The First Mage

Chapter 1518: Dying

For example, although elves are born as natural wizards or elven archers, if elves want to improve their strength, they usually have to meditate. The only difference is that the efficiency of elves meditation is higher than that of human wizards.

Thinking that this might be a place for an elf to meditate, Lin Qi couldn't help but look forward to it right now, following the distribution of magic lines and touching his daily meditation area.


But before Lynch could observe carefully, he just turned around, but he was taken aback.

Because in the gloomy corner, there seems to be something dark and piled up there. Although the surrounding environment is relatively dim, Lynch can’t see the real situation there, but he can do as much as possible. Make some guesses.

"Could it be..." Lin Qi was taken aback for a moment, and an unbelievable thought arose in his mind for no apparent reason. For a while, he didn't care about searching, he manipulated the ball of light in his hand and took a shot into the corner.

When the dark corner was lit up, I saw a very handsome elf. His eyes were hollow, his body was bloodstained, his head tilted weakly, and he leaned against the corner. Lynch couldn't tell how long this elf had fallen...

And it should be because of the cleaning function of the tower that Lynch never smelled the peculiar smell of the body.

Of course, what caught Lynch's most attention was that the elf's face was solidified with an indescribable horror, as if he had seen something incredible before he died.

"This..." It's just that now, Lynch doesn't care about these at all, because now Lynch is completely shocked and surprised.

Because this is indeed the corpse of a genuine elf, and judging from the degree of preservation of his body, it should have fallen for no more than three days at most. Lynch knew exactly what this meant.

Last time when he was reviving the plane, Lynch also found a large number of elven corpses, but the elven corpses found at that time had all become dried up mummies, making it impossible for Lynch to recover from these elves’ corpses. I found anything valuable, but the elven corpse in front of me is different. It is a real elven with super research value...

And more importantly, this spirit did not fall for too long...

This means that Lynch’s previous guess has now finally received a positive basis, that is, there are indeed elves in this Sen'jin plane, otherwise, he can’t find one in this place now. The body of the elf...

"This is too incredible..." Lynch is a little unbelievable. After all, the elves have long been extinct in the world of Anriel. Although everyone wants to find alive elves again, how many For thousands of years, no one has succeeded at all, but who would have thought that there are elves activities on the Sen'jin plane?

If this matter is passed back to the Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family, it is estimated that it will cause an uproar...

Of course, if it is passed back to the world of Anriel, it is estimated that the entire world of Anriel will be completely shaken...It is estimated that everyone will spare no effort to break into the Sen'jin plane.

But now, this discovery also makes Lynch secretly nervous. If it is said that elves are really involved in the Sen'jin plane, then it will undoubtedly be very difficult to investigate by yourself. After all, elves are not a normal race. The means to destroy the world and the incredible level of alchemy are enough to make Lynch feel unprecedented pressure.

Of course, it is not just him. He feels that all the mages who have come to the Sen'jin plane now are probably trapped in a huge danger circle...

"Huh? That's it?" But while Lynch was thinking about this, Lynch found a black notebook next to the body of the elf's body.

Lynch subconsciously picked up the notebook and checked it, but there is no doubt that this notebook was actually recorded by elves, but it was more profound and difficult to understand than the Anriel world. The advanced wizard texts with all kinds of incredible abilities, the wizard texts in this notebook now are much simpler.

At this time, Lynch’s accomplishments in elven writing were fully reflected...

He just spent a little time, and almost got some pretty useful news from this notebook.

For example, he now knows the name of the elf.

Like humans, elves have a high IQ, no less than humans. They are a race exactly like humans, or even a higher level race.

Therefore, they are naturally named...

And the corpse of the elf that appeared in front of Lynch now was actually named McGinn before he was alive, and there is also a detailed record of McGinn's experience.

However, these records do not record how these elves came to the Sen'jin Plane. They just say that McGinn has been living on the Sen'jin Plane since he was born, and this tower is him. s home.

There is almost only this information, but there is no other useful information other than that. This makes Lynch a little disappointed. This elf looks a bit young, and has not been to the world of Anriel, nor has he experienced the chaos. During the period, Lynch could not analyze some key things from his experience.

However, looking at it this way, it was a pity that such a young elf had fallen to this place, completely losing the promising future that he might have in the future, and it was a pity that he died.

Lynch felt sorry while touching the corpse.

Anyway, it is dead, so it should be fully utilized, and it is good to provide some information.

Although the opponent is just a corpse, Lynch was very cautious when he approached. After all, he had just checked the strength of the elf. Although the elf had fallen, if you check carefully, you can find that the elf should have died. It has the strength of a wizard.

Generally, an existence of this level can kill people with every gesture, and even a breath that can be lethal toxins. Even after death, it is extremely dangerous. Perhaps a spell used during his lifetime is still working, and it will easily kill the person who moved his body.

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