The First Mage

Chapter 1536: alert

"Are you dragging the oil bottle? You know..."

The two were talking there, but at this moment, behind a pile of broken stones, a weak voice suddenly came.

"Are you the mages of the Royal Academy of Magic, or the mages of the Knicks family?"

Anyone else?

At this moment, both Lynch and Palin became vigilant.

After that, they watched, among a pile of ruins ten meters away, a blood-stained hand suddenly appeared.

Holding the ruins with that hand, he crawled out of the upper body with difficulty. After that, he seemed to exhaust all his strength, lying on the ruins and panting hard. At the same time, his eyes fell on Lynch and Palin. , It can be seen that his weak face barely pulled a smile.

Obviously, after seeing Lynch and the others, this person seemed very excited...

"Is this?" Palin glanced at the wizard up and down, followed by staring, "Isn't this Thomas of the Knicks family?"

"Thomas?" Lynch was somewhat impressed by the name.

This time, among the members of the Knicks family who came to the plane of Sen'jin, there is no shortage of genius mages, and this one named Thomas is one of the more famous geniuses. It is said that his talent is among the mages of the same generation. They are all able to be ranked. No, at the age of twenty-eight this year, he is already a ninth-level archmage. At this growth rate, becoming a magician before the age of thirty is also extremely Great possibility.

However, what makes Lynch strange is that he is the first group of wizards to come out of the camp to explore, and as they move forward, he and Palin speed up, and also leave behind the wizards who set off at the same time. That being the case, why did this Thomas come to them?

And there is still time for such a long battle here...

"I sneaked out last night..." Thomas looked at Lynch’s suspicious eyes, more or less aware of Lynch’s current thoughts, so he said with a little embarrassment: “I was following a My friends came out together, but I didn’t expect that the Sen'jin plane was so dangerous. We encountered many monsters along the way, and countless battles broke out, and then we stumbled here."

"But I didn't expect that there are actually a lot of Tier 3 monsters waiting for us here... Alas, although I barely survived after a hard fight, my friend was killed by Tier 3 monsters, even the body They were all eaten..." When he said this, Thomas's eyes dimmed slightly.

"Unexpectedly, there are people who are more courageous than you..." After listening to Thomas, Palin couldn't help but secretly smacked his tongue and looked at Lynch next to him: "Mafa Merlin, even you dare not come out and explore easily. , But these guys from the Knicks family are a bit amazing..."

In fact, let alone Palin, including Lynch is a bit speechless.

Last night, the wizards hadn't arranged for the wizards to come out to explore, so Thomas, this guy, ran out privately.

As for the reason, it is even simpler.

This guy is obviously rushing in front of others, trying to find some resources...

But it’s no wonder that Thomas is already a ninth-level archmage after all. Generally, a mage of this level hopes to attack the wizard as soon as possible. Therefore, if you want to find resources alone to increase your strength, it is not What a strange thing.

In fact, many ninth-level archmages in the camp had such thoughts, but they were not as bold as Thomas.

"Is there any monsters around here now?" Lynch glanced around. Although he was aware that there was no trace of monsters nearby, Thomas had fought a battle here before, so Lynch felt like he It is still necessary to ask him.

"It should be gone." Thomas said weakly: "Of course, there may also be some beasts that can hide a breath... When I came out with my companion before, I met some."

"Okay." Lynch nodded, and then gave Palin a gesture. Palin's reaction was also very quick, and he took out the potion from the magic box and handed it to Thomas over there.

After taking the potion, Thomas cast a grateful look at Palin, then drank the potion, and with the help of the potion, he slowly recovered from his injuries.

To be honest, when he first met Lynch and Palin, Thomas was really worried that these two would not help him...

After all, one of them is a member of the Knicks family and the other is a mage from the Royal Academy of Magic. Although they are now a cooperative relationship, the two powers can’t really ignore the previous suspicions. Therefore, even if Lynch and Palin are unwilling to help He, this wouldn't surprise Thomas too much.

Fortunately, these two mages are very good.

"You're a Sorcerer..." After Thomas was able to stand up from the ruins, he looked at Lynch carefully, followed by surprise: "Such a young Sorcerer, you are Marfa Merlin, right? ?"

"Before everyone came here in an alchemy airship. You don't even know Marfa Merlin?" Palin looked at Thomas.

Thomas smiled awkwardly: "I've been meditating on the alchemy airship, and I didn't pay attention to things outside, so I just didn't recognize the Sorcerer Mafa Merlin. This is a bit rude to me."

In the world of Anriel, the concept of class is very serious. Generally speaking, a ninth-level archmage, after seeing a magician, will definitely use the honorific title the first time, but he is really He was too weak, so he didn't notice Lynch's strength at all, so he was really worried now that Marfa Merlin, the wizard, would be dissatisfied with it.

"Since you have nothing more to do, now you go back to the camp, Palin and I will continue to explore." Lynch looked at Thomas and said.

Thomas didn't agree immediately, but his eyes flickered and hesitated.

Lynch looked at his hesitant expression and couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong? Is there anything else? Don't worry, there shouldn't be any monsters on the way back. Besides, many mages today Come out and explore, it doesn’t take long for you to be able to meet them."

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