The First Mage

Chapter 1506: member

Including the wizards of the Royal Academy of Magic, now they are all looking at Lynch with black lines.

"Malfa Merlin, since you have come in, quickly find a place to sit down... We are holding the last meeting before entering the Sen'jin Plane." In the end, it was Doria Sorceress who broke the silence. Qi's strength is absolutely qualified to participate in meetings of this level, the difference lies in whether Lin Qi wants to participate.

"Okay." Before Lynch came in, he originally planned to ask Doria Sorcerer for some information about the Sen'jin plane, but since it is in a meeting now, it is not good for him to call Doria Sorcerer directly. After going out, he simply found a vacant leather sofa and sat down.

"Malfa Merlin... should already be a member of the council of your Royal Academy of Magic?" At this time, Sorcerer Tiger asked. In his opinion, Lynch now has more than just the power of a Sorcerer. At the same time, he is also a disciple of the Great Magus of Marfa, so he should already be eligible to be a member of the council.

"Not yet..." Before the Doria Sorcerer could speak, Lynch took the lead.

"Oh?" Sorcerer Tiger showed a look of confusion, but he didn't continue to ask questions. After all, this was a private matter of the Royal Academy of Magic, and he could not be an outsider to ask about.

"We really want to incorporate Marfa Merlin into the council, but this little guy doesn't want to be a councillor, so there is no way..." It was Sorcerer Rainthef who was speaking. He looked at Lynch with a helpless smile. .

The expressions of the other wizards were also a little strange.

At the Royal Academy of Magic, almost every magician wants to be a member of the council. After all, after becoming a member of the council, the benefits that can be brought are too many. It is a change in status and welfare. It is Lynch who can become a councillor at any time, but someone who is very resistant to it is indeed a bit puzzling...

"Okay..." Sorcerer Tiger listened, and he didn't know what to say, but he could understand one thing, that is, Marfa Merlin, in the Royal Academy of Magic, is indeed a very special person. Independent existence...

"Okay, the gossip is almost done, now let's continue discussing some related matters about the Sen'jin plane." At this time, Mage Rethef interrupted Mage Tiger's voice, and then coughed. After a few times, he said to a wizard who was about his age across from him: "Magic Dewey, what do you think?"

"I think it's okay..." The wizard called Dewey retracted his gaze on Lynch and smiled at the Sorceress Rethof.

"So this is the Dewey Sorcerer of the Knicks family..." Lynch couldn't help but fall on the Dewey Sorcerer. This Dewey Sorcerer is also a famous figure in the Knicks family. The status of the Knicks family is equivalent to the status of the Rethof Sorcerer in the Royal Academy of Magic. Apart from the Great Sorcerer, the entire Knicks family is basically in charge.

But Lynch didn't make a sound to interfere with the meeting, he just sat there and listened silently.

"It's like this... The information we have about the Sen'jin Plane is pitiful. The information we got before is just some information about the plane coordinates. Although it can help us enter the Sen'jin Plane, However, after entering the Sen'jin plane, we did not have any relevant information, so now, our team really knows nothing about the situation on the Sen'jin plane."

Mage Reesef spoke again: "In this way, after we enter, there is no guarantee of safety at all. It is very likely that we will encounter a lot of trouble in exploring the Sen'jin plane. For this, no Know what your Knicks family think?"

Sorcerer Dewey first glanced at the Sorcerers around him, and then said: "We don't have much plans here. After all, it is a joint exploration. No matter what happens, we can discuss it. Anyway, our cooperation agreement also stated clearly that whether it is your Royal Academy of Magic or our Knicks family, you have absolute right to speak."

Speaking of this, Sorcerer Dewey turned his gaze on Lynch again: "I have to say that Sorcerer Marfa Merlin of the Royal Academy of Magic is really an expert in negotiation... Zoomed in to the extreme."

Lynch smiled: "Since it is cooperation, no matter what you do, you must pay attention to fairness and justice. If any party suffers a loss, it will be detrimental to the next series of cooperation..."

"Okay..." Mage Reesef nodded: "After all, no one has set foot on the Sen'jin plane for tens of thousands of years. That plane should not be considered safe. When we go in, I suggest first Find a place to set up a camp, and then work out the next exploration plan in detail. In this way, it will be a strong guarantee for you and us."

"I agree……"

"I agree……"

Many wizards of the Knicks family nodded one after another.

Obviously, everyone agrees to the proposal of the Sorcerer Rethof.

Next, is the formal discussion that formally enters the meeting.

Meetings like this are actually extremely boring. Most of the discussions are detailed questions, and these detailed questions may often trigger some disputes. At this time, it takes a lot of time to resolve these disputes. Finally reached an agreement.

During this process, Lynch didn't interrupt. In fact, he didn't bother to interrupt. He sat there all the time, like an unrelated person, quietly waiting for the meeting to end.

This meeting lasted for about five hours, until after discussing all the details and making sure that there were no omissions, these wizards closed their mouths one after another and went busy with their own affairs.

And at this time, Lynch finally couldn’t help but yawned. This meeting was really boring. It’s acceptable to participate in one occasionally, but if you have to participate every day, it’s like Lynch’s character. It must be unbearable.

"Sorcerer Doria..." At this time, seeing that Sorcer Doria got up, it seemed that he was going to another place, and Lynch hurriedly called.

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