The First Mage

Chapter 173: Moon wolf

In the battle of the mage, there is no concept of the strength of the spell at all. A powerful spell can only increase your threat, but it is not the key to victory. Only the most accurate and deadly spell can guarantee you invincibility. The premise of the land.

The beast twisted its body and crawled over, acting as swiftly as lightning. This **** giant python was bathed in blood for a long time. Not only did it smell of pungent blood, it also contained deadly toxins. As long as these toxins were exposed to The skin of the mage will penetrate along the skin.

Not long ago, Lynch saw with his own eyes that a mage was entangled by a blood giant, his complexion instantly turned blood red, his body was paralyzed, and he didn’t even have the strength to struggle. The python swallowed as food.

Therefore, Lynch dare not care about it now.

The first choice he chose was the hand of flame among the first-order spells. The hand of flame was like a slap with flames and slapped on the body of the blood giant. It should be possible to shoot the blood giant, but the blood giant The python's body is too big.

His body was tens of meters long like a hill. In addition to scorching part of his body with Lynch's hand of flame, the blood giant still twisted his body and came to Lynch.

It’s not a good thing that the mage and the Warcraft are too close...

Therefore, Lynch stepped back for the first time and moved away from the blood python.

But while pulling away, Lynch had already thrown a swamp spell.

Only a sound of "wow" was heard, and the heavy soil under the blood python's feet quickly softened, but the blood python was obviously not aware of it, and it was still crawling over while twisting its body, but the next moment, the blood python quickly sank in In the swamp below the body.

At the same time, Lynch’s flames have smashed towards the body of the blood giant...

The raging flames quickly drowned the blood python, and Lynch wiped the sweat from his face, and then his eyes fell on the other monster.

To be honest, this contest between humans and monsters means endless entanglement once it starts. There is no time for three or five days, and it is really difficult to tell the winner.

Three hours passed quickly. Since this time, not only Lynch has fallen into a bitter battle, but the same scene has also occurred among the four major powers of the wizard, and everyone is fighting desperately against Warcraft.

At this time, even if you are reluctant, there is no way, if you don't sell some strength, the monsters that rush out are enough to eat you clean in an instant.

Just when Lynch thought that he was going to be entangled with ordinary monsters, finally a powerful guy appeared in Lynch's sight.

This is a moon wolf that has truly reached the peak of Tier 2, and even judging from the degree of magic boiling, I am afraid that it will be possible to successfully break through the shackles and become a Tier 3 monster.

And this moon wolf was obviously coming at Lynch.

No wonder...

In the past three hours, Lynch killed the Moon Wolf more than once, and even Palin beside him used a range spell to easily annihilate a small group of dozens of moon wolves.

You cried and called your mother for killing others, and you don't want others to avenge you.

Obviously impossible...

However, Lynch didn’t panic at all, and instead felt that it was a pity. Under this situation, it would be great if he could meet Tier 3 monsters. At least that way, he would be able to complete the task and obtain the blood of Tier 3 monsters...

There are so many mages around, they can help me a little bit more...

"I'll come first!" Palin was the first one to shoot this time.

To be honest, Palin has been worried that he will die in the hands of Warcraft ever since he fought with Warcraft. This has also led to Palin hiding behind Lynch. In addition to preparing a spell at any time to give Warcraft a fatal blow, wear Lin has never taken the initiative to deal with any Warcraft.

But this time, it was probably stimulated by the surrounding blood, and the fighting spirit was unexpectedly high...

In an instant, Palin's Arcane Missile was brewing.

Speaking of Palin, he worked hard enough, raising and lowering his arm quickly, and between the raising and the lowering, a series of arcane missiles smashed into the moon wolf's neck like bullets.

This is the conclusion that Palin reached after calculation.

The moon wolf's body is protected by dense hairs. After the second order, the moon wolf's hair is like a hard armor. It is really not so easy for ordinary arcane missiles to break through.

In contrast, the neck with the least hair became the moon wolf's biggest weakness.

However, just after the arcane missiles flew out, Palin, who was already waiting for the result of the battle, was suddenly dumbfounded, because he found that although his arcane missiles were indeed not bad, the moon wolf seemed to have not been affected at all, not only was it unaffected. , Instead of paying attention to him at all, the target is still Lynch...

For a while, Palin was really frustrated, **** it, do you want to lose face?

"Palin, have you played enough?" Lynch looked at Palin like an idiot. He didn't know what he thought. He actually came up with arcane missiles to deal with Moon Wolf. Don't you know, Moon Wolf Your own magic resistance is very powerful. If you have a second-order spell, the effect of the first-order spell on the moon wolf is really limited...

Seeing the moon wolf pressing harder at every step, he would pounce on him if he didn't pay attention, and Lynch didn't bother to be polite with Palin, and immediately stabbed around the moon wolf's body.

Although Moon Wolf’s magic resistance is really good, spells such as Ground Spike, to put it bluntly, rely on the sharpness of the Ground Spike itself to cause you trouble, especially Lynch is now a second-level mage, and the ground spear The power is undoubtedly more powerful, leaving traces on the moon wolf's body easily.

An angry cry of Moon Wolf was heard in the ear.

However, it's just that...

Because Lynch knew that Hawking and others were about to take action.

If you want to solve the moon wolf, it will definitely not be possible for an ordinary wizard.

Of course, with so many mages present, it is not impossible to solve the moon wolf by relying on the tactics of the human sea, but the key is that it will inevitably cost a lot of money, even the cost of killing a few people. Extremely precious, the archmages of the major forces will certainly not let it go.

Otherwise, why did they come here?

Sure enough, when Lin Qi's thoughts flashed, Hawking and other great mages had already started, but after seven or eight spells, the second-order monster moon wolf turned into flesh and blood and disappeared from everyone's sight.

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