The First Mage

Chapter 1488: Wait and see

"Book of Ten Thousand Laws?" Among the many magicians, a few sharp-eyed recognized Lynch’s Book of Ten Thousand Laws, followed by everyone subconsciously showing greed, like It is a magic weapon in the legend like the Book of Ten Thousand Dharma. As long as it is seen, even a magician will give birth to greed for it.

"Unexpectedly, this fellow Marfa Merlin still holds the Book of Ten Thousand Dharma. This is unexpected, but if he can be killed today, then this Book of Ten Thousand Dharma belongs to us and belongs to the Watson family. Yes." said the Sorcerer Rainer.

Lynch shook his head helplessly: "When is the time, still thinking about my book of ten thousand laws, do you think you can grab it?"

At the stage of the Archmage, Lynch did not dare to expose the Book of Ten Thousand Laws at all. After all, at that time, he did not have enough ability to protect the Book of Ten Thousand Laws, but now it is different. After all, he has become The Sorcerer is now, and he decided to kill all the Sorcerers, so even if the Book of Ten Thousand Dharma is exposed, there is no problem.

"Really? Then wait and see." Sorcerer Rainer said.

However, despite the words, the torrent of second-order spells and the large number of alchemy puppets around did indeed cause trouble to these wizards. Soon, each of the wizards came up with all kinds of Tier 3 spells clean up all obstacles on the field.

Including Lynch’s second-order spell torrent, it was also submerged by numerous third-order spells at this moment, and then slowly disappeared from the sight of everyone.

This is the terrifying power brought by the cooperation of more than a dozen wizards...

If it is a mere magician, it takes a certain amount of time to chant spells, so under normal circumstances, in such a short time, it is impossible to release so many third-order spells, so he is dealing with the flood of second-order spells At that time, it was not as straightforward as it is now.

But at this moment, the magicians present had enough time to release a third-order spell, and finally all the third-order spells merged together, and their power naturally surpassed the flood of second-order spells released by the Book of Ten Thousand Magicians.

"It seems that your Book of Ten Thousand Laws can't have a significant effect." The Reiner Sorcerer finally showed a smile. Now on the field, not only Lynch's second-order spell torrent has been resolved. However, most of the alchemy puppets everywhere were wiped out by them. As a result, the aura of this Malfa Merlin would naturally be reduced to the extreme.

Even he should be able to see the absolute gap between him and the Watson family.

If Marfa Merlin is acquainted, it is best to surrender directly now, so as not to waste each other's time.

Unfortunately, under the observation of the Sorcerer Rainer, he discovered that even if the torrent of second-order spells and alchemy puppets have been broken one after another, but Mafa Merlin’s face did not show the slightest tension. Instead, it was as calm as ever.

This makes Mage Reina feel strange, doesn't this guy know what nervousness is?

But soon, Sorcerer Rainer knew why Lynch was so calm.

Just after the group of alchemy puppets were solved, their fragments were quickly recovered by Lynch. The recovery process was also extremely fast, making it impossible for everyone to see exactly how Lynch did the recovery.

But these are not important. The important thing is that there will soon be more alchemy puppets on the field.

Not only do they have the most peak combat power, but at the same time, their number is even more than the first batch of alchemy puppets...

"Damn, this guy has too many alchemy puppets, right? How can there be so many alchemy puppets on a mage?" Mage Reina and some other mages changed their faces at this time. , Lynch’s movement undoubtedly shocked them, which completely exceeded their cognitive scope.

Moreover, there is something even more surprising to them...

It was the spell Lynch was releasing at the moment.

In fact, the spell that Lynch released is nothing special, that is, a simple third-order spell, Starlight. What really surprised the Sorcerer Rainer and others was the speed at which Lynch released the starlight... …

All the magicians present were all capable of releasing third-order spells.

It’s just that when they release Tier 3 spells, under normal circumstances, they need up to ten seconds to chant. Only in this way can they release the light of the stars completely. Look at the time that Lynch just took, even less than a second.

They had only heard of instant first-order spells and second-order spells before. After all, they could also do this, but like Mafa Merlin, instant third-order spells, honestly they were indeed unheard of...

Is this too exaggerated?

And what was even more outrageous was still behind. After the dazzling purple light of the starlight exploded on the field, in an instant, Marfa Merlin released two other third-order spells one after another. At the same time, the fourth Five, a full ten powerful Tier 3 spells appeared in the crowd at the same time.

This is really shocking...

As we all know, it is extremely difficult to release third-order spells. It not only requires extremely long singing time, but also consumes a lot of magic power when releasing it. If too many third-order spells are released in a short time, then The magical power of this magician would not be able to sustain it either.

But now, after so many Tier 3 spells were cast instantly, Lynch didn’t change his face. At the same time, the magical aura was stable and long, and there was no sign of any loss of magical power. This alone was able to be present. The members of the Watson family were all frightened.

Damn, is this really a newcomer who has just been promoted to Sorcerer?

But now, they have no time to think so much. Under the bombardment of a large number of Tier 3 spells, this place has become an extremely dangerous place, and every Tier 3 spell covers a huge range, enough to be present. All the wizards are included, not to mention that among so many Tier 3 spells, there is also the extremely destructive chain of dead light. All of the wizards have lost their relationship with Lynch. The mind of resistance flees everywhere.

And among the crowd, the most shocking was Mage Rainer.

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