The First Mage

Chapter 1499: trend

After the Watson family lost information on the Sen'jin plane last time, the Knicks announced that they would no longer cooperate with the Watson family, which caused the Watson family to miss the Sen'jin plane.

If this trend continues, then when the Knicks family enters the Sen'jin plane, their Watson family can only watch it, but there is no way to follow it.

This is obviously something that the Watson family cannot accept.

Therefore, the Great Sorcerer himself took action, looking for a way to enter the Sen'jin plane.

And this way, he finally found it in the dark plane, but the dark plane is about to be destroyed after all, so the time left for the Great Sorcerer is extremely tight, which is also caused, he can't easily leave Sen'jin now. Plane.

However, at this time, the Great Sorcerer learned that Lynch was attacking the Watson family through some communication tools. For a while, even the Great Sorcerer was caught in a rage. in……

If he is not in the dark plane now, and what he is doing is not about the Sen'jin plane, then he must have appeared in the Watson family now, and then directly took Lynch’s life, but, embarrassing. The thing is, he can't leave the dark plane now...

You must know that the space coordinates of the Dark Plane are one-way, and they can only go out and not in. Once he leaves the Dark Plane, he will never be able to enter again. In this way, he will miss the Sen'jin Plane again. , Regarding this legendary plane, this great wizard, naturally, could not give up so easily.

Therefore, after some consideration, the Great Sorcerer sent Salisbury back first.

Through communication tools, he almost knows the current situation of the family. The strength of that Marfa Merlin is too strong. Without him, the great wizard, it would be impossible to rely on the existing power of the Watson family. It is because of this that he has dealt with Mafa Merlin. He now has only one choice, and this choice is to make peace with Mafa Merlin...

Only in this way can it be ensured that the Watson family's loss will end and that Marfa Merlin will not be uprooted by the roots, and at the same time, he can continue to find a way to enter the Sen'jin plane in the dark plane with peace of mind.

Of course, this reconciliation is also temporary. When he finishes dealing with the matter over there and leads the Watson family into the Sen'jin plane, at that time, it will be when Mafa Merlin will pay the price...

Mage Sally thought of these things in his mind, but it was the meaning of the Great Sorcerer after all, so it is impossible for Sorcerer Sally to tell them all, so although everyone is I can't figure it out, but the current Mage Sally can only continue to carry out the meaning of the Great Sorcerer.

"How about it, Marfa Merlin, do you want to make peace with us or go on your own way?" Sorcerer Shali quickly set his eyes on Lynch again and asked.

Lynch was a little stunned at the moment. After all, the attitude of the Watson family made him very confused. This was completely unexpected. Before he came to the Watson family, it can be said that all the consequences have been carefully considered, but he Just never thought that the Watson family would actually make peace with him...

So for a while, Lynch didn't know what reaction to make...

"Have you considered it yet? Or, do you want to refuse?" Sorcerer Sally looked at Lynch.

Lynch thought about it carefully: "If the Watson family wants to make peace, then I naturally don't have any opinion, but there is still the possibility of making peace now?"

This is what Lynch is more curious about...

After all, he led the alchemy puppet to attack the Watson family today. It can be said that the foundation of the Watson family has been smashed. Now the Watson family’s vitality is greatly injured. He wants to recover without a few years of effort. Less than.

But in such a bad situation, does the Watson family really want to make peace?

Of course, Lynch did not lie about the peace talks just now, he can indeed accept the peace talks this way of solving problems...

You know, even the Watson family must pay attention to credibility.

Now, under the gaze of countless eyes, the content of their peace talks will be infinitely magnified. At that time, every one of them will almost become known to everyone. Under such circumstances, unless The Watson family is really shameless, otherwise they will never violate these contents.

On this point, Lynch is relatively confident.

Therefore, even if it is to make peace with the Watson family, it is nothing.

"Naturally, it is possible to make peace." Sorcerer Shali took a deep breath. To be honest, even he himself was unwilling to make peace with Lynch. He just wanted to kill Lynch for those who died. People get revenge, but since this is the order of the Great Sorcerer, he has no choice but to obey it.

Moreover, Sorcerer Sally knew what it meant to the Watson family once he made peace...

After all, Lynch committed suicide into the Watson family alone...

After killing so many members of the Watson family and destroying the headquarters of the Watson family to such an extent, the Watson family will instead make peace with him. It is expected that when the news goes out, the name Marfa Merlin , Will reach the peak of popularity in an instant, he will directly become the most shining star in the capital, and at the same time, the reputation of the Watson family will drop to the bottom, completely reduced to an influential force, it is estimated that no matter who it is, it will be Look down on the Watson family from the heart...

It can be said that Lynch will step on the shoulders of the Watson family to realize the road to rise...

But no way...

Now I can only make peace.

After all, things about the Senjin plane are the most important.

As long as their Watson family can enter the Sen'jin plane, everything they have lost at that time can be retrieved...

"Since you are willing to make peace, please make peace. I don't care." Lynch shrugged. Today, he has taught the Watson family a severe lesson, and this level, in Lynch’s view, is almost the same. It's already enough, and it doesn't make much sense to continue the destruction.

In contrast, it is a very cost-effective business to gain some benefits for yourself by making peace.

"Well, let's discuss the details of the peace now." Sorcerer Shali took a deep breath and said to the cube.

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