The First Mage

Chapter 1520: disappear

In addition, after wearing the black top hat, Lynch’s magical aura disappeared completely. This is the most powerful ability of the black top hat, which can hide the magical aura of the mage. At the same time, including the level of the mage , There is no way to see it.

It can be said that if Lynch wears a black top hat, even if he is pretending to be a magic apprentice who has just walked out of the academy, no one will doubt it. After all, the appearance of Lynch now is indeed very young...

"This is really a good thing." Lynch looked at the black top hat with love. The average wizard can only hide his magic power when he gets the black top hat, but Lynch is different. Don't forget Lynch Now he has an invisibility cloak.

The invisibility cloak combined with the black top hat can make Lynch completely disappear, even if he is standing next to a wizard, maybe the wizard will not think that there are people around him...

These two magic weapons seem to be a pair by nature, and after cooperation, they can wipe out unusually dazzling sparks.

"If I had this black top hat when I was stealing information on the Senjin plane, it wouldn't be so dangerous at that time..." Lynch secretly sighed, this thing is more powerful than the so-called stealth potion when used. Many, even better than the magic weapons that he obtained from the Watson family.

Since Lynch made peace with the Watson family, he has obtained a large number of magic weapons from the Watson family. Although those magic tools are not particularly powerful, they all have some special abilities, including one. , It can even turn Lynch into a cockroach in a short time...

So as to sneak into some inconvenient places.

I have to say that there are really many good things about the Watson family.

However, compared to the black top hat in front of him, it is somewhat incomparable.

Lynch quickly put the black top hat into his magic box.

After the black top hat was put away, Lynch refocused his eyes on the gloves and scrolls in the magic locker. These two things were also quite attractive to Lynch. After all, the black top hat alone possesses such special characteristics. The effect of the two magic equipment should not be much different.

It’s just that I don’t know if there are any traps here...

Lin Qi thought for a long time and did a lot of preparatory work. When he was sure that he could face all risks without fail, Lin Qi reached out and touched the glove.

Sure enough, just as Lynch was worried, when he first touched the glove, he saw the magic item attached to it, and it burst out with dazzling light, making Lynch unable to open his eyes, but At the same time, Lynch could also feel the rapid and sharp sound of breaking through the air.

"Sure enough..." But Lynch wasn't in a hurry. He was already prepared. He immediately followed, feeling the magic light in front of his body flashing by. The rich magic light was like a copper wall and iron wall. , Directly intercepted the danger, and then fell to the ground one after another.

Lynch glanced towards the ground, and then found out that the silver needles that had just attacked him turned out to be the dangerous items of the magic attached to the gloves. Lynch did not touch them. After all, they were flashing. The green luster is highly toxic at first glance.

This situation is undoubtedly extremely dangerous...

If a daredevil, such as Palin, just touch the glove, then these silver needles will probably kill him in an instant.

In this way, when I came here, I didn't bring Palin with him, but he saved his life...

Thinking of this, Lynch took the glove directly. After all, the danger just now was intercepted by Lynch. So now the glove is useless. Lynch picked it up and checked it. It was discovered that this turned out to be a magic detection glove...

The so-called magic detection gloves, in fact, the effect is extremely simple, that is, when a spell is sensed, the magic detection gloves will give a direct warning.

It looked like an extremely useless ability, after all, with Lynch's current magic perception, it was enough to find all the spells.

But in fact, this magic detection glove can have far more effects than this...

In this world, things such as magic traps can be said to be countless. There are even many magic traps, and even the forged faces can’t be seen clearly with the naked eye. Moreover, some clever alchemists also use some means to hide The magical power fluctuations in the magic trap made the wizards unable to sense it at all.

And like this magic trap, I don’t know how many mages can die every year...

But if there are magic detection gloves, it is different, even in subtle and obscure magic traps, relying on the power of magic detection gloves, Lynch can easily find them out. Under such circumstances , Lynch can say that there is no need to worry about being tricked by magic traps...

Therefore, on the next journey of the mage, Lynch believed that the magic detection gloves in his hand could have some unexpected effects.

Besides, if magic detection gloves are useless, they won't be collected by an elf, that is, McGinn, so carefully...

I just got the black top hat, and now I get this magic detection glove. At this moment, Lynch can’t help but feel a little grateful to the Great Sorcerer of Marfa. If he hadn’t sent him over, I guess he really wouldn’t be able to get these things. When it arrives, there is a high probability that it will fall into the hands of the Royal Academy of Magic.

But it's different now, these things are already their own...

After thinking of this, Lynch couldn't help showing a very satisfied look.

Reminiscing that before this, he was still a little dissatisfied with coming to explore this tower. Lynch wanted to give himself a slap in the face. Damn, this Senjin plane, as expected, any place is worthy of investigation. Ah!

Because you never know how rich you will get...

As for the two scrolls, Lynch quickly picked them up. Of course, in the process, Lynch encountered those silver needle attacks again, but because of his first experience, Lynch was also He didn't suffer any damage, and soon, these two scrolls had completely fallen into Lynch's hands.

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