The First Mage

Chapter 1501: Incomplete

Especially those magicians, one by one was downcast and couldn't lift the slightest spirit.

Looking at them, Sorcerer Sally couldn’t help gritted his teeth and said: "Look at what you look like, it's just a Marfa Merlin, and you can make the Watson family like this. If I didn't come back in time. , I believe that the current Watson family will only get worse. After this incident is over, I hope you can learn your lesson and work hard to enhance the overall power of the Watson family, and strive to bring the Watson family back to its peak as soon as possible."

"Okay, hurry up and clean up the current mess, take [Bequge] down, our Watson family, there is a big plan to proceed..."

After leaving this sentence, regardless of the reaction of those magicians, Salisbury Mage disappeared into the sight of everyone.

At the same time, Lynch, who had just left the Watson family, did not return directly to the Merlin Mage Tower, but quickly fell to the ground and looked behind him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Sorcerer Doria and Sorcerer Odin to appear in Lynch's sight.

"Sorcerer Doria, Sorcerer Odin, look at what I said is right... I can indeed handle the Watson family well, now you don't need to worry?" Looking at them, Lynch was relaxed Smile.

"You guy..." Sorcerer Doria and Sorcerer Odin looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

They could say that everything that happened in the Watson family headquarters before was in their eyes, so now they also know what Sally Sally made peace with Lynch, so they are so shocked now...

After all, this fact is too unscientific...

In this world, it is probably only Lynch who can do this step by himself...

In fact, if you change individuals, even the Great Sorcerer will not easily enter the Watson family...

"It seems that I will really know you again in the future, Sorcerer Marfa Merlin." Sorcerer Odin stared at Lynch for a long time before taking a deep breath.

Lynch touched his nose: "Magic Odin, you are welcome... I am still the Marfa Merlin, and nothing has changed..."

"What you do today, in the next period of time, should be spread throughout the entire capital. When you appear in the capital, you may be seen as a monkey... so I suggest you next For a while, it's better to stay at the Royal Academy of Magic, it is better not to wander around... just wait to enter the Sen'jin plane." said Doria Sorcerer.

Lynch shrugged: "Today's battle really exhausted me. Actually, I don't need to remind you, I will take a good rest for a while, otherwise I will enter the Sen'jin plane at that time, and my state may affect the exploration progress... …"

"Then go directly to the Royal Academy of Magic?" Sorcer Doria asked.

Lynch shook his head: "Before I go back, I will go to Master Merlin's tower to have a look. As you all know, once I enter the Sen'jin plane, I will inevitably be unable to return for a long time, so I still have to do some things. Let me explain."

"Yes." Sorcerer Odin and Sorcerer Doria glanced at each other. They had no opinion on Lynch's idea.

Now that Lynch has just made peace with the Watson family, the Watson family should not trouble Lynch anymore, so he is very safe now, if so, let him go, anyway, enter the Sen'jin plane, and a period of time……

Therefore, after bidding farewell to Sorcerer Doria and Sorcerer Odin, Lynch returned to the tower of Mage Merlin.

In the tower of Master Merlin, Red Merlin was walking back and forth anxiously.

The alchemists around didn't know what happened to Redmelin, so they looked at him blankly, but due to Redmelin's identity, they didn't dare to come up and ask at will.

This situation continued until the moment when Lynch came back.

When Lynch appeared in the hall of Master Merlin's tower, Red Merlin seemed to have seen countless gold coins, and immediately greeted him with bright eyes.

"Mafa Merlin, you finally came back, how is it, you are not injured?" Red Merlin looked at Lynch up and down. When he saw that Lynch was not hurt at all, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, but immediately Fortunately, said: "It seems that Sorcerer Odin and Sorcerer Doria have persuaded you to come back, right?"

What Lynch is going to do on this trip, Redmelin is very clear. In his opinion, if Lynch has really gone to the Watson family, then it must be seriously injured now, and even have to be carried. come back……

Since nothing happened now, it also meant that he might not have gone to the Watson family at all.

And when Lynch heard what Redmerlin said, he suddenly felt dumbfounded. To be honest, he wanted to remind Redmerlin and then tell him that he really had just returned from the Watson family, but think about it. , Lynch still didn't say it.

Anyway, this news will soon spread throughout every street and alley in the capital, and Redmelin will naturally know the news by then, and there is no need to say more by yourself.

"Uncle, I feel a little tired I will go to rest first, and when I wake up, I am arranging some plans for the next development of Merlin's tower with you."

"Huh? Why do you want to say this all of a sudden? Don't you worry that the Watson family is making trouble?" Redmelin smiled bitterly: "We are about to leave the royal capital soon. What development are we thinking about at this time... Find a place to rebuild a mage tower."

"..." Looking at Red Merlin's dejected look, Lynch couldn't help being full of black lines: "Okay, I'm going out soon. Some things must be explained. Anyway, no matter what happens, wait. I'll talk about it after I'm over..."

"Okay..." Seeing Lynch’s back gradually disappearing from sight, Redmelin opened his mouth, and finally didn’t say anything, but although he had only been in contact with Lynch for a short time, he always felt that now Lynch’s is a little weird, looking at himself like watching a clown...

I don't know what's wrong...

Alas, maybe it's my own illusion!

It's just that this thought disappeared in the next day, because Red Merlin had already learned about Lynch and the Watson family from the mouth of the alchemist below...

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