The First Mage

Chapter 1519: Black top hat

Lynch is now a magician himself, so he is very clear about these things, so now, he is very careful step by step.

You know, even if Lynch is carrying a plug-in, he is still only a flesh and blood body. If something goes wrong, there is a real possibility of death...

So when approaching, he threw out an investigation technique first. After confirming that there was no problem, he mobilized the magic power in his body to form a thin elemental shield, and then he leaned in step by step.

It wasn't until Lynch squatted down beside McGinn's corpse and poked carefully with his magic wand, and found nothing unusual, that was a real relief.

So Lynch put aside his distractions and began to concentrate on checking.

Just looking at McGinn's appearance, you will find that McGinn's death is very strange. Before he died, he seemed to have seen something strange and maintained his horrified expression.

In addition, there are many traces of sharp cutting on his body, as if rolling through a cluster of ten thousand knives. The valuable gold silk robe on his body was mixed with blood and shattered into rags.

However, according to Lynch's judgment, although the injury was serious, it was not fatal to the elves, especially the elves of McGinn's level.

What really made him deadly was a scorched black mark on his chest. I don’t know what spells left behind, but the violent explosion directly shattered McGinn’s heart and caused his death. .

Lynch felt strange when he saw this.

You must know that before their group of mages came to the Sen'jin plane, the entire Sen'jin plane should only have elves activities, and there is only this race here. It stands to reason that no one would easily kill an elves. Yes, unless there was a conflict between them that caused him to fight with another elf.

This kind of thing is not surprising. In the human camp, there will always be some killing each other, and the elves with higher life levels than humans will naturally have the same killing each other. If McGinn really What enemies have been provoked is not something worth mentioning.

It's just that what did McGin see before he died, and why is his expression so horrified?

"Forget it." Lynch thought for a long time to no avail, so he didn't think much about it, and did the business first.

Lynch manipulated the ball of light in his hand and searched around.

I have to say that the elves are the elves, and their wealth is not comparable to those of ordinary elves. Lynch flipped through it casually and found out many magic crystals and cores from it, all of which were brand new and unused. , Lynch also found a lot of potions and scrolls of different colors. Lynch didn't look carefully, so he directly received them in the magic box.

After all, these are the resources left by the elves, and they must be much stronger than the materials on his body. This is still extremely satisfactory to Lynch.

But in this elf, Lynch almost only found something like this. Following that, Lynch stood up and turned to inspect other areas.

As for the elven corpse, Lynch didn’t even think about going through a detailed examination or even an autopsy. After all, the Royal Academy of Magic and the Nix family are here. This elven corpse is destined to be handed over to them. Then again, if it is done by those forces who jointly dissected it, then the things they will get will definitely be more than what they can dissect individually.

Then after turning around, Lynch came to the sealing cabinet next to the alchemy experiment table.

Lynch had seen this thing in the previous alchemy laboratory. It was mainly used to store some enchanted items to ensure that the fluctuations in their magic power would not interfere with the alchemy process.

However, ordinary alchemists don’t need to use these things. Even if they are installed, they are usually used as storage cabinets. Usually, if there are some things, they will be thrown in. After a long time, the miscellaneous things will be piled together. It seems very messy.

It's just that McGin's magic locker now looks a lot simpler. There are only a few things inside, a pair of gold woven gloves, two mysterious scrolls, one black and one green, and a black top hat with a wide brim.

Except for the black top hat, the surfaces of the other three things are shrouded with a faint magic halo. Lynch knows that this is because the enchanted items are of higher grade and the magical fluctuations are stronger, and they compete with the power of enchantment.

This kind of thing is naturally a rare treasure, but when Lynch reached out to get it, he hesitated, after all, he didn't dare to touch these two things, but chose to get the most common black top hat.

After all, those gloves and scrolls look quite extraordinary. If McGinn adds a forbidden trap or something on it, then he will definitely encounter some troubles by then, so now, there is no need to rush to check, wait until you get it. After finishing the black top hat, it is still too late to check these two things.

The only trouble now is that Lynch is a little worried that Palin and other mages will come to the top.

But fortunately, his progress is too much forward, and they have been thrown away far. In Lynch’s view, it will take at least 20 minutes for them to finally reach the top level. After all, they For each room, it is necessary to conduct a fairly detailed inspection.

Because of this, Lynch is not too anxious now...

Soon, after thinking for a while, Lin [Xinbiquge]'s strange gaze fell on the black top hat again.

Although I can't see any specific effects, it can be put together with those three things, and this black top hat is not much worse, and it will be safer, at least there is no power such as enchantment on it.

Sure enough, after Lynch took out the top hat, nothing happened.

This was undoubtedly what made Lynch extremely satisfied, and immediately checked the effect of the black top hat from his favorite. After checking for a long time, Lynch soon understood the real use of this black top hat.

Although this thing looks very simple, in fact, the abilities it possesses are not simple at all. When Lynch put the black top hat on his head, he quickly found that the black top hat was directly on top of his head. Disappeared.

Of course, this is not a real disappearance, but the black top hat is invisible. If you touch it, you can still feel the outline of the black top hat.

This is also one of the characteristics of the black top hat.

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