The First Mage

Chapter 1500: Situation

"Yes." Lynch nodded. Sorcerer Sally, after all, is the most core Sorcerer of the Watson family. Since he publicly announced the peace in the public, he would naturally not cheat. So Lynch didn't worry that he would deceive himself.

After Lynch nodded, the Sorcerer Sally quickly came to Lynch’s side, and the two of them discussed immediately, and at the same time, Lynch also recovered all the magic power. At the same time, Including the alchemy puppets below, they were also taken back by Lynch.

And those members of the Watson family who lost the threat of the alchemy puppets, now finally got a chance to breathe, and then, a large number of figures were sitting on the ground panting, looking up at the Sally and Sorcerer in the air. Lynch.

In their view, reconciling this matter is also somewhat incredible, and even something that shouldn't have happened at all.

Take a look at their current situation...

Few of the Watson family members who survived were intact, most of them suffered serious injuries, and the ground was covered with the bodies of Watson family members. Among them, even There are still many corpses of wizards.

After Lynch caused such astonishing damage to the Watson family, Sorcerer Sally wanted to make peace with Malfa Merlin? It can be said that they are the same as those magicians, they are also unable to accept this.

Many people even wanted to interrupt the process of peace between Lynch and Sorcerer Sally.

But in the end no one did it...

Within the Watson family, in fact, the concept of class is also extremely serious. As the highest-ranking magician, almost no one dares to resist the decision he made. The mentor has been out with the Great Sorcerer all this time, and now he suddenly comes back. It is impossible to say that he did not get the approval of the Great Sorcerer.

In other words, most people can guess that the matter of making peace is definitely not only the meaning of Salisbury, it must also have the authorization of the Great Sorcerer, otherwise, just Sorcerer Shari alone, I am afraid he would not dare to make such a decision easily...

Since it was meant by the Great Sorcerer, there is nothing to say.

These living members of the Watson family are all staring at each other now, and everyone’s eyes are full of decadence. Today is definitely the most humiliating day since the establishment of the Watson family, and all the things that have happened today. , May affect their life.

As long as the people involved in this battle, in the future in front of Mafa Merlin, they may not be able to look up...

This is not only for these ordinary members, but also for the breathless magicians who were suppressed by Lynch.

And Lynch and Sorcerer Shali discussed the content of the peace talk for almost half an hour, until this time, the curtain completely came to an end.

Immediately afterwards, Sorcerer Sally recorded these contents on the parchment and announced the contents loudly.

Of course, this is also Lynch's proposal. After all, talking about this kind of thing is generally not confidential. The more people know, the better it is for Lynch.

In fact, the content of the peace talk is very simple. He needs only one condition, and that is, from now on, the Watson family must not look for the tower of Merlin and his troubles. This is what Lynch needs most at the moment. After all, if it weren't for the Watson family to constantly trouble him, he wouldn't come to attack the Watson family.

In addition, Lynch felt that there should be no need for other additional payments.

After all, in today’s battle, he has completely conquered this group of wizards of the Watson family. I believe that in the next time, these members of the Watson family will all walk around after seeing him. Moreover, they should not dare to approach the tower of Master Merlin...

Of course, if it is just these contents, it will certainly not be discussed for half an hour.

Before the Watson family kidnapped Red Merlin, Lynch also settled an account with the Watson family. In the end, in order to compensate Red Merlin, Lynch asked the Watson family for ten magic weapons... …These ten magic weapons basically have some special abilities, and they are magic weapons that only the Watson family possess.

It's like the cloak of invisibility...

These magic weapons are also the same as the cloak of invisibility, possessing some quite useful effects, and Lynch feels that after entering the Sen'jin plane in the future, he should be able to use it.

After waiting for Sally Sally to announce the content of the peace, the members of the Watson family underneath, including the Sorcerers, were undoubtedly more downcast. After all, they felt that the Watson family, Suffered a great humiliation...

It’s just that Lynch doesn’t care about these things. He smiled and looked at Sorcerer Sally: "Sally Sorcerer, just writing these contents on the parchment, it’s inevitable that it tastes a bit bad. I think we should sign a blood contract, okay?"

"Yes." Mage Shali twitched. Now he also feels that there is no face on his face. Since he is in such a situation, it is not a problem to sign a blood contract with Lynch.

Soon, the two of them signed a blood contract.

After signing the bloodline contract, it is absolutely impossible to violate the content of this remark. After all, if you violate it, then the Sally Sorcerer will fall in an instant...

If the Watson family really didn't care about the life and death of the Sally Sorcerer, and forced to violate the words and content, then Lynch didn't care.

Until this time, Lin Qi stretched lazily: "Okay, then I will leave now..."

After speaking, Lynch flew out of the Watson family headquarters.

To be honest, although the contract has been signed, Lynch has been a little trapped until now. After all, the reaction of the Watson family is really abnormal, and I don’t know why it was able to force a family. Make peace with yourself, it seems that this matter must be taken to heart, and look back and investigate carefully...

It would also prevent the Watson family from playing tricks in secret.

After Lynch left, the members of the Watson family still sat motionless on the ground. The frustration that Lynch brought to them just now was unprecedented, and almost everyone is now immersed in anger and grief.

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