The First Mage

Chapter 1535: Oil bottle

In the dormitory, Palin, who had been sitting here waiting, finally saw Lynch and walked over with joy: "Mafa Merlin, did you decide the next course of action during this meeting? What's the next plan, you can tell me in advance, so that I won’t be ready to go to the battlefield in a hurry."

"What's the plan?" Lynch rolled his eyes: "They discussed too many things, and you don't understand it to you. As for the fact that there are elves on the Sen'jin plane, you don't already know that Yet?"

"Well..." Palin asked again, "What are the wizards going to do with the elves?"

"Get out the elves first..." Lynch said faintly: "Unexpectedly, starting from tomorrow, probably everyone will have to get busy looking for those elves."

"Ah? Looking for the elves?" Palin's eyes widened, and he had to say, this thing is really exciting. In the world of Anriel, the elves that only exist in legends, but now they are actively looking for them. ,what does this mean? It means they will be able to see the real elves soon!

But things like elves are extremely dangerous. To be honest, Palin didn’t feel much excitement in his heart, but was very worried. After all, during the collision with the elves, he might die in the hands of the elves at any time...

The situation in the camp was exactly the same as Lynch said. On the second day, the wizards had already announced the news. Not only did they tell everyone about the elves, but they also These tens of thousands of mages were randomly distributed into countless teams, except for some necessary left-behind mages, all others were dispatched to investigate the whereabouts of the elves.

Regarding the elves, this is undoubtedly a blockbuster. It can be said that countless wizards are overwhelmed. However, the high-level officials did not give them much time to discuss. The action plan began to be implemented directly. Soon, these were stunned. The mages were all forced to leave the camp.

Of course, before leaving, the wizards made repeated orders. If someone encounters an elf, they must not directly conflict with the elf. After completing the coordinate record, they should return to the camp as soon as possible to report this news. Report it.

As for Lynch, Palin and others, they are also among them...

Although Lynch’s current position doesn’t need to leave the camp easily to find those elves, but Lynch also has a restless character, especially this trip to find the legendary elves. It also made Lynch more interested, so he was the first to leave the camp.

And this scene undoubtedly made many wizards secretly praise Lynch.

Among other things, Lynch, the wizard, was able to take the lead in investigating the elves, which already made most wizards admire.

In the entire Royal Academy of Magic, no, even in the entire capital, it is estimated that there is no magician as dedicated as Malfa Merlin.

However, although Lynch walked out of the camp, he did not like other wizards, with an average of six to eight people. At this moment, it was only Palin who was with Lynch. Moreover, this was still wearing. Lin followed closely, and if Palin didn't plan to follow Lynch, then Lynch would probably act alone.

After all, Lynch is really used to being alone. If there are multiple people around him, it can only become a burden, let alone a guy with low IQ like Palin...

The environment on the Sen'jin Plane is very good, and the whole world appears to be extremely peaceful. If we only talk about the environment, it is not even worse than the Renaissance Plane. However, when they came to the Sen'jin Plane, they also experienced extreme badness. Therefore, this can also make Lynch understand that the geographic environment of Sen'jin Plane is extremely complex, and if you don't pay attention, you may enter a dangerous place.

Therefore, you must not be deceived by the peace in front of you...

Along the way, although he said that he did not encounter any danger, Lynch still did not dare to be too careless. He always maximized his perception and observed everything around him.

"Look over there quickly."

A few hours passed. Because there was no map, Lynch didn't know where they had arrived. But at this moment, Palin suddenly noticed something strange and quickly pointed to a place to show Lynch.

In fact, without his guidance, Lynch has seen it for the first time...

After all, it was too conspicuous. A few tens of meters in front, there were hunted beasts everywhere. This was the first time Lynch and the others saw a beast after they came to the Sen'jin plane, but it was strange to say. The Warcraft of Sen'jin plane is not much different from the world of Anriel. For example, the Warcraft corpse in front of us is a very ordinary Tier 3 Burst Tiger.

Pieces of minced meat and pale bones were everywhere, seeming to have splashed and flew in an explosion.

On the surrounding stone walls, some places became scorched, some places were severely damaged and mutilated, and there were traces of spell bombardment everywhere.

Obviously, there has been a big battle here.

Palin quickly looked around and looked at the ground that was almost ploughed over. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: "How can the fight be so intense? It seems that this mage is a bit powerful."

"It's not just that. You look at these potions on the ground. The time they have been fighting here shouldn't be too short." Lynch bent over and picked up the potion bottle on the ground. When he picked it up and checked it, a few words inferred that time. Scene.

And as he walked forward, Lynch suddenly stopped and looked at a stone wall for a while: "Moreover, this stone wall is also a bit weird. There are two kinds of magic marks on it, one strong and one weak. There is obviously another person. , It’s just that the man’s spells are very weak, he should be only a first-level archmage level."

"So, he is still fighting with a towing oil bottle?" Palling suddenly understood, and suddenly he was incomprehensible to the person's approach: "With a towing oil bottle to explore such a place, did he deliberately increase the difficulty for himself? ?"

"..." When Palin spoke, Lynch looked at him with a smile.

Palin hadn't reacted at first, and was about to ask Lynch why he looked at him with such weird eyes, but immediately after Palin realized something, he almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood: "Damn! I'm not procrastinating. lecythus……"

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