The First Mage

Chapter 1489: Spell bombing

Before, he thought that after bringing so many wizards as assistants, they must be able to easily deal with Mafa Merlin, but he never expected that now Mafa Merlin’s strength is beyond imagination. Under the bombardment of a large number of Tier 3 spells, they have completely suppressed all of them and the wizards...

On the field, the large number of Tier 3 spells released by Lynch is equivalent to forming a torrent of spells in a sense. The magic light floods all the area covered by the magic enchantment, even in the magic light. It was difficult to find the figures of the magicians, only the panicked shouts could be heard.

Lynch floated in the air, looking at the whimsical thoughts below, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lifted up, and then he sent alchemy puppets to rush into the magic light, and then rampage inside, attacking the wizards.

Although these alchemy puppets suffered extremely serious losses under the influence of the magical power, but with the support of the repair shop, Lynch did not care about the loss of the alchemy puppets at all, as long as these wizards could be solved, At that time, relying on the power of the repair shop, you can restore these alchemy puppets to normal in a short time.

Numerous powerful spells bombarded the crowd for three minutes. Of course, the first batch of Tier 3 spells naturally couldn’t last for so long, mainly because Lynch once again Added several batches of Tier 3 spells.

This kind of thing, in the eyes of normal magicians, is certainly incredible, because their magic power does not support them to make such a consumption, but for Lynch, wanting to do this is completely Without the slightest pressure, after all, the second stage of the magic furnace, the ability to restore magic is so strong that Lynch now consumes only one-third of the magic.

And this one-third of the mana that has been consumed is now rapidly recovering.

This is the radical change in Lynch’s strength after he was promoted to the Sorcerer...

After Lynch’s magical light finally dissipated, on the field at this moment, as the line of sight gradually became clear, you could see a large number of Watson family wizards, all lying scattered. On the ground, it was obvious that under the bombardment of various third-order spells just now, many people had already lost their lives.

Lynch looked around and found that among the numerous corpses, there was still a faint breath.

Lynch smiled and flew directly towards the faint breath. When he landed, Lynch took a look and found that the only one who survived was the Sorcerer Rainer, but the current Sorcerer Rainer Shi, it was indeed abnormally weak. The body was bombarded by third-order spells with wounds, blood and blood, and it seemed to have a shocking feeling.

Moreover, his breathing seemed extremely weak, and he knew at a glance that he only had the last breath left, which could fall at any time.

"You know now? It's impossible to calculate me." Lin Qi said lightly when he looked at the Reiner Sorcerer who was left with the last breath.

Sorcerer Rainer's lips squirmed, and he seemed to want to say something, but now he has no strength to speak, he can only make a muffled sound from his throat.

Lynch shook his head: "Don't worry, the rest of your Watson family will come to accompany you soon. You also know that the senior leaders of the Watson family have always wanted to kill me in order to target me. I kept coming up with all kinds of vicious plans. Under such circumstances, I can only take the initiative to fight back. Otherwise, if you succeed, what should I do?"

"..." Sorcerer Rainer twitched.

"Aren't you curious, what do I want to do?" Lynch said with a smile: "Actually, what I want to do is very simple. That is to completely destroy the entire Watson family. Don't worry, this day will be soon. There will be many members of the Watson family who will meet you again, but they will not meet in the Anriel world."

A ray of light suddenly struck across the neck of Sorcerer Rainer, followed by Sorcerer Rainer's body twitching quickly, his eyes widened, and it didn't take long before he swallowed his last breath.

Lynch breathed a long sigh of relief when the Reina Sorcerer was dealt with, and then returned to House.

As soon as Lynch came over, House said excitedly: "Master, your strength is really too strong. With so many magicians, you have solved them all so simply. House really admires you... …"

"Okay, don't say so many polite remarks..." Lynch rolled his eyes, and immediately dismissed the vine technique. In the first battle, Lynch did not forget to maintain the vine technique, which made Josta and Peibo, Alder and others were unable to escape from here.

But now, even though the magic vines were lifted, the bosses of these three mage towers also fell to the ground, but their faces were pale and trembling, and they didn't mean to resist at all.

Just now, in the battle between Lynch and the magicians, they could say that they were watching the entire process. The bodies of the magicians on the ground constantly stimulated them, letting them know that Lynch’s strength, after all, How terrible...

Therefore, these three people now look at Lynch as if they look at a devil. He can't figure out how could there be such a perverted character in this world...

"You guys want to die with the wizards, too?" Lynch looked at Josta and the others, and asked with a smile.

After that, the bosses of the several mage towers that used to be high above all changed their expressions, and then they squatted on the ground begging for mercy: "No... don't kill us."

"It seems that you all don't want to die." Lynch tweeted: "Originally, you worked with the Watson family, did you think you found asylum? And this asylum is enough to protect your safety? It's a pity that you don't seem to have a good vision. Well, the Watson family did not have the ability to protect you at all. You eventually fell into my hands."

Josta's face changed: "The last time we caught Red Merlin, we were really fainted, so we were fooled by the Watson family and made such an unforgivable mistake, but you can rest assured, as long as you can let it go We, we must leave the royal capital directly and will never appear in front of you again!"

Although Peper and Alder beside him did not speak, they knew from their panic expressions that they didn't want to die in this place...

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