The First Mage

Chapter 1546: Blew

"This is one of the many alchemy airships we brought back when we retreated from the world of Anriel in the past, but now this alchemy airship has been abandoned, even if it is of no use to you." Hartdy took from Lynch In the expression, you can see Lynch's novelty about the alchemy airship, and he can't help but remind him now.

"Oh... this way." Lin Qi nodded helplessly when he heard the words. In fact, from the damage of this alchemy airship and the rusty appearance on it, Lin Qi had already faintly realized this, but from Hartdy got the affirmative answer, somewhat regretful.

"Then what did you bring me to this alchemy airship?"

"There is a protective device in this alchemy airship that can ensure the safety of you and your companions. In this case, even if [天籁小说] I blew myself up, it won’t affect you in any way. You can be safe. Wait until the self-detonation is over, and then answer the ground." Hartdy explained.

"Blode?" Lin Qi's face changed slightly when he heard the words: "You want to blew up?"

"Yes..." Hartdy nodded, showing a wry smile: "You have also seen that, I am a complete construct creature now. I have been dead for a while. Before I die, I can help you solve the construct here. Biology, it can be regarded as a small favor for you."

"This..." Listening to Hartdy's words, Lynch was a little overwhelmed for a while. He really didn't expect it. It was just a one-sided fate. Hartdy would actually sacrifice his life to help him. Dealing with the constructed creatures underground, therefore, also made Lynch not know what to say.

"Okay, don't think so much. I don't expect anything in return. The reason why I do this is just the last use of the dying person." When Hartdy spoke, his expression was a little gloomy. After all, he still There are too many things to do, but his long life is trapped in this dark place, and at the same time, he is about to fall. Life like this, how uncomfortable I think.

Lynch opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything. He could only say gratefully: "I remember everything you have done now. After I go out, I will also spread your deeds and let Everyone, like me, remember the name Hartdy."

"It's okay." Hartdy thought for a while and said: "By the way, before I brought you, I sent all your friends to the alchemy airship. You can find him now, and then I will activate the protection. The device and the protective device will exist for about two hours. During this time, you should stay in the alchemy airship and never come out."

"I see." Lynch nodded, and then walked into the alchemy airship.

The environment in the alchemy airship was terrible. There was metal scattered on the ground everywhere, and there was also a rotten and unpleasant smell. As soon as he entered, Lynch couldn't help but cough several times.

But as Hartdy said, Lynch soon found Palin and Thomas in the cabin.

"Are you two okay?" Lynch stepped forward and slapped both of them.

They seemed to have passed out in a coma. At first, under Lynch's call, they did not react at all. It was not until four or five minutes later that Thomas and Palin's bodies trembled slightly, followed by violent coughing. , The two people opened their eyes one after another.

"Ah? Marfa Merlin? Am I dead? Is this hell?" Palin just opened his eyes and raised a series of questions, and even the term **** came up.

Lynch was a little bit dumbfounded: "Yes, this is indeed hell. Congratulations, I met me in **** again..."

"Palin, don’t be fooling around, we’re still alive now." It’s Thomas, who is not as stubborn as Palin. He glanced at the surroundings, touched his face, and then reminded Palin. One sentence.

"Ah? So we are all right?" Palin was surprised and delighted when he heard this: "It's fine if it's fine, it's fine if it's fine."

But after speaking, Palin looked around again: "But what the **** is this place?"

"This is an alchemy airship." Lynch waited until the two of them were sober, and immediately told them all about what happened between him and Hartdy. Of course, there was something hidden in it. The more critical things, such as some conversations related to the destruction of Anriel's world.

The shock that this incident brought to Palin and Thomas is undoubtedly not to be underestimated. After Lynch finished speaking, both of them stared at Lynch blankly, and they couldn't react for a long time.

"Elves, constructed...Haha, is the alchemy level of the elves so strong?" Palin was a little unable to restrain his emotions. After all, he is also an alchemist, so he still has a certain level of alchemy in the world of Anriel. He understands, so he knows very well that in the world of Anriel, even those great wizards can't construct flesh and blood to live, and no one has this technology.

"That's an elf after all..." Lynch rolled his eyes: "The alchemy of the elf had reached its peak tens of thousands of years ago, let alone today, so their alchemy is real. omnipotent."

"Then have you asked Hartdy about the construction technology?" Thomas asked curiously: "If you can master this technology, it will undoubtedly cause a sensation in the Anriel world, and your name, It will definitely make the headlines of Arcane Echoes..."

"It's better not to master this kind of technology." Lynch shook his head: "This will only bring disaster to Anriel's world. Besides, even if I ask, Hartdy will not necessarily tell me. After all, he has already There is no time."

"Unexpectedly, this elf called Hartdy will actually help us deal with the construct creatures here, but he can really do it?" Palin said suspiciously.

During the chat with Lynch just now, Palin already knew that all around this place were constructed creatures. Although he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he knew that it should be extremely scary through that description. Therefore, he is now very doubtful whether that Hartdy can really kill all constructs.

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