The First Mage

Chapter 1505: Threat

Lynch’s combat power is what they can only look up to. In the capital city, no wizard’s combat power can match Lynch’s combat power. After all, not everyone can rely on their own power to contend against an ancient age. The family, at the same time can force that family to make peace...

Therefore, although the members of the Knicks family have never regarded the mages of the Royal Academy of Magic in their eyes, this idea is not applicable to Lynch. After all, the deterrence that Lynch brought to them, It is much larger than the Royal Academy of Magic.

Since this young mage named Marfa Merlin can break into the Watson family headquarters, it means that if he wants to, he can also lead his horrible alchemy puppet army directly into the Knicks family. Headquarters.

Under such threats, if anyone dared to provoke Lynch at this time, it would undoubtedly be his head caught by the door...

"Am I that scary?" Seeing every member of the Knicks family who looked at him, they turned their heads subconsciously. Lynch was taken aback for a moment, followed by a little dumbfounded, looking at what he was like now. Well, in the eyes of this group of people, maybe it is no longer a normal human...

Fortunately, it is only members of the Knicks family that will react this way.

As for the wizards of the Royal Academy of Magic, they looked at their eyes, but they were full of admiration. When they looked at them, they all showed an extremely friendly and warm light, and even deliberately made them. Some grimaces to win Lynch's attention.

However, whether it was the reaction of the Knicks family or the reaction of the Royal Academy of Magic, Lynch was undoubtedly extremely satisfied.

Because he knows that all of this is now obtained through his own strength...

This is the benefit of strength.

If there was no such thing as the Watson family, my own current deterrence is definitely not so strong. After these mages saw themselves, they would probably be no different from watching the air...

But now, after all, he has proved his strength to these mages in the royal capital, and because of this, he is now qualified to enjoy these glory.

While thinking about this, Lynch quickly approached a heavy hatch.

Immediately afterwards, Lynch pushed the hatch open.

After pushing open the hatch, a huge round table was revealed inside, and around the round table, there were leather sofas that looked very comfortable, and at this moment, on each leather sofa, there was a magician sitting on it.

These wizards are not only the wizards of the Royal Academy of Magic, but also the wizards of the Knicks family.

After seeing Lynch coming in, all the wizards' eyes fell on Lynch for the first time.

At first, they thought it was a daredevil who broke in, especially the wizards of the Knicks family. They were already frowning and planning to attack the Royal Academy of Magic, but when you look at this young wizard clearly After the appearance, the expressions on their faces immediately improved.

That's Marfa Merlin...

Of course, Lynch’s reputation in the royal capital is nothing to say. If you change individuals, you may not be eligible to break into this cabin casually, but if you change to Lynch, then he has absolute qualifications. After all, the strength of others lies here. In the world of Anriel, strength is most valued by people, and strength can often bring status.

And now Lynch, after creating so many glorious records, his status is undoubtedly equal to those of these magicians, and even faintly above these magicians...

But again, the members of the Knicks family don’t dare to provoke Lynch...

Lynch relied on his own power to move the entire Watson family. This incredible thing can be said to remind all the families in the royal capital. You must know that the four major families of the royal capital are all powerful It's about the same, not much better than the Watson family.

what does this mean?

It means that since Lynch can lead the alchemy puppet into the Watson family, he can also bring the alchemy puppet into other families, such as the Knicks family in front of him, or the Locke family...

For this reason, Lynch is now a fierce reputation. Even these wizards who are always above and above, have to lower their proud head in front of Lynch, and even consider what they should do so that they will not provoke this. A young wizard...

Although Lynch didn't know what these wizards were thinking about, those weren't things he needed to consider. After he entered, he first closed the hatch with a calm expression, and then asked everyone: " I didn't bother you guys?"


On the side of the Knicks family, a magician said subconsciously.

"That's good." Lynch couldn't help but smile, and walked naturally towards the wizards of the Royal Academy of Magic, but in the middle of the road, Lynch was on the side of the Knicks family and saw A familiar face.

"Tiger Sorcerer, long time no see..." There are a total of 13 Sorcerers dispatched by the Knicks family to the Sen'jin plane this time, most of whom Lynch doesn't know, but for the Tiger Mentor, Lynch is still familiar.

After all, the cooperative relationship between the Royal Academy of Magic and the Knicks family was planned by him and the Tiger Sorcerer. Therefore, his exchanges with the Tiger Sorcerer were more of the kind.

"Okay, it's been a long time..." Sorcerer Tiger gave Lynch a deep look: "Malfa Merlin, you really have been tossing about it these days... I can get it almost every day. Your information has made my ears cocoon."

"It's all small things, not worth mentioning." Lynch smiled.

Hearing this, the corners of Sorcerer Tiger's mouth twitched.

Not only the Tiger Sorcerer, but also the other Sorcerers of the Knicks family, all have their faces speechless. After all, these words of Lynch are too pretentious...

In just half a month, he jumped from a seventh-level archmage to a magician. In addition, he committed suicide and entered the Watson family alone, almost uprooting the Watson family. At the same time, he had tens of thousands in his hands 'S alchemy puppet, when did this shocking thing become a trivial matter? Even you dare to use the word worthless.

Damn, who are these people...

At this moment, almost all the wizards cursed in their hearts.

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