The First Mage

Chapter 1521: Tough

After a short examination, Lynch's breathing quickly stopped abruptly.

He didn't expect at all that in this unusually ordinary tower, he could actually obtain a scroll of this level.

"Both are scrolls of Forbidden Curse..." Looking at the scroll in his hand, Lynch swallowed subconsciously. At this moment, to be honest, Lynch was really shocked by the scroll in his hand, after all, he was coming. After arriving in the world of Anriel, I have not seen the real Forbidden Curse Scroll...

It's just that I never thought that the scroll of the forbidden curse level is placed in my own hands...

These two shameless scrolls are both hidden incomparable formidable powers. Once used, they can release a forbidden curse respectively. Although they are different in appearance, they are both forbidden curses and doomsday disasters, as long as the scrolls explode. When you open it, it will turn into rubble in an instant with a radius of thousands of miles... Everything will be destroyed directly!

This is the power of Forbidden Magic...

"This thing will be a life-saving thing in the future." Lynch carefully put away the scrolls, forbidden the curse, it is a power that even the great wizard can't easily release, a great wizard wants To release the forbidden curse, at least it takes three days to chant a spell. In addition, it can consume all the magic power, and even burn a part of the life force. Therefore, the Great Sorcerer will not release the forbidden curse in his life. , Unless it really comes to the kind of life and death, and there is enough time to release the forbidden curse.

In the entire Anriel world, probably only the titled wizard can release a forbidden spell level spell in just ten minutes.

However, the titled wizard, after all, is just a legend, no one has seen a real titled wizard.

In fact, let alone the Titled Sorcerer, even the current Forbidden Curse Scroll, this is basically something that has disappeared. At least Lynch has never heard of it. In the world of Anriel, there are still known things. The Forbidden Curse Scroll exists.

Before, by checking McGin’s notebook, Lynch already knew that McGin was an extremely ordinary elf, and even an elf like this one could be a lot when caught on the plane of Sen’jin, so he had The matter of the two Forbidden Curse Scrolls can be said to be really beyond Lynch's expectations.

However, could McGinn fall because of the Forbidden Curse Scroll?

Lynch made a conjecture in his heart.

It was just that Lynch quickly denied this speculation. It shouldn’t happen. After all, McGinn’s expression knew that he saw something terrifyingly scary before he was alive, and that thing shouldn’t be someone who would **** the scroll. , And you must know that the locker that stores the scroll of Forbidden Curse is placed next to McGinn. If the other party is really coming towards the scroll, then after killing McGinn, you can take away the Forbidden Curse directly. It's a scroll.

However, the other party did not take away the scroll...

This means that McGinn's fall should have nothing to do with the scroll.

"Forget it, let's not think about these things. Anyway, this scroll is now mine." Lynch put away the black top hat, then put the magic detection gloves on his hands, and then stood up.

Reminiscing that he had actually obtained two Forbidden Curse Scrolls at once, Lynch couldn't help feeling refreshed now, as long as he had these two things, he could almost fight the Great Sorcerer...

However, there are only two Forbidden Curse Scrolls, and Lynch will not really do such stupid things. This will be his greatest protection in the future. If it is not the moment of life and death, Lynch is totally reluctant to use the Forbidden Curse Scrolls. Yes, after all, this thing is a one-time consumable item. Once used, you may never get the Forbidden Curse Scroll...

"It looks like I can leave..." After collecting everything, Lynch looked around, but didn't mean to stay any longer, and then brought the wizards in. , Transported McGinn's corpse back to the camp. In this way, the mission that he came out to explore this time can be declared completely over, and it also ended successfully.

However, just as Lynch was about to go out, he suddenly saw that on the wall, there was a sudden click.

At first, Lynch thought that something was going to happen, so he looked back nervously. At the same time, he raised his right hand and was ready to use the spell directly at any time. But soon Lynch discovered that it was a click. The voice turned out to be a wall slowly opening, and then a study room was exposed.

"That's... McGinn's study?" Looking at the study, Lynch was taken aback for a while, followed by another joy.

The area he is now in seems to be McGinn’s alchemy laboratory. After all, there is an alchemy laboratory. At first, Lynch thought that the environment here was just like this, but he didn’t expect it. , It turns out that there is a study room behind the alchemy laboratory...

Looking at it this way, I can go in and see...

It's just that an elf's study room, under normal circumstances, must be hidden danger. When you go in, you must be careful.

Thinking of this, Lynch quickly turned on the light technique and walked into McGinn's study lightly.

Sure enough, just as Lynch thought, the surface of McGinn’s study was calm, but in fact there were hidden dangers, especially near one of the desks. It seemed that McGinn took extra seriously. When Lynch approached this desk, he immediately held it. The magic detection gloves flashed a faint red light, which also made Lynch secretly pay attention, check the surrounding environment, and immediately found many traps.

"Rely..." Lynch cursed secretly. If it weren't for the magic detection gloves, I guess he would have encountered these magic traps now. After all, these magic traps are so cryptic that Lynch didn't even notice...

But who would have thought that there are so many magic traps hidden near a desk?

I have to say, this McGinn is really a strange character...

But after all, Lynch came to McGinn's desk.

Immediately afterwards, under the effect of the light technique, Lynch saw clearly the furnishings on the entire desk, but Lynch was secretly disappointed that on this desk, he didn't find anything useful at all. The upper part is empty, it seems that everything has been taken away...

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