The First Mage

Chapter 1537: Return favor

"What I want to say is not about this..." Thomas shook his head vigorously, and then said after thinking for a long time: "That's it. We came out to explore last night. It's not that we didn't get the slightest gain at all. We found it. A cave, that cave leads to the bottom of the earth, but we didn’t have time to get in. We encountered these monsters at the entrance of the cave and were forced to retreat. Therefore, I want to take you to the cave again... …"

"Oh? Really?" Lynch's eyes lit up slightly, leading to a cave in the ground. It was probably a cave built by the elves. Of course, it might not be. But anyway, it's always okay to see in the past. of.

"How about it, Sorcerer Marfa Merlin, would you like to come and see with me?" Thomas said sincerely: "After all, you saved me just now and took you to the cave. It is a reward for you. I hope you can give I have a chance to pay off the favor."

"Haha, depending on what you said, if the cave is just an abandoned cave with nothing inside, then you can't be regarded as paying off the favor..." Lynch hadn't spoken yet, but Palin laughed. stand up.

Thomas scratched his forehead: "Sorry, I didn't think of this..."

"It's okay, Thomas, Palin and I will follow you to see the cave right now." Lynch said, "Of course, if you can really gain something in the cave, then the benefits will be gained by then. , Also have your share."

"Okay." Thomas couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this. Originally, he took Lynch and the others to the cave. He was purely to repay his favor. He didn't even think of any benefits at all, but he didn't expect that Mage Merlin would actually So generous, this was something Thomas had never expected.

Afterwards, several people discussed a few words and left the place together.

Immediately following Thomas' prompt, half an hour later, they really came to a cave.

And after entering the cave, Lynch could see that in this narrow cave, on the surrounding walls, there are still some incomplete magic crystals hanging on the stone wall, emitting a faint light.

"There are magic crystals here..." Lynch deducted those magic crystals and looked at it a few times.

It stands to reason that things like magic crystals generally appear in mines, but now in this cave, there are also magic crystals, which I have to say is also an extremely weird thing.

However, Lynch didn't think much about it, and followed Thomas to continue to the depths of the cave.

As Thomas said, this cave leads to the ground. As they deepen, the surrounding light gets dim and dim. Even Lynch and others have to use light technique, but this process did not last long. Soon, a new hole appeared in their sight.

"Malfa Merlin Sorcerer, I'll go in first." Thomas stepped in without hesitation. After all, he brought in Lynch and others on this trip. Therefore, this ninth-level archmage is in When things happen, they are always proactive.

It's just that he just walked into the cave entrance, but he immediately lived in the cave entrance, the whole person seemed to froze...

"What's the matter with you?" Lynch was just a few steps behind and saw Thomas froze there. He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He followed a few steps and followed Thomas' eyes. Lynch immediately understood why he Will freeze there...

What they saw in their sight was the ruins of a shelter. In this wide cave with a radius of 100 meters, the shelter wall poured with metal, I don’t know what happened, and it collapsed. The walls shattered into small metal bumps all over the floor, and the various furniture inside the sanctuary had been completely destroyed, even turned into dust. At this moment, because of the arrival of a few of them, the wood powder mist aroused was floating in the cave.

No matter who came here, they couldn't recognize that this pile of ruins, five or six meters high, used to be a shelter.

"Unexpectedly, there is also a shelter here..." Looking at the picture in front of him, Lynch suddenly showed a weird expression. He was on the side of the tower before, and he wanted to find a shelter, but because of the obstruction of those ghosts, he He did not succeed in going further, but he did not expect that a second shelter appeared in front of him.

"How can there be a shelter here?" Thomas reacted after a long while, pointing to the ruins in front of him, and looking at Lynch in an incredible way: "Before us, could it be said that there are other mages in the forest? Life on the Golden Plane?"

"Haha, your news is too outdated." Palin also followed at this time, and immediately explained: "Earlier, the wizards announced that in this Sen'jin plane, very There may be elves, but the elves don’t even know how to build a shelter? Do you understand now?"

"Elf?" It was obviously the first time Thomas got the news, so after listening to it, he couldn't help but was taken aback. However, his ability to accept is obviously quite strong, and he recovered soon after: "Unexpectedly, on the plane of Sen'jin, There is also the existence of this extinct ethnic group. It seems that the Sen'jin plane is far more dangerous than imagined. I will never venture out alone again easily..."

"Since this shelter has become like this, it is obviously abandoned, and it is estimated that nothing good can be found in it, Marfa Merlin, I suggest we go." Palin said at this time.

But Lynch did not speak, but had already stepped into the ruins, squatting down [abiquge], and stroking away a layer of debris that was not visible.

As he stretched out his hand and gently wiped off this layer of debris, a half-person-high disk appeared.

Through the stains on the surface, you can also see the metallic luster of the disk, but the surface of the disk is covered with numerous cracks, which seem to be broken at any time.

But the most striking thing is that there are densely packed magic runes on the disc...

"Look at this." Lynch yelled to Palin and Thomas. After calling them over, he pointed to these magic runes.

"What do these magic runes mean?" Palin and Thomas didn't understand this thing, and they turned their eyes on Lynch.

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