The First Mage

Chapter 1522: Dead body

Looking at this scene, Lynch couldn't help being a little disappointed. After all, he thought he could have some new gains in McGinn's study, but from the current situation, he obviously thought too much.

Lynch looked around several times and determined that there was only one empty cabinet besides this desk, he shook his head in disappointment and planned to leave here.

But at this moment, Lynch suddenly heard it again, and there was a rustling sound behind him! It was like someone repeating his previous actions and approaching him lightly. This discovery made Lynch's face slightly changed for a while. He naturally knew that it was impossible for anyone to come to this study now, after all, Palin and other mages were still exploring the first few floors.


Although he didn't know what it was, Lynch also turned around without hesitation, and at the moment of turning his head, a bright light technique smashed out, exploding a dazzling light in the air, and then, The entire study was illuminated, but Lynch didn't find anything special, and his gaze soon fell on McGinn's corpse in the corner.

After seeing McGinn's body, Lynch's expression suddenly became strange.

It’s been a long time since I haven’t paid attention to McGinn’s corpse, but now McGinn’s corpse has obviously become a little weird. For example, his lifeless face suddenly showed a stiff and weird smile. The smile made Lynch once wondered whether this elf had a tendency to resurrect again...

Moreover, the weird change is not only like this. Looking at the dazzling light, Lynch directly saw McGinn’s cold and stiff face, as if it happened to be tilted towards him, and then grinned slightly, revealing Mouthful of blood and teeth, he gave himself a **** and weird smile.

This suddenly made Lynch's entire hair stand up.

This looks like a corpse in a tomb robbery novel... Honestly speaking, this was a plot that only happened in the story before, now it won't be so strange, it just happened to appear in front of you? Suddenly, Lynch's eyes widened, and he looked at McGinn's face.

Just following, Lynch found out strangely that everything he had seen before had disappeared in a vague way. Now McGinn, there is still a bit of the horrifying appearance of before. He is still that handsome face, and still the look of horror.

His body also clearly showed no changes...

This discovery undoubtedly made Lynch feel suspicious. He couldn't help thinking to himself, could he just hallucinate? However, this is unscientific. He is not the age of an apprentice of magic. He is now a magician. Under the support of his powerful strength, there should be no such illusory things. .

After all, who has heard that wizards can have hallucinations?

Of course, if it is an illusion produced by some alchemy circle or special energy, then there is nothing strange...

"It's weird..." Lynch murmured in his heart. Then, when Lynch was a little hesitant to look at it again, he suddenly saw a group of black things coming from under McGee's head, without any hindrance. Emerges.

Soon, this thing was completely separated from McGinn's forehead, and the whole was exposed...

It was a black hexahedron, about the size of a fist, but there was no material to see, but it seemed to swallow all the light, and the strong light on it was a little fuzzy.

After appearing, it was floating above McGinn's corpse, swelling and getting bigger, it seemed that the next change was about to occur.

At this moment, Lynch stopped watching, instead turned and left.

This thing can emerge from the body of a dead elf. At first glance, it is extremely mysterious and unpredictable, and it may be the cause of McGinn’s death. At this time, it appeared in front of him, and it was clearly directed at himself. If you face it face-to-face in such a narrow environment, it is undoubtedly extremely detrimental to your situation.

After all, something that can kill a wizard-level wizard can't be solved so easily...

Therefore, Lynch walked very decisively and reached the entrance of the study in a few steps.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Lynch is going to give up this thing or McGinn's corpse. What he did is actually go to a spacious environment and face this mysterious thing.


When Lynch came to the door of the study, Lynch was surprised to find that the handle at the door of the study was clearly in front of him and within reach, but no matter how hard he tried and how many steps he took, he couldn’t really touch it. The handle is like a thousand miles away from this step.

"Damn, what's the situation now?" This situation immediately made Lynch's face very ugly. When he entered the study before, he didn't encounter this kind of power at all, and now, suddenly After appearing, Lynch found that he could not judge what was going on at all, and he did not feel any special power.

However, now all of this is real, making Lynch some of his hair tingling...

But now, after all, he has already encountered this kind of evil situation, so Lynch has no choice. He had to stop at this moment, gave up the thought of leaving the study, followed, and looked at the culprit.

Sure enough, after the black hexahedron emerged, it began to grow rapidly, but after a while, it changed from a fist to the size of a human head.

The most important thing is that as the black hexahedron gradually grows larger, it seems to produce a force that affects the space, causing the space around it to twist and deform.

The most intuitive expression is that the entire study space has layers of translucent ripples.

Suddenly, the space in the study was like a wrinkled water surface, with one layer of ripples and another layer of ripples, endless loops.

Each layer of ripples seems to be a separate space, and the ripples and ripples are like two completely unconnected spaces, insurmountable.

It's like Lynch wants to hold the handle of the door, because there are several layers of small ripples between them, and he can never get close.

This kind of feeling is as if this is very close, with two or three worlds in between.

And the culprit is naturally the expanding black hexahedron...

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