The First Mage

Chapter 1534: War fortress

Lynch shook his head: "No, I mean, maybe we have to build some war fortresses."

"War Fortress?"

After Lynch’s words were spoken, all the wizards present at the scene looked at each other. To be honest, if it hadn’t been for Lynch to mention this, they wouldn’t think of this place at all. After all, they looked like academics like them. Mages, basically, rarely come into contact with war fortresses, which are iconic buildings that only the army can master.

"Yes, that's right, it's a war fortress." Lynch said: "The elves of Sen'jin plane are definitely not one or two, maybe they are endless, so we must not take it lightly. We must be prepared for war. Therefore, war The fortress is very necessary, so once we fight with the elves, relying on the favorable terrain of the war fortress, we can occupy a huge advantage and fight an offensive and defensive battle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack!"

"But the cost of building a war fortress is very huge..." At this time, Mage Reesef said: "The resources it needs are several times or even dozens of times that of this camp."

"If our two major forces unite to build war fortresses, it should be possible to build four or five war fortresses in a short time." Dewey Sorcerer said at this time.

However, Lynch shook his head: "Four or five war fortresses are definitely not enough. In my opinion, we need at least dozens of war fortresses, and as the world changes, the need may even be more. "

"Then just our Knicks family and your Royal Academy of Magic, there is simply no way to do this." Sorcerer Dewey said directly.

Lynch shrugged: "So what I mean is, if things really develop into an uncontrollable situation in the future, we can also consider cooperating with more forces, such as the Rock family, such as the Phil family..."

The Phil family is the last of the four major families in the royal capital. Lynch in this family has hardly come into contact with each other. The only contact may have been a relationship with members of this family at the last alchemy exchange meeting. This is a fairly low-key family, and the relationship with several other families is fairly good. For so many years, no conflict has erupted. It is a family of quite Buddhist origin.

"The Rock family and the Phil family?" The many wizards all looked at each other. Generally speaking, they naturally don't want to see this kind of thing. After all, they are the only ones who can enter the Sen'jin plane now. The family and the Royal Academy of Magic, if other forces are allowed to enter the Sen'jin Plane, then more and more forces will divide the benefits of the Sen'jin Plane. This is not a good thing for them.

"Of course, if other forces are allowed to enter the Sen'jin plane, this will definitely shake our cake. However, you have to eat something like cake. If you can't eat it, you can't digest it, then If you force it to eat, it will only make you feel uncomfortable." Lynch shrugged: "I believe you don't want to see, the Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family are all exhausted in this Sen'jin plane... At that time, even if you have more resources, it will be of no use. It will take you countless years to recover."

"Moreover, those forces in the royal capital, I am afraid they will not give you time to recover... They see you down, they will only eat you without hesitation."

"So if we can't solve everything at the moment with our strength, then cooperation with other forces is undoubtedly the best choice. At the same time, if they want to cooperate, they must first come up with the resources to build a war fortress. Then, we will also I won’t have a headache for a few war fortresses."

It has to be said that the analysis that Lynch has done now is extremely reasonable, and the magicians present are all lost in thought.

Including the Great Sorcerer Marfa, now he looked at Lynch very approvingly, but before long, he looked at the Great Sorcerer Glo next to him: "Great Sorcerer Glo, do you think Marfa Merlin How's your proposal?"

"Something makes sense." Grand Sorcerer Glo nodded.

The Great Sorcerer of Marfa gave a hum, and his gaze fell on the Sorcerer of the Royal Academy of Magic: "Looking back, you are discussing the plan proposed by Marfa Merlin. If there is no problem, please make a detailed record. Come, if you really have reached that point in the future, then implement this plan."

"Okay." Sorcerer Lessef, along with the other Sorcerers, all nodded.

As for the Knicks family, when the Great Magi Glo did not have any opinion, they naturally also acquiesced to this plan. After all, the two powers are now a cooperative relationship. Adopting the Royal Academy of Magic's plan is also a way to cooperate. one.

Soon, after another period of discussion, the whole meeting ended successfully, and many wizards also dispersed separately to prepare a series of related matters determined in the meeting.

"Mafa Merlin." But just as Lynch was about to leave, the Marfa Grand Sorcerer on the field called him.

"Is there anything else, teacher?" Lynch looked at the Marfa Magus and asked.

Marfa Grand Sorcerer nodded: "This time of Sen'jin Plane is a rare opportunity for you to experience. Don't stay in the camp during this period of time. Go out and explore when you are fine. Can there be any gains? Of course, if you have any ideas, explain to the wizards as soon as possible, don’t hide everything in your heart..."

"Okay..." Lynch could only obey the instructions of the Great Sorcerer Marfa.

"Since you became my disciple, you haven't cultivated you properly, but your growth rate is pretty good." The Great Sorcerer Marfa looked at Lynch up and down, then smiled.

It is naturally an extremely rare thing to be able to get an undisguised praise from a great wizard, which makes Lynch feel a little flattered.

But the only thing I felt was a pity that after the Great Sorcerer Marfa finished speaking, he walked away, but he didn’t mean to give Lynch some reward. This also made Lynch feel a little secretly. It's a pity, but there is no way. The reward is in the hands of others, whether it will be given to yourself, it does not depend on the meaning of the Great Sorcerer...

Soon, Lynch returned to the dormitory.

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