The First Mage

Chapter 1498: Salisbury

"Marfa Merlin, that's enough, do you really want to live with us Watson?"

"Huh?" Listening to this voice, Lynch quickly looked towards the source of the sound, and immediately saw a spatial crack appearing rapidly among the crowd, and then an old figure walked directly from inside. Came out.

At this time, Lynch could clearly see what this person looked like.

That was a very old magician, almost hundreds of years old, his beard was very long and fell down to his stomach, but his whole body was filled with the aura of a superior, his eyes were also very sharp, although he There is no magic wave around his body, but Lynch can feel a tremendous amount of pressure when facing him.

"Mage Sally..." When he saw him, Lynch recognized the identity of the Sorcerer all at once. Sorcerer Sally was the most powerful of the Watson family. It is said that his strength is infinitely close to that of the Great Sorcerer. He only needs to upgrade step by step, and within a few hundred years, he can definitely become a Great Sorcerer.

His status in the Watson family is also extremely high. Except for the Great Sorcerer, he is one person and more than ten thousand people. The operation of the entire Watson family can be said to be under his control. under.

"Since you know me, it's much easier, Marfa Merlin, I advise you to stop right now, otherwise our Watson family won't let you off easily." Mage Sally looked around. The large number of corpses, and the suppressed wizards who couldn't lift their heads, couldn't help cursing in their hearts, and then looked at Lynch coldly.

The corner of Lynch's mouth raised a curve: "When is it, Sorcerer Sally, do you dare to threaten me? Don't you know that before I came to the Watson family, I had prepared all kinds of psychological preparations? "

"..." Mage Shali was speechless for a while. Yes, Mafa Merlin seemed to be right. He was threatening the young mage at this time, which was indeed unnecessary.

Looking at the exceptionally young Sorcerer, Sorcerer Sally couldn't help sighing in his heart. It is a pity that this guy named Marfa Merlin is not a member of their Watson family. If you say, the Watson family can be born like this. As far as the characters are concerned, then after their generation ages, they will not worry about the future of the Watson family.

It’s just now, after all, it’s not the time to think about this, they and Mafa Merlin are enemies after all...

"What do you want?" Sorcerer Sally looked at Lynch and asked.

Lynch did not speak, but looked at Sorcerer Sally with some surprise. Originally, he thought Sorcerer Sally appeared suddenly, with the same mind as the other wizards, intending to defeat himself and stop himself. The one who continues to slaughter the Watson family is only from the attitude of Sorcerer Sally, his thoughts seem to be different from others...

"Now that you have made the Watson family like this, it should be enough to smooth the anger in your heart? You should know that with your power, it is impossible to remove the Watson family. After all, the Watson family still has thousands of years. The foundation exists, even if you kill everyone here, then, our Watson family can still make a comeback." Sorcerer Sally said.

When Lin Qi heard this, he couldn't help looking at Sorcerer Sally thoughtfully: "Mr. Sally, you are telling me this now. Could it be that you intend to make peace with me?"

"Yes. I really intend to make peace with you." Sorcerer Shali took a deep breath and followed.

"Huh?" Although there was already relevant speculation in his mind, Lynch was still surprised when the affirmative answer came out of Sally's mouth. After all, he did not expect that the Watson family would be so. Just bow your head easily...

"Are you kidding?"

"When is it all, do you think I still have the thought of joking?" Sorcerer Shali said impatiently.

After that, before Lynch could speak again, it was the wizards of the Watson family who were gasping for a while. They immediately rushed to the side of the wizard Sally and followed the incredulous words. : "Magic Shali, this is your decision? Are you kidding me, the **** Marfa Merlin almost destroyed our family headquarters, and now he wants to make peace with him? Is it just letting go? he?"

"Yes, Sorcerer Shari, if you do it yourself, then you can definitely kill Malfa Merlin. As long as Mafa Merlin is dead, these alchemy puppets are not justified and we can win. Up."

These wizards of the Watson family were all in great shock.

"Shut up all of you." Sorcerer Shali said viciously: "This is not my decision. You should know that I went to the dark plane with the Great Sorcerer not long ago, and he just asked me to return. The family then announced the news."

"The order of the Great Sorcerer?"

The many magicians all had big eyes and small eyes. To be honest, this fact was so shocking to them that they were already unacceptable.

However, if it was the order of the Great Sorcerer, then they were a bit helpless. After all, they did not dare to violate the will of the Great Sorcerer.

"But, why does the Great Sorcerer make peace? Since he can send you back, it means that he can also come back... he wants to solve Mafa Merlin, isn't it a matter of thought?" Some magicians, because they really couldn't figure it out, they mustered the courage to ask.

Sorcerer Shali didn't speak, just a wry smile.

In fact, the great magician of their Watson family did not want to come back...

However, he has no way to come back now.

What these magicians didn't know was that the current dark plane was on the verge of collapse.

In fact, this dark plane should have been destroyed as early as three days ago, but the great wizard of the Watson family, with a strong force, prevented the continued defeat of the rules of the world and prevented the destruction. Driven by, the dark plane has not been truly destroyed until now.

However, the power of the Great Sorcerer also has a limit. He can stop it for three days, which is already quite the limit. According to his estimation, in one day's time, that dark plane will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, within the time of this day, he must find what he wants to find in the dark plane...

That thing is about the Senjin plane...

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