The First Mage

Chapter 1503: miserable

I have to say, it's really miserable...

Thinking of this, Lynch couldn't help but smile.

"Marfa Merlin, what are you thinking about, why did you suddenly giggle?" Palin looked at Lynch suspiciously.

Lynch shook his head: "Oh, nothing...Since you are going to the Sen'jin Plane soon, then you should prepare yourself during this time, especially the potions. Be sure to prepare adequately. The Sen'jin Plane is not ordinary after all. Once we enter, we must be ready for long-term exploration. If there is not enough medicine, then it will be embarrassing, right?"


Lynch chatted with Palin for a long time before returning to his room.

Sitting on the bed, looking at the magic calendar on the wall.

After three or four days, he will have to set off to the Sen'jin plane.

I have to say that Lynch is still a little bit emotional now...

I think that when I just crossed over, I knew the truth about the imminent destruction of Anriel's world, so that the last clues were all led to the Sen'jin plane. In order to prevent the destruction of the world, Lynch has always been I wanted to find the Senjin Plane, and even when I was in Auckland College, I tried my best to enter the Darkforge Laboratory and planned to participate in the Senjin Plane project.

However, for various reasons, he did not succeed in entering the Sen'jin plane, so he finally came to the royal capital.

And here in the royal capital, my experience is really wonderful...

From a little mage, to the current wizard.

Now, it is about to enter the Senjin plane...

Lynch is really looking forward to the Sen'jin Plane. After all, as long as he enters the Sen'jin Plane, things that he has been unable to figure out before should be explained accordingly. Moreover, he can also get an explanation from that seat. Find a way to prevent the destruction of Anriel’s world. If you succeed, then you don’t need to worry every day that you will disappear with Anriel’s world...

"The current dark furnace laboratory, shouldn't you find the coordinates of the plane that can enter the Sen'jin plane?" Lynch murmured, the corners of his mouth could not be lifted, and he closed his eyes and fell into deep meditation.

Although he is a wizard now, there is also a great wizard above the wizard. Therefore, in a sense, his own path to the wizard is just beginning, in order to be able to enter more In the high field, you still have to seize all the time to improve yourself.

But in Lynch's meditation, time slowly passed, and soon four days passed.

That morning, Lynch put on a new mage robe early, and then walked towards the huge alchemy airship docked in the square at the Royal Academy of Magic.

There was already a crowded scene, not only the mages from the Royal Academy of Magic, but also many members of the Nix family.

Soon, Lynch went on the alchemy airship with the flow of people.

"Next, I'm going to the real Senjin plane..."

Sitting in the alchemy airship at the moment, Palin was next to Lynch. He looked very excited and kept looking outside through the window.

"Marfa Merlin, do you know where the coordinates of the Senjin Plane are? Why do I feel that the alchemy airship is getting higher and higher..." Palin looked at the outside picture while facing the side next to him. Lynch asked.

This is not the first time Palin has taken an alchemy airship, but to be honest, the feeling of riding an alchemy airship this time is really strange, let alone, just because the alchemy airship is rising, Already makes Palin feel very strange...

"I don't know about this..." Lynch shook his head. In fact, he also discovered the problems Palin discovered. However, Lynch can't tell the specific reason. After all, he is leaving for the Sen'jin plane now. The related matters were handled by the wizards alone, and Lynch himself did not participate, so he didn't know much now.

"Forget it...Anyway, it's a joint project between the Knicks family and the Royal Academy of Magic. No matter how we fly, we won't have any trouble. Now we just have to wait to enter the Sen'jin plane."

Palin quickly replied: "By the way, Marfa Merlin, do you know what's going on in the Sen'jin Plane? It is said that the Sen'jin Plane is a legendary plane. Ten thousand years ago, there were countless people who wanted to find the Sen'jin plane, but in the end, none of them could succeed. Among them, it seemed that there were elves and demons..."

"How do I know?" Lynch rolled his eyes. This Palin is really a complete idiot. It's the first time I went to the Sen'jin plane, OK? Now you ask me what's inside the Sen'jin plane, how could I possibly Tell the exact answer?

"Okay..." Palin looked at Lynch's expression carefully. He could see that Lynch really didn't know much about the situation on the Sen'jin plane. He said he didn't know before, so he didn't bother to tell himself. , But this time, it shouldn't be for the same reason...

Thinking of this, Palin couldn't help but laughed: "So there are things in this world that you don't know about Marfa Merlin!"

"There are so many things I don't know. What's weird about this..." Lynch said in a huff: "But anyway, your qualifications to be able to enter the Senjin plane in this life are already quite fortunate. After entering the Sen'jin Plane this time, I hope you can seize this opportunity well, otherwise next time, you may never have the opportunity to enter the Sen'jin Plane again."

"I know this..." Palin said with a little excitement: "I believe that it must be a place beyond the plane of revival. When I enter this time, I will definitely be able to fulfill my wish and become a wizard. "

"Then you work hard..." Lynch glanced around, and then sighed slightly accusingly, "Palin, I hope you'd better pay attention to your own words. Regarding the revival plane, you must never talk to the second person. Speak up, you know? Otherwise, if you kill me in the future, I won't be taking you into the plane of revival."

"Got it..." Palin was taken aback at the moment, not taking him to revive the plane? What's a joke... Since the last time he was promoted to the Archmage on the plane of revival, Palin really fell in love with this seat. If it weren’t for going to the Sen’jin plane suddenly, then Palin would definitely pester Lin. Qi went directly to revive the plane.

And now, if it were said that Lynch would no longer take him to the Revival Plane, Palin really couldn't find a place to cry.

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