The First Mage

Chapter 1490: The strongest spell tower

Territory is very important, business is very important, and money is also very important, but these things, when compared with life, are not even a shit. After all, you are dead, so what do you need these resources? use?

"If you don't want to die, then come back to Master Merlin's tower with me now." Lynch thought for a while, but didn't really kill these three people. After all, the three of them still have a certain purpose: "As for receiving What do I need you to do next, should you all know?"


The bosses of the three mage towers looked at each other, and several of them subconsciously showed hopelessness, because they knew that once they followed Lynch back to the Merlin Mage tower, they would all be over.

After decades of careful development of the business, I am afraid that all of them will leave them overnight and become the private property of Master Meilin's tower.

This kind of thing, just thinking about it, can already make them unhappy.

But no way, now they have fallen into Lynch’s hands, they have no choice...

Thinking about what they did back then, a few people are a little regretful now. If they didn’t follow the arrangements of the Watson family and didn’t target the tower of Master Merlin, then they must still sit steadily among the four masters of the capital. The seat of the tower is not as embarrassing as it is now, or even about to lose everything.

To be honest, all three of them regret it.

It’s just that it’s too late to regret now...

That night, Lynch brought all the bosses of the three Mage Towers back to Mage Merlin Tower, and then followed Red Merlin and worked the whole night.

No one knows what Lynch and Red Meilin did this night, but after dawn the next day, the alchemists in the tower of Master Meilin came to the three towers and began to receive The site and business of these three mage towers.

At the beginning, the people of the three major towers were naturally unwilling, but these alchemists from the towers of Merlin also came prepared, and immediately took out the letters from the bosses of the towers. .

The content of the handwritten letter is also very simple, that is, all the business and territory in the respective mage tower shall be handed over to the mage plumlin tower.

what does this mean?

It means that since then, whether it is the double-headed snake mage tower or other mage towers, all belong to the Meilin mage tower, and everything about them has become a vassal of the Meilin mage tower...

After detailed identification of the handwriting and signature on this personal letter, the alchemists of the mage tower had to admit that this was indeed the handwriting of their boss, and because of this, although they were unwilling, they also Had to open the door obediently, and then let the people from the tower of Master Merlin enter.

And all this did not let Lynch and Redmelin come forward, just a Sieg, it has been completely processed.

At this time, Sieg once again demonstrated his powerful ability. Within a day, he had completed the business and construction of the three major mage towers. At the same time, he had begun to make an integration plan. I believe it will not take long, Merlin The mage tower can complete the integration with these three mage towers. At that time, the four mage towers will completely become the only mage tower, that is, the Meilin mage tower.

At that time, the most powerful mage tower in the history of the royal capital can be announced.

And this incident, as expected, set off a storm of public opinion again in the capital. Almost everyone did not expect that Lynch would be able to directly connect the three major mage towers in such a short period of time. Defeated, while letting them willingly join the tower of Master Merlin.

Especially the bosses of Master Merlin's Tower Alliance were even more shocked. After all, this incident was so sudden that they couldn't react at all.

Before, although it was said that Master Meilin’s tower had already released words to resolve the matter of the three major towers within three days, now, the time has not passed three days...

Just one day...

But in such a short period of time, the three major mage towers have completely become history, and they have been removed from the Meilin mage tower.

This kind of thing is not an exaggeration.

Of course, what shocked the mages in the royal capital most was the bodies of the Watson family wizards found in the 73rd block. You know, these fallen characters are not just casually on the street. A handful of ordinary wizards were picked up, each of which was a superior wizard, and all of them were old wizards who had been promoted to wizards for a long time, but now, everyone has fallen to this place...

Although the Watson family is rich in wealth and there are at least more than a hundred wizards in the family, the loss of more than a dozen wizards at once still shakes the foundation of the Watson family and makes the entire Watson family. , All fell into a panic.

Many people don't know why these magicians of theirs fell, and at the same time, who was able to kill so many magicians at one time, who was the horrible existence?

Could it be that the Great Sorcerer did it himself?

After all, in the capital city, anyone who dared to kill so many wizards of the Watson family at one time, apart from the few great wizards, they really couldn't think of any other people.

But if the Great Sorcerer does it himself, then the question is again. Why does this Great Sorcerer kill so many of the Watson family?

Could it be that you are not afraid to bring out the great wizard of the Watson family?

All of this made the members of the Watson family puzzled.

Of course, they can't figure it out. It doesn't mean that the senior members of the Watson family can't figure it out...

You know, they know why these wizards went to the 73rd block. After all, they were dispatched after discussion before.

And their mission content, there is only one, and that is to cooperate with the three major mage towers to capture Mafa Merlin, or to kill it directly.

But now, the bosses of the three major mage towers mysteriously disappeared, and the Merlin mage tower also took over the sites and business of the three mage towers, and all the wizards they sent out have fallen.

For a while, almost all the senior leaders understood.

All this was done by Marfa Merlin...

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