitely can’t sit down and reason with them. The only solution is probably to eliminate it. Drop all the dark elves...

To do this is indeed unprecedented difficulty.

Even if you become the Great Sorcerer yourself, it is impossible...

Only with the help of the entire Anriel world.

However, I can't run and say, Anriel's world is about to be destroyed, will you follow me to deal with the elves?

At that time, if others do not say they will not help, they may even detain themselves like a madman...

Lynch couldn't help being tangled...

"Malfa Merlin Sorcerer, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Lynch falling into silence for a long time, and now showing a strange look, Hartdy couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Oh, nothing... I just thought of something."

After a moment of silence, Lin Qicai followed: "Hartdy, you should know that even if you tell these things, I can't stop the dark elves. As the dark elves want to invade the world of Anriel, sooner or later There will still be a decisive battle between the two major races. This is no longer something you can stop."

"I know..." Hartdy sighed helplessly: "But I'm very satisfied to be able to tell these things before I die."

"Ah? Before dying?" Lynch was taken aback when he heard Hartdy's words: "You should have gained eternal life after being semi-constructed. As long as you don't leave this place, you won't There will be accidents..."

"I have already absorbed all the energy that I can draw, and there is no way I can restrain the tendency of the body to be completely constructed. Soon I will become a real constructive creature without any consciousness. Therefore, in seeing When you show up, I will be so excited, and I will directly manipulate the construction giant to bring you here..." Hartdy said.

"Really?" Lynch nodded. If this is the case, then Hartdy's life has indeed come to the real end...

"So before I completely construct it, I plan to take care of my life directly, so that I won't need to be controlled by the dark elves..." Hartdy said: "Everything that exists here Construct creatures are all subject to manipulation by dark elves, I don't want to be their kind."

Speaking of this, Hartdy still sighed: "A person has been lonely for a long time, and death is a relief to me, and the most important thing is that before dying, I finally buried my heart. The secrets for a long time have all been told, and even if they fall, there will be no regrets."

"Wait... Let's not talk about the undead, you just mentioned the construct creatures? Are you not making these construct creatures? And, there seems to be more than one construct creature here?"

"Yes...These construct creatures are all controlled by dark elves." Hartdy first glanced at Lynch in a puzzled manner, and then kindly explained: "In the past, these construct creatures stayed underground, no Those who move easily are like sleeping, but I don't know what's going on these days. The constructs gathered around these creatures are all moving frequently, probably because the dark elves have given them some instructions."

Speaking of this, Hartdy said: "Maybe it was used to deal with you."

"These guys are really good calculations..." Lynch only felt a chill in his back. The wizards had already said that these elves may have noticed their arrival, but they never expected. This matter was really told by them, and even the dark elves were still secretly trying to use construct creatures to deal with their wizards.

"Most of the constructed creatures in the underground are gathered in the underground around this shelter. I advise you to leave early, otherwise, after I fall, these constructed creatures may come to you for trouble." Hart Di kindly reminded.

When Lynch heard this, his eyes lit up: "The construct creatures are all around here? Could it be... If we want to deal with the group of construct creatures, we can do it directly here? Before those construct creatures have been there yet On the ground, kill them all directly?"

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