The First Mage

Chapter 1504: Guarantee

"I will definitely not mention the plane of revival casually in the future!" Palin quickly made a promise.

"Shut up." Seeing Palin still mentioning the plane of revival, Lynch said in a deep voice of dissatisfaction, this guy is really stupid, the one on the left is the one on the right. If you are heard by someone with a heart, you will undoubtedly be in trouble...

After all, once the revival of the plane is exposed, his book of time and space will also be exposed. Although he is now a magician, but things like the book of time and space, let alone the magician, even if it is The Great Sorcerer can't be easily exposed, otherwise, it is estimated that the entire world of Anriel will start to worry about the book of time and space...

"Okay, I won't say anything..." Palin was really angry when he saw Lynch, and he shrank his neck at the moment. He didn't dare to continue talking, just turned his head and looked out the window.

Seeing Palin's appearance, Lynch's anger disappeared a bit, and immediately fell into silence.

But to be honest, sitting idly in the alchemy airship, waiting to arrive at the destination, is really boring, plus there are too many mages here, which makes Lynch unable to meditate. , So time flies extremely slowly, and the time that can usually pass in the blink of an eye now seems to have suddenly become several times slower, making Lynch a little fidgety.

After all, he is a character who can't rest...

"Damn, I don't know how long it will take this alchemy airship to reach its destination. It should have been five hours now, right?" Lynch mumbled secretly.

"I don't know..." Palin interrupted: "When we set off before, the wizards didn't tell us the detailed flight time. Not only you are anxious now, I am also anxious... I really hope to go straight now. Arriving on the Sen'jin plane, in this way, we will have something to do."

"Forget it, let me ask." Lynch thought for a while, and decided to ask Doria Sorcerer, at least to know how long this **** alchemy airship will fly...

Moreover, if you can, you can also inquire about some related information about Sen'jin plane.

After all, the information in my hands is really too little...

Although it was said that when he handed over the information on the Senjin plane to the Royal Academy of Magic, he also took the opportunity to print a copy, but the recent period of time has been too busy, and he has no time to decipher it. A piece of information, so since he got the information, he has always put it in the magic box, and he hasn’t read it carefully...

Thinking of this, Lynch couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

My current state is really unreliable. If I don’t ask more and have more information, I will have to become a headless fly by the time I enter the Senjin plane...

After thinking of this, Lynch couldn't help but glanced around the alchemy airship.

Among the alchemy airships of Norwegian University, the Knicks family and the mages of the Royal Academy of Magic are sitting in two different areas according to specific arrangements. Although the two forces are now in a cooperative relationship, to be honest, these The relationship between the common mages is not very good, just look at their current appearance. Although the seats of the two sides are very close, no one will take the initiative to say hello.

But these are not things that Lynch is worried about, he is looking for Doria Sorcerer everywhere in the alchemy airship.

It's just that the group of wizards didn't know where they went. Lynch looked around, but didn't even see a ghost.

"That's right..." At this moment, Lynch suddenly remembered, whether it is the wizard of the Royal Academy of Magic or the wizard of the Knicks family, they are now in another cabin, although the space in that cabin is not as good as the current one. This cabin is big, but very quiet, just suitable for those wizards to discuss some important things.

Sorcer Doria must be there.

At the moment, Lynch stood up directly.

"Malfa Merlin, where are you going?" Palin asked Lynch when he suddenly stood up, curiously asked: "When the alchemy airship is flying, the body is very unstable. Be careful not to fall... …"

"I'm going to the Sorcerer to inquire about something, do you want to go with me?" Lynch looked at Palin and smiled.

When Palin heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Lynch wants to find the magician, undoubtedly he has to go to another cabin, and for ordinary mages like them, that cabin can be said to be an absolute forbidden place. If you rush in, those magicians, guess something else. Not to mention that it was just a spell coming over, and it might even throw you off the alchemy airship...

Under such circumstances, how could he follow to that cabin?

Probably only a special existence like Lynch dare to break into that cabin casually...

"Go by yourself, I am here waiting for you."


Lynch smiled and walked towards the cabin where the wizards were.

Now all the mages on the alchemy airship are sitting quietly on their chairs, and Lynch suddenly walking in the cabin is undoubtedly extremely conspicuous, and suddenly many eyes are looking at him.

"That's Marfa Merlin, right?" On the Knicks family's side, many wizards started discussing in a low voice.

Now Lynch’s reputation in the capital is so great that almost no one does not know him. Many of the members of the Knicks family have met Lynch for the first time, so now, it’s like He looked at him with extremely curious eyes like a monster.

"Others say that Mafa Merlin is very young. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it completely. He doesn't seem to be my age..."

"Don't look at Mafa Merlin very young, but he is now a real wizard, and he single-handedly entered the Watson family, you should have heard? Don't look at his face always wearing Smile, like a person who gets along well, but in fact this Marfa Merlin is more terrifying than anyone..."

"Forget it, don't look at him anymore, in case it gets Marfa Merlin's attention, we won't have any good fruits then."

Many people are whispering.

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